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酒店管理系统论文 Last updated at 10:00 am on 25th December 2020


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有鉴于简单操作和界面的可视化的优势。并借助于网络的优势。本系统采用语言,后端采用的是SQL Server 2000 数据库来完成酒店管理系统的设计与实现,通过数据操作模块能对本系统的相关信息进行各种操作,界面直观简洁。

关键字:;SQL Server 2000 数据库;酒店管理系统


E era hotel management has four distinct characteristics: First, the internationalization, one network, one Efficient, one flexibility. Internationalization refers to the trend of economic globalization, international travel more Active, more diverse customer requirements, competition in the hotel industry will be more transparent and intense, so The introduction of international advanced management mode, to improve the level of service and competitiveness; Networking and wine Related to the complexity of the shop management, now in a more open environment, the management of content Add refinement, and the network can greatly simplify, standardize all this, but also can significantly reduce costs, this As a part of the tourism industry, hotel industry must strive to integrate into the entire business chain, and more through Over the Internet to expand their businesses; efficient is not only a manifestation of the level of service, and also the hotel-effective Fundamental; flexibility is the hotel must be able to master the demand from customers to Requirements, and meet a wide range of personalized needs.

In view of the advantages of simple operation and interface visualization. With the advantage of the network. The system uses the the the language, the back-end is SQL Server 2000 database to complete hotel management system design and implementation, information on the system to perform various operations through data manipulation module, the interface is intuitive and simple.

Keywords: ; Sql Server 2000 database; Hotel management system


第1章绪论 (5)

1.1 选题的依据及意义 (5)

1.2 可行性分析 (5)

1.3 课题研究的内容 (6)

第2章相关技术与开发工具 (8)

2.1 简介 (8)

2.2 的安全性 (10)

2.3 SQLserver 2000简介 (10)

2.4 T-SQL语言介绍 (15)

2.5 系统环境介绍 (15)

第3章系统需求分析 (17)

3.1需求分析概述 (17)

3.2 后台整体功能模块分析 (18)

第四章系统数据库设计 (21)

4.1 数据库介绍 (21)

4.2 数据库设计概述 (21)

4.3 概念结构设计 (23)

4.4 逻辑结构设计 (23)

4.5 物理设计 (19)

4.6 数据库的实施 (19)

4.7 数据库的运行及维护 (20)

第5章系统的设计与实现 (20)

5.1 系统后台设计要达到的目标 (20)

5.2 系统总体设计分析 (28)

5.3 系统详细功能模块的设计与实现 (30)

5.3.1 用户登录 (30)
