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1. --- Where is Mary?

--- She ____ in the library.She told me she wanted to borrow some books from the library.

A. should be

B. must be

C. can be

D. must have been

2. His room is dark. He must ____ to bed. A. go B. be going C. have gone D. have been gone

3. “Will your father stay home tonight?”“I’m not sure, He ____to work.”

A. must go

B. can go

C. may be gone

D. may be going

4. “Where is Tom?”“He isn’t here I think he ____ have gone home.”

A. may

B. must

C. might

D. A or B or C

5. “I think Helen is at home.”

“ No, she ____ be at home, for she phoned me from the airport just five minutes ago.”

A. mustn’t

B. needn’t

C. can’t

D. daren’t

6. He’s late. What ____ have happened to him? A. can B. may C. should D, must

7. “ _____ he be watching TV now?” Yes, he _____ be watching TV now.” No, he _____ be watching TV now.”

A. Must; can; mustn’t

B. Can; must; can’t

C. Must; must; can’t

D. Can; can; mustn’t

8. “____ he have left yesterday?” Yes, he ____ yesterday.” No, he ____ yesterday.”

A. Must; must have left; can’t have left

B. Can; can have left; can’t have left

C. Can; must have left; can’t have left

D. May; must have left; shouldn’t have left

9. You must be a writer, ____ you? A. mustn’t B. are C. must D. aren’t

10. You must have seen her yesterday, ____ you? A. mustn’t B. haven’t C. didn’t D. don’t

11. You must have seen her, ____ you? A. haven’t B. didn’t C. don’t D. A or B

12. There was plenty of time. She ____ worried or hurried.

A. mustn’t have

B. shouldn’t have

C. must be

D. needn’t have

13. I got up early, but I ____ so because I had no work to do that morning.

A. mustn’t have done

B. didn’t need to do

C. needn’t have done

D. can’t have done

14. I ____ up early this morning. So I stayed in bed till 9 a. m.

A. needn’t have got

B. didn’t need to get

C. shouldn’t have got

D. can’t have got

15. The flower is dead. I ____ it more water.

A. will give

B. would have given

C. must give

D. should have given

16. He ____ have come here yesterday, but he didn’t. A. could B. should C. ought to D. A or B or C

17. “Must he do it?”“No, he ____.” A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. doesn’t have to D. B or C

18. “Need you go now?”“Yes, I ____.”“No, I ____.”

A. need; needn’t

B. must; needn’t

C. may; mustn’t

D. can; needn’t

19. “May I borrow your bike?”“No, you ____.”

A. mustn’t

B. may not

C. had better not

D. can’t

20. “Can I do it?”“No, you ____.”or“No, please ____.”

A. can’t;doesn’t

B. can’t;don’t

C. can’t;can’t

D. can’t; you don’t

21. I missed the last bus, so I ____ go home on foot. A. must B. have to C. may D. had to

22. We ____ hurry if we want to arrive in time. A. must B. need C. may D. have to

23. He ought to have won the first prize, ____ he? A. oughtn’t B. shouldn’t C. mustn’t D. oughtn’t to

24. He ____ get up early when he lived in the countryside. A. would B. used to C. mustn’t D. can’t

25. My brother ____ be very naughty, and my sister ____ like reading.

A. used to; would

B. would; used to

C. used to; used to

D. would; would

26. ____ you please pass on a message to him? A. Do B. Shall C. May D. Will

27. ____ we set off now?

A. Shall

B. Will

C. Would

D. ought

28. “____ he open the window?” Yes, please.”

A. Does

B. will

C. Shall

D. Would

29. I’ve told him many times, but he ____ listen to my advice.

A. shall not

B. won’t

C. will not

D. wouldn’t
