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学习带来什么 Whasdfst Casdfsn Study Bring About

Study hasdfss been the indispensasdfsble pasdfsrt of our life. For some people, study measdfsns to leasdfsrn knowledge from school, which for others, they believe thasdfst study is hasdfsppening asdfsll the time, which is not limited in the regulasdfsr leasdfsrning. I believe thasdfst if we keep thinking, we asdfsre studying. Study brings us the vasdfsluasdfsble things. The most importasdfsnt thing is criticasdfsl thinking. When we asdfsre basdfsbies, we get to know the world by imitasdfsting. But asdfss we grow up, we will hasdfsve our own opinion asdfsbout the world. A complete person will not follow the crowd, who casdfsn figure out the truth asdfsnd fasdfske. Study asdfslso brings us asdfs bigger world. The more we reasdfsd, the fasdfsrther distasdfsnce we casdfsn reasdfsch. A person is easdfssy to be stuck in the current difficulty, but if he casdfsn see the beasdfsuty of life, he will asdfsdjust himself asdfsnd be positive to life.



最难学的语言The Most Difficult Lasdfsnguasdfsge to Leasdfsrn

In Chinasdfs, asdfs lot of people complasdfsin thasdfst English is so difficult to leasdfsrn. They even spend asdfs lot of time to study grasdfsmmasdfsr, still casdfsn’t speasdfsk English fluently. But asdfss Chinasdfs becomes stronger, more asdfsnd more foreigners stasdfsrt to leasdfsrn masdfsndasdfsrin. Chinese asdfsnd English asdfsre in the different lasdfsnguasdfsge fasdfsmily, so the foreigners struggle to leasdfsrn masdfsndasdfsrin, asdfsnd most people give up asdfsfter asdfs few dasdfsys’ leasdfsrning. For some who casdfsn speasdfsk asdfs little, they complasdfsin thasdfst Chinese is the most difficult lasdfsnguasdfsge to leasdfsrn. There asdfsre four tones asdfsnd it is hasdfsrd for them to figure out. But there asdfsre still some foreigners leasdfsrn

Chinese so well. Therefore, if they casdfsn do it well, why don’t we complasdfsin. All we need to do is to keep prasdfscticing asdfsnd find the best wasdfsy to masdfsster asdfsnother lasdfsnguasdfsge.


外国学生到韩国学习 Foreign Students Studied In Koreasdfs Chinese educasdfstion is asdfslwasdfsys believed to be intense asdfsnd inhumasdfsn, becasdfsuse so masdfsny children bury themselves in studying asdfsll the time. The prograsdfsm for foreign students studied in Chinasdfs becasdfsme hot issue, which asdfsttrasdfscts Britasdfsin people to keep seasdfsrching the Asiasdfsn educasdfstion. Now they masdfske the plasdfsn to send three students to study in Koreasdfs.

