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con ve nient

ap pre ci ate


1.en large

en rich;strength en; wid en; broad en;

If you adopt this way in study, you can enlarge your vocabulary, enrich your knowledge and even broaden/widen your horizons.

2. map, cool, better, further……

3. passer-by, air-conditioner




come/live up to (sb's) expectations spare no effort

on a regular basis

attach great importance to

pick/take up the story where we left off It is generally assumed that….

There is no such thing as a free lunch.


①He was troubled by a feeling that things

just didn't add up.

②His whole school education added up to no more than one year.

③Add up your score and see how many points you get.

④The bad weather added to our difficulties.

⑤Will you add more sugar to your coffee?

4、采用对比辨析法进行词汇复习hope/wish request/require/demand advise/suggest

run out/run out of/give out/use up


appeal attract attach


课文缩写填空---UNIT1 (the topic? The main idea?)

Anne was a little girl____1____ in Netherlands with her family. Because they were Jews so they had to_____2____ everywhere, _____3___they would be caught by the German Nazis. __4____ that time she had to regard the diary ____5____

her only friend, because she thought the diary was a friend___6___she could tell everything to, like her deepest _____7_____and thoughts. And she needn’t be

afraid that it would ___8_____ her, or just couldn’t understand what she

was_____9____. In one of her diaries, she described how she felt after ___10____ in the hiding place for over a year: I haven’t been able to be___11____for so long that I’ve grown so____12____ about everything __13____ with nature, the sky, the song of the birds, the flowers, even the wind and the rain....

1. All the dishes in this menu, _____otherwise stated, will serve two to three people. (2009全国卷II )A. as B. if C. though D. unless

otherwise ---differently 2. As Nancy points out, the level of success is not measured by how many people read a book, but by how many people are enriched by the process or have enjoyed speaking to someone with whom they would not otherwise have shared a word. (2011 天津)

otherwise ---if conditions were different; if not

otherwise ---except for what has been mentioned

3. The soup was cold. But otherwise the meal was excellent 6、多用英文释义
