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He spoke loud__s_o____ __t_h_a_t__others can hear clearly.
2.I won’t believe you if you don’t tell me the truth. I won’t believe you__u_n_le_s_s__ you tell me the truth.
2 If you don’t sleep well, you won’t feel
3 comfortable.(同义句)
Unless you sleep well, you won’t feel comfortable.
1.He spoke so loud in order to be heard clearly.
although 意思是尽管,虽然 可用于句 首或者句中,但是不与but 连用。
Although my car is very old, it still runs very well.
It still runs very well although my car is very old . My car is very old but it still runs very well.
unless 意思是“如果不…. ;除非….可 以放在句子首或者句子的中间”有时可 用if …not 替换
I will go unless he telephones . I will go if he doesn’t telephone .
① I will not go there unless I hear from him. ② I shall go there unless it rains.
3.though 用作副词意思是“可是,然而, 不过” 此时though 常放句子尾。
It is hard work, he enjoys it though. I told you to close the door, you didn’t close it though.
Unless you taste the traditional snacks, you
3.You will be attracted by the beautiful sights here. The beautiful sights here__w__il_l ___ _a_t_tr_a_c_t_you.
2. 时间和条件状语从句遵循“主将从现”的原则。 即主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时代替将来时。 如:
will feel sorry. You will feel sorry unless you taste the traditional snacks.
If you don’t have a map, you’ll get lost easily. = Unless you have a map, you’ll get lost easily. = You’ll get lost easily unless you have a map.
I'll call you as soon as I get home.
If you have time, I'll ask you some questions.
专题13┃ 复合句(宾语从句、 状语从句、定语从句)
You won’t catch the early bus unless you get up earlier.
Biblioteka Baidu
1 If you don’t read the map carefully, you will get lost easily.(改同义句) Unless I read the map carefully, you will get lost easily.