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Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions

(每小题: 分)

Directions: Listen to the following recording, and then choose the correct answers to the questions you hear. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.

Questions 1 to 1 are based on the following passage or dialog. 1.

A. Splitting with the woman.

B. Marrying the woman immediately.

C. Sharing the woman's important experiences with her.

D. Helping the woman to find a boyfriend.

Questions 2 to 2 are based on the following passage or dialog. 2.

A. Mark is more interested in the movies than in Karen.

B. Karen is more interested in Mark than in the movies.

C. Mark likes Karen, but Karen does not like Mark.

D. Karen and Mark are interested in each other.

Questions 3 to 3 are based on the following passage or dialog. 3.

A. The man should not approach the girl to avoid getting beaten up.

B. The man should not approach the girl, for her boyfriend is

C. The man should walk out with the girl.

D. The girl fancies the man.

Questions 4 to 4 are based on the following passage or dialog.


A. She is head over heels in love with the man.

B. She has broken up with the man.

C. She hasn't decided to marry the man.

D. She has got a new boyfriend.

Questions 5 to 5 are based on the following passage or dialog.


A. Her new boyfriend has broken up with her without reason.

B. Her boyfriend intends to marry her.

C. She is quarreling with the man.

D. She is chatting happily with the man.

Questions 6 to 6 are based on the following passage or dialog.


A. Because Rob has fallen in love with another girl.

B. Because they quarreled with each other.

C. Because Rob has been cheating on Suzie.

D. Because Rob has found Suzie unfaithful.

Questions 7 to 7 are based on the following passage or dialog.


A. They are close friends.

B. They are strangers to each other.

C. They are colleagues.

D. They are members of the same family.

Questions 8 to 8 are based on the following passage or



A. She believes Abby must be eager to call the man.

B. She believes Abby may be disappointed for not getting a call

from the man.

C. She believes Abby must be hiding somewhere.

D. She believes Abby must be busy at the moment.

Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题: 3 分; 满分:24 分)


1. 3 C C

2. 3 D D

3. 3 A A

4. 3 C C

5. 3 A A

6. 3 D D

7. 3 B B

8. 3 B B

Subtotal: 24 老师评语:

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Part 2 Long dialogs and multiple choice



Directions: Listen to the following recording, then choose

the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the

recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time

for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second

playing to check your answers.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage or


1.What did Mike do to make Helen so happy?

A. He gave her a ring as a present.

B. He asked her a funny question.

C. He proposed marriage to her.

D. He asked her to go out with him.

2.What was Mike like when he tried to pop the question?

A. He was nervous and trembling all over.

B. He was nervous but managed to calm down.

C. He dropped on his knees and cried.

D. He laughed wildly.

3.How did Helen help Mike out?

A. She showed him her ring.

B. She showed him his ring.

C. She put a ring on his finger.

D. She gave him a hint by showing her ring finger.

4.What is true of the ring?

A. It is a newly bought ring.

B. It is a family treasure.

C. It is a ring bought in a foreign country.

D. It is a ring given by a friend as a gift.

5.What does Helen think about wearing the ring?

A. She is afraid of wearing it for fear of losing it.

B. She is unwilling to wear it because she doesn't like it.

C. She is delighted to wear it as it is a token of good fortune.

D. She is excited to wear it as it is an expensive one.

Part 2 Long dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题: 3 分; 满分:15 分) 小题得分对错我的答案客观

1. 3 C C

2. 3 A A

3. 3 D D

4. 0 A B

5. 3 A A

Subtotal: 12 老师评语:

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Part 3 Short passages and multiple choice



Directions: Listen to the following recording, then choose

the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the

recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time

for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second

playing to check your answers.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage or


1.What is the additional item included in the full wording of the

popular rhyme about bridal clothes?

A. Something old.

B. Something blue.

C. A silver sixpence in one's shoe.

D. Something borrowed.

2.Which is NOT mentioned in the passage as an example of

something old?

A. A family jewel.

B. A watch from the grandfather.

C. The wedding dress of the bride's mother.

D. The wedding dress of the bride's grandmother.

3.What does something new stand for?

A. Good fortune in the bride's new life.

B. The love of the groom.

C. Any new item.

D. None of the above.

4.What is true of something borrowed?

A. It can be a handkerchief.

B. It can be something like a necklace.

C. It reminds the bride that she can depend on the family and

friends for help.

D. All of the above.

5.What is true of a silver sixpence in the bride's shoe?

A. It is to bring new friends.

B. It is to bring spiritual and material wealth.

C. It is quite popular now.

D. Both A) and B).

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog.

6.Why does the speaker mention the library card catalog and

book stacks?

A. To exemplify the advantage of looking for love in a

systematic way.

B. To exemplify the advantage of an academic spouse.

C. To show the importance of acquiring knowledge.

D. To show the necessity of finding a knowledgeable match.

7.Why is it necessary to narrow the pool of potential matches?

A. The people dating online are more demanding.

B. The online dating population is larger.

C. Some people are dangerous.

D. Some people are ill-tempered.

8.Why is handwriting analyzed, according to the passage?

A. To tell candidates' fortunes.

B. To read candidates' thoughts.

C. To match like-minded candidates.

D. To find out potential criminals.

9.What benefits can paying users get?

A. Their profiles will appear at the top of the list.

B. Their profiles will appear many times in different places.

C. Irrelevant advertisements will be removed.

D. All of the above.

10.Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?

A. The necessity to narrow the pool of potential patches.

B. The benefits for paying users.

C. The modern technology used in online dating.

D. The recent improvements in online dating.

Part 3 Short passages and multiple choice questions (每小题: 3 分; 满分:30 分)


1. 3 C C

2. 3 B B

3. 3 A A

4. 3 D D

5. 3 B B

6. 3 A A

7. 3 B B

8. 3 C C

9. 3 D D

10. 3 D D

Subtotal: 30 老师评语:

Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening!


Part 4 Short passages/dialogs and blank



Directions: Listen to the following recording, then answer

the questions by filling in the blanks. You will hear the

recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time to

write the missing words. Use the second playing to check

your answers.

1.What is Laura's key advice on dating?

The key is to .

3.Why does Laura advise John to take the girl to Dance Land


Because the music there is that they won't .

5.Why does Laura believe that it is good for the Disco to be all the

way across town?

Because so John won't have for an expensive dinner, and will .

7.Why does Laura suggest buying the girl a box of Ho-ho


Because they look , but they're .

9.Is John convinced? Why?

No, he has realized he is asking , because he just remembered

that Laura has never .

Part 4 Short passages/dialogs and blank filling (每小题: 3.5 分; 满分:31.5 分) 小题得分对错我的答案客观

1. 3.5 look cool look cool

2. 3.5 so loud so loud

3. 3.5 have to talk have to talk

4. 3.5 time time

5. 3.5 save money save money

6. 0 cheap expensive

7. 0 cheap dirt cheap

8. 0 (未答) the wrong person

9. 0 before dated anyone before

Subtotal: 17.5 老师评语:

Total score: 83.5

