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Module 1Deep South教学设计

Period Ⅰ(第一节)

Introduction & Reading and V ocabulary (1)




Step1: Lead-in

It is well-known to all that seven continents exist on the earth. Which one was the last continent to be discovered? (Antarctica)

It is its unique natural features and scientific research value that attract interests of many tourists, explorers and scientists. As the exploration goes on, people know more and more about Antarctica. How much do you know about it? Ok, let’s have an Antarctic general knowledge quiz.

①which month is the coldest month in Antarctica?

(September, July, December )

②Generally a penguin weighs about .

(1 kg, 5 kg, 50 kg )

③The China Great Wall Station was founded .

(in 1985, in 1989)

④The blood colour of fishes in Antarctica is .

(brown, red, blue, white)

⑤What is the southernmost point of The Earth?

(the south pole /deep south)

Opposite the south pole is the north pole. what are the similarities and differences between the north pole and the south pole?

Let’s go on with the quick quiz.

Step2: Introduction Activity 1

Step3: Reading and V ocabulary (1)

Since Antarctica is so fantastic, why not learn more details about it through reading?

1.Text analysis

Period Ⅱ(第二节)

Language points in Introduction & Reading and vocabulary (1) Language Points in Introduction

1. polar adj.


e.g. the polar regions


e.g. polar attraction 极向引力

2. pole n. 地极

e.g. the North/South Pole

3. quiz [c] 竞赛,比赛(尤指电视或电台中人们竞相回答问题以测验其知识者)

e.g. take part in a quiz, a sports/music/general knowledge quiz

vt. 问某人问题

e.g. quiz sb about sb/sth

4. explore vt(i) (1)探险(测),考察

e.g. explore the Arctic regions, explore the new continent

vt. (为测试或了解)仔细检查,探索(究)

e.g. explore the solution to the problem

n. exploration

n. explorer

Language Points in Reading and V ocabulary

1. range: (1) (山、丘等)连贯而成的脉,排, 列, 行

e.g. a mountain-range


e.g. a range of tools/foods, have a wide / narrow range of interests, hobbies


e.g. This subject is outside my range.

2. imagine vt. 想像,设想

imagine (1)that: Imagine that you are a university student.

(2)sb/sb’s doing sth: imagine me/my doing it

(3)sb/sth+(to be)+adj.: imagine her to be beautiful

(4)sb/sth + as + n.: imagine him as a tall man

(5)doing sth

3. adapt vt. (1)adapt sth for sth 使某事物适合新的用途、情况等/修改某事物

This machine has been specially adapted for use underwater.


These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.


(2)adapt sth for sth (from sth) (为电视、舞台等)改编或改写

This novel has been adapted for radio from the Russian original.


(3)adapt oneself to sth使自己适应

adapt himself to the new environment/climate

n. adaptation

adj. adaptable

4. survive vi. 生存,幸存vt. (1)经历(某事物)幸存

survive an earthquake (经历地震而死里逃生)


She survived her husband for ten years.

n. survival

n. survivor

5. stand out (from/against sth) 突出/显眼
