have 的多种用法

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一、have 的多种用法

1.own/possess /have got_________



二、In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me.

give back_______ give in______give up________give out _______ give away________give off_________return_____________surrender_________

三、I had left it on a chair beside the door.


四、As I was looking for it, the landlord came in.

look for_____ look after_________look at_______look down upon_______

look up to________look forward to___________find______________

when, while和as的区别:


He fell asleep _____he was reading.


Don’t talk ______you are eating.


It was raining hard _____we arrived.


I thought of it _____you opened your mouth.

五、It may have began already.

may/might have done__________must have done________ can’t have done_________

六、I went back to the ticket office at once.

The landlord immediately went out.

at once________ right away__________immedaitely_________right now________ just now_________ in a minute/moment________

七、I might as well have them.

may/might as well do _________ had better do ___________

八、He wasn’t too pleased to have them.

pleased________glad_______satisfied__________delighted__________amused___ 九、A man hurried to the ticket office.

hurry to sp.________in a hurry________ in no hurry_______hurry up_________ 十、I often fish for hours without catching anything.

without thinking twice_________ without moving__________

十一、This doesn’t worry me.

worry________worried________ worrying ________ be worried about______ worry about_______

十二、Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish.

Instead of ________instead________

十三、I am very keen on cycling.

I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all.

be keen on_________ be interested in_________ be fond of _________

十四、He is capable of doing anything.

be capable of doing __________ be able to do_______

十五、I must apologize for interrupting you.

apologize (to sb.) for sth._________say sorry (to sb.) for sth.______________

十六、He congratulated me on winning the competition.

congratulate sb. on sth._________congratulation _______________

十七、Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad.

drive sb. mad/crazy________ drive sb. away___________ aeroplane______plane_______airplane_________

helicopter________ slowly________ gradually________quickly________

十八、Passing planes can be heard night and day.


pass sb. sth./pass sth. to sb.___________ pass the exam________


十九、It came into use last year.

come into use________ make (full)use of __________make the most of___________ use up_____________ run out ___________run out of ____________

二十、Sometimes I think this house will be knocked down by a passing plane. Knock down_________ knock at_____________

二十一、I have been offered a large sum of money.

Offer sb. sth.___________offer sth. to sb.________offer to do sth.__________ Provide sb. with sth._________ provide sth. for sb.__________

Supply sb. with sth.__________ supply sth. to sb.__________

a large sum of _________ a large number of __________a large amount of ________ in summary____________ to sum up_____________

二十二、I am determined to stay here.

be determined to do sth._______________ decide to do sth.___________

make a decision to do sth._____________ make up one’s mind to do sth._______ resolve to do sth.______________make a resolution to do sth.________________
