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试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 试卷得分:100 单选题

一、单选题(共25 道试题,共100 分。)得分:100V

1. –How's the movie? Interesting? –( ).

A. It was shown late until midnight

B. It was starred by a few famous people

C. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV

D. I was seated far away in the corner

满分:4 分得分:4

2. – Ami, I want this report typed today. – ( ).

A. It'll be ready in the afternoon, sir

B. I'd like you to help me

C. I know nothing about the report

D. Leave it to tomorrow

满分:4 分得分:4

3. I stopped( )last year.

A. smoking

B. smoke

C. to smoke

D. smoked

满分:4 分得分:4

4. I have lived here( )1997.

A. for

B. since

C. at

D. after

满分:4 分得分:4

5. – What kind of TV program do you like best? – ( ).

A. I like them very much

B. I only watch them at weekend

C. It's hard to say, actually

D. I'm too busy to say

满分:4 分得分:4

6. – How do I get to Cairo? – ( ).

A. I'm sorry. I can't understand

B. Y ou could catch the 9:30 flight and change at Paris

C. I'm afraid you have missed the flight

D. I'm glad to show you the way

满分:4 分得分:4

7. – I don't like the sports programs on Sundays. – ( ).

A. So do I

B. Neither do I

C. So am I

D. Neither am I

满分:4 分得分:4

8. – Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver? – ( ).

A. Don't worry about me

B. Just stay in bed and have a good rest

C. There must be something wrong

D. Y es, thanks doctor. But I still feel dizzy

满分:4 分得分:4

9. He has( )four successful books.

A. wrote

B. written

C. been writing

D. writen

满分:4 分得分:4

10. – Which language do you speak at home? – ( ).

A. I speak English very well

B. I can speak English and French

C. English is my mother tongue

D. English, most of the time

满分:4 分得分:4

11. ( )majority of people agree with him.

A. The

B. A

C. 不填

D. One

满分:4 分得分:4

12. – How long have you lived in London? – ( ).

A. I moved here from Paris

B. My whole life

C. I've worked here for almost 10 years

D. I've never traveled there

满分:4 分得分:4

13. She has brought( )two children by herself.

A. 不填

B. up

C. on

D. away

满分:4 分得分:4

14. – Hello, Sally. How's everything? – ( ).

A. Good for you

B. Oh, I agree

C. That's right

D. Just so-so

满分:4 分得分:4

15. Next year, I( )plan to go to Italy.

A. am

B. 不填

C. had

D. have

满分:4 分得分:4

16. – Go that way and take a seat. – ( ).

A. No, I'm not tired

B. Thanks, but I'd rather stand

C. Y es, that's a good way

D. It doesn't matter

满分:4 分得分:4

17. – What would you like, tea or coffee? – ( ).

A. Y es, I would

B. Coffee, please

C. Y es, please

D. It's very nice

满分:4 分得分:4

18. – Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? – ( ).

A. Certainly. Here you are

B. Please don't mention it

C. It's nothing

D. Y es, I have a hand

满分:4 分得分:4

19. – Is this the motel you mentioned? – ( ).

A. It looks comfortable

B. Y es, it's as quiet as we expected

C. Y ou're so considerate

D. No, the price's reasonable

满分:4 分得分:4

20. – Is the toilet on the ground floor or 2nd floor? – ( ).

A. No, there isn't

B. Y es, it is

C. On the ground floor

D. It is empty

满分:4 分得分:4

21. – Joe will come to the party at Jane and Ian's, won't he? – ( ).

A. Oh, yeah, 1 forgot

B. It's at 8 o'clock

C. Y eah, he's bringing his cousin, Sandy

D. Y eah, it's a nice party

满分:4 分得分:4

22. – Don't take too long at the coffee shop. It's 14:15. – ( ).

A. I'll think your advice over
