2020年新目标英语中考知能综合检测十八:九年级 Units 7、8D卷

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2020年新目标英语中考知能综合检测十八:九年级 Units 7、8D卷

姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________

一、单项选择 (共15题;共30分)

1. (2分)Our English teacher is Jenny Jones. We all call her

A . Mr. Jones

B . Miss Jones

C . Mrs. Jenny

2. (2分)(2015.福建三明)

I'm not you. I admire what you did.

A . having fun

B . making fun of

C . being fun

D . for fun

3. (2分)I ordered______ ticket of Shanghai Disneyland on the Internet, and ______ ticket arrived yesterday.

A . the; the

B . the; a

C . a; a

D . a; the

4. (2分)I don't like this small bag. Would you please show me________?

A . the other

B . other

C . another

5. (2分)Children's lives are ______ every time they cross this road in the busy traffic.

A . in danger

B . out of danger

C . hopeful

6. (2分)students in our class is 50.

A . A number of

B . The number of

C . A lot of

D . Many of

7. (2分)—All the workers went home yesterday _______ Mr. White. Why?—Because he was on duty.

A . except

B . besides

C . except for

D . beside

8. (2分)Hong Kong Disneyland is well worth .

A . to visit

B . visited

C . visit

D . visiting

9. (2分)The concert will ______ on New Year's Eve.

A . take place

B . happening

C . take place of

D . happen to

10. (2分)We must ________ our pets. They're our friends.

A . look at

B . look up

C . look after

D . look for

11. (2分)—Lily is a friendly girl.

—Yes, she always has joy on her face.

A . a feeling of sadness

B . a feeling of happiness

C . a feeling of interest

12. (2分)— What do you think of your English teacher?

— She is a friendly woman. All the students in our class like her.

A . funny

B . nice and kind

C . pretty

13. (2分)—The environmental problems are still serious today though the government have taken actions.

—That's true. Pollution from factories ________ our efforts to make our world cleaner.

A . compares with

B . cancels out

C . sets off

14. (2分)She wants to have a trip all over the world.

A . travel

B . study

C . work

15. (2分)—When will the visitors arrive in our school?

—Next Tuesday.

A . get up

B . get down

C . get to

D . get on

二、完形填空 (共1题;共10分)

16. (10分)完形填空

Vivian Maier was an American street photographer born in New York City. Although born in the U.S., it was in France that Maier 1 most of her youth. Maier returned to the U.S. in 1951 where she worked 2 a nanny for over 40 years. A nanny is a person who takes care of young children in the children's own home.

A nanny's job is not easy. In her free time,3Vivian begun to try the art of photography. She spent her days off walking along the4 of Chicago and taking photographs. Vivian would take photos that she5 from the eyes of others secretly. Most people did not know they were taken in the pictures. She took over 150,000 photographs during her lifetime6 of the people and buildings of Chicago, New York City, and Los Angeles, although she also travelled and photographed worldwide.
