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1. 参加户外运动能丰富我们的生活。

Taking part in outdoor activities will enrich our life.

2. 在最近两年中,天气已经变得暖多了

The weather has become much warmer in the past/recent two years.

3. 陷入沉思中,他没有注意到我的到来。

Lost in thought, he didn't notice my coming.

4. 只有在星期天,我才有时间给家里来一个大扫除。

Only on Sunday can I have time to do a thorough cleaning for my home.

5. 她的工作是在幼儿园照看儿童。

Her job/work is looking after children in the nursery.

6. 我正在熟睡,这时听到一声巨大的爆炸声。

I was sleeping soundly when I heard a loud explosion.

7. 每次想起那个英勇牺牲的战士,她总是热泪盈眶。

Whenever she thought of the soldier who died a hero's death, she would burst into tears.

8. 学生都是在下午到图书馆来借书。

It is in the afternoon that the students come to borrow books from the library.

9. 到十五岁时他就成为有名的钢琴家了。

He had become a famous pianist by the time he was 15.

10. 那天我浑身湿透了。

The other day I was wet through/all over.

11. 比起我们,今天的学生背负着沉重的课业负担

Compared with us, students today are heavily burdened with homework

12. 直着往前走,你就能在十分钟之内赶到医院的。

Go/Walk straight ahead, and you'll get to the hospital in ten minutes.

13. 当他还在学校时,他老是忙于组织各种课外活动。

He used to be busy in organizing all kinds of out-of-class activities when he was in the school 14. 你能帮我下载这个文件吗?

Can you give me a hand to download the file?

15. 你认识那个站在门口的男孩吗?

Do you know the boy (who is) standing by the door?

16. 无论发生什么,你都要昂首挺胸走自己的路。

Whatever happens, you should follow your own course, holding your head high.

17. 我突然想起他正在做兼职。

It occurred to me that he is doing/taking up a part-time job.

18. 万一闻到焦味,请先切断电源。

Once you smell something burning, cut off the electricity_

19. 他昨晚做的那个报告听起来很有意思。

The report he gave yesterday evening sounded interesting.

20, 令我欣慰的是,Jim 可以自己穿衣服了。

To my great relief, Jim can dress himself now.

21. 三清山的风景之美真是无与伦比。

The beauty of the scenery of Sanqing Mountain is beyond compare.

22. 我们绝不能向敌人低头。

By no means can we give in to the enemy.

23. 他是个你完全可以依赖的人。

He is the very person that you can truly depend on.

24. 在那孤岛上,Robinson Crusoe 给自己做了一只小船。

On the lonely island Robinson Crusoe made himself a boat.

25. 直到火车消失在远处,她才意识到她有可能永远失去他了。

Not until the train disappeared in the distance did she realize she might lose him forever.

26. 考虑到村前那口井,小孩子们都不准在附近玩要。

Considering the well n front of the village, the children mustn't play nearby.

27. 我想乘船去那里更舒服些.

I think it will be more comfortable to go there by boat.

28. 灯亮着,办公室里肯定有人。

With the light still on, somebody must be in the office.

29. 从前,在海边的一个村子里住着一位老渔夫。

Once upon a time, there lived an old fisherman in a village on the seaside.

30. 我明天要请人把我的录音机修理一下。

I have to have my recorder repaired tomorrow.

31. 那位能流利地说三种语言的清洁工给我们树立了一个学习的榜样。

The gentleman who can speak three languages fluently set a good example of learning.

32. 假如你不认真对待生活,生活也不会善待你。

If you don't take life seriously, life will not treat you well. .

33. 曾经,我是那么地沉溺于网络游戏。

There was a time when I was so addicted to computer games.

34. 就我所知,他们两个结婚已经快7年了。

As far as I know, they have been married for nearly 7 years.

35. 旅行能拓宽我们的视野。

Traveling can broaden our horizons.
