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1. nature n. 大自然(前边不加冠词),天性the beauties of nature 大自然中美好的东西

natural a 自然的

unnatural a. 不自然的

the natural world 自然界

naturally adv. 自然地,顺理成章地

After a while, we naturally started talking about the children.

2. element n. 元素,要素

elementary a. 基本的,初级的

an elementary school 小学

Sunshine is one of the most important natural elements of mankind’s survival.阳光是人类赖以生存的最重要的自然要素之一。

petition n 竞赛,比赛

compete v. 竞争

After graduation, we can go out in the world and compete.

competitor n 竞争者,对手

compete with 与……竞争

we have to compete with students from the US, Australia and Brazil.

compete for 为……而竞争

compete for gold medals

compete against 与……竞争

We can compete against anybody –and we can win.

compete in 参加…比赛(竞赛)

compete in a race 参加赛跑

competitive adj. 竞争的;比赛的;求胜心切的

[ 比较级more competitive 最高级most competitive ]

First of all, if we want to stay competitive, we need to modernize our factory. competitively adv. 有竞争力地;好竞争地

competitiveness [kəm'petətɪvnɪs] n. 竞争力

We don't exclude the possibility of acquisitions if it strengthens our competitiveness. 我们不排除收购的可能性,只要这能加强我们的竞争力

4. wind n. a. windy—windier--windiest

Windless adj. 无风的;平稳的

Turin is a windless city.


wind /waɪnd/ [ 过去式wound 过去分词wound /waund/ ]

vt. 缠绕;上发条,蜿蜒

Wind the bandage around your finger.
