人教版选修7 unit 4 Grammar

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4) 先行词被 the only, the very, the last修 饰时。
He is the only person that I want to talk to. 他是唯一的我想跟说话的人。 5) 先行词既有人又有物时。 They talked of things and persons that they remembered in the school. 他们谈论着他们能记起的那些在学校 的人和事。
The room in which there is a
machine is a workshop. 有机器的房间是车间。
1) whom,whose,which 作介词宾语
时, 介词一般可放在它们之前, 也
可放在从句原来的位置上, 在含有
介词的动词固定词组中, 介词只能
This is the person whom you are
8. The reason why he _w_a_s__la_t_e_f_o_r_s_c_h_o_o_l_ was that he was watching an interview of the first Chinese astronaut on TV.
一、定义: 在复合句中修饰名词或代词的
A. which
B. what
C. whose
D. that
7. Last Sunday they reached
Qingdao ____ a conference
was to be held.
A. which
B. that
C. when
D. where
8. Is this the museum ____ you visited
从句叫定语从句。 The man who lives next to us is a lawyer.
The man is a layer. The man lives next to us.
被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。引导 定语从句的关系代词有 who, whom, whose, which, that 等和关系副词 where, when, why 等。关系代词和关系副词在 定语从句中担任句子成分。
c. This is the reason why he went. The reason that (which) he gave us was quite reasonable.
I. Choose the right answer.
1. I’ve read all the books ____ you
The letter that I received was from my

注意! 在下面几种情况下必须 用“that”引导定语从句: 1) 先行词是不定代词: all, few, little, much, something, nothing, anything等。 All that we have to do is to practice every Day. 我们要做的就是每天练习。
the other day?
A. that
B. where
C. in which D. the one
9. I began to work in Beijing in the
人教课标 高二 选修 7
Unit 4
1 Read the letter about visiting Tombe’s home again and underline the sentences which contain restrictive attributive clauses.
1 … so I’ve included some photos which will help you picture the places I talk about.
She is the same age as you/that you are. 4. …, as … “有些”
在这里, as 引导非限定性定语从句, 相 当于 which 引导的非限定性定语从句, 有时可互换。
He is from Beijing, as/which they know from the way he speaks.
gave me.
A. which
B. them
C. what
D. that
2. There isn’t much ___ I can do.
A. what
B. which
C. that
D. how
3. He keeps a record of everything
____ he had seen there.
2. which 引导的定语从句 这类从句只能指物,which 在从句中 作主语或谓语动词或介词的宾语。
This is the book which you want. 这就是你要的那本书。
The building which stands near the river is our school. 河边的那栋楼是我们学校。
6. The school where you _s_t_u_d_ie_d__la_s_t_y_e_a_r_ has been improved.
7. Anne is doing some research on the time when _h_e_r_g_r_a_n_d_m__o_th__er__w_a_s_a__c_h_i_ld___.
Mr. Li. 我永远也忘不了遇到李先生的那天。 先行词是表示地点时, 有时用 where, 有时用 that (which) 引导定语从句。这 时要看从句的谓语动词是及物动词还是 不及物动词。如果是及物动词就用 that (which), 否则用 where。
This is the house where he lived last year. 这就是我去年住的房子。 This is the house that (which) he visited last year. 这就是我去年去过的房子。
2 The boys who had never come across anything like this before started jumping out of the windows.
3 … and I did visit a village which is the home of one of the boys …
4. 由 when, where, why 引导的定语从 句。 I know the reason why he came late. 我知道他为什么来晚了。 This is the place where we lived for 5 years. 这就是我住过五年的地方。
I will never forget the Day when I met
was the first city ____ he had
visited in China.
A. that
B. where
C. which
D. what
6. The TV play I watched last night is
the best one _____ I have watched
this year.
1. I made the jar which _I_g_a_v_e_h__er__fo_r_ _h_e_r _b_i_rt_h_d_a_y_.
2. Painting is an activity that _I_r_e_a_ll_y_ _e_n_jo_y_.
3. The interpreter to whom you _n_e_e_d_t_o__ta_l_k_ is on holiday.
4. The man who _m_y__b_e_s_t_fr_i_e_n_d__h_a_s j_u_s_t_m__a_r_r_ie_d_ is a doctor.
5. The woman whose daughter _I_w_e_n_t__to__s_ch__o_o_l _w_i_th_ is over there.
2. … such as … such 为代词,意思为 “这样的人/ 物”,as 修饰先行词 such。
This book is not such as I hope.
3. the same … as …/the same … that … as,that 都引导定语从句。意思几乎 相同。但从句中省去谓语是必须用as。
looking for.
2) 引导非限制性定语从句时,关系代
词往往用 which,不用 that。
I have lost my book, which I like
very much.
3. 由 that 引导的定语从句 that 在定语从句中可以指人或物, 在 从句中作主语或谓语动词的宾语。但
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
5. 由 as 引导的定语从句
as 可作为关系代词和关系副词来引导
1. such … as… 像……一样的,
the same…as… 和……同样的
在这两个句型中, as 是关系代词, 其 中 such, same 做定语, 修饰主句的名词、 代词, 这个名词是这个定语从句的先行 词, as 在从句中担任主、宾、表。 This is the same thing as we are in need of. Such people as you say are short now.
4 … first up a mountain to ridge from where we had fantastic views …
5 The only possessions I could see were one broom …
2 Complete the sentences with your own words.
二、关系代词和关系副词的作用: 1. 由 who, whom, whose 引导的定语从
句这类定语从句中 who 用作主语, whom 作宾语, whose 作定语指人。 This is the man who helped me. 这位是帮过我的那个人。
The Doctor whom you are looking for is in the room. 你找的那位大夫在屋里。 Do you know the man whose name is Yao Ming? 你认识那个叫姚明的人吗?
A. he
B. that
C. which
D. what
4. Tell us about the people and the
places ____ are different from ours.
A. that
B. who
C. which
D. whom
5. Mr John said that Suzhou
三、注意事项: 关系代词和关系副词在定语从句中 的不同成分。 a. This is the place where he works. This is the place which (that) we visited last year.
b. That was the time when he arrived. Do you still remember the days that (which) we spent together?
2) 先行词被序数词或形容词最高级所 修饰。 The first lesson that I learned will never be forgotten. 我所学的第一课永远也忘不了。
Bear them in your mind!
3) 先行词被 all, any, every, each, few, little, no, some 等修饰。 I have read all the books (that) you gave me. 你给我的书我全读完了。