毕业设计论文 电气工程及其自动化 (2)

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The design on the topic of "Liaoning Institute of Technology Teaching Building substation expansion preliminary design." The main design elements include : 10/0.4kV main transformer substation choice; Electrical Substation main wiring design; Short-circuit current calculation; Load Calculation; Reactive power compensation; Electrical Equipment (bus, HV circuit breakers, isolation switches, current transformer and voltage transformer, and compensation capacitor MOA); Distribution Equipment design; relay Planning and Design; Lightning protection design.

According to the main line of electrical design should meet the reliability, flexibility, economy requirements, The substation main electrical wiring High Side single-bus wiring, low voltage side of the single-bus above the main electrical wiring form; the low-pressure side load calculated using the statistical needs coefficient; To reduce the reactive power loss, increased energy utilization, The design of reactive power compensation design, power factor from 0.69 to 0.9; short-circuit current calculations include short-circuit point for the selection and specific numerical calculation; and electrical equipment chosen by the choice of rated current, short-circuit current calculation by the results of the calibration methods; relay design of the main transformer Current Protection and over-current protection design; distribution installations complete set of power distribution equipment; The substation using direct lightning stroke prevention lightning protection.

The design is very close attention to the use of our electrical design of the new technology and new equipment, practical and strong, Taking into account the actual application, in a user-friendly language to describe it.

Key words:: substation design; Electrical wiring; Relay .


前言 ........................................................................................................................ V I 第1章毕业设计概述 .. (1)

1.1 毕业设计题目 (1)

1.2 毕业设计目的 (1)

1.3毕业设计内容 (1)

第2章负荷计算 ..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.1负荷概述 ..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.2负荷计算 ..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。第3章无功功率补偿 ............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

3.1并联电力电容器补偿 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

3.2无功补偿容量的计算 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。第4章主变压器选择 .. (2)

4.1变电所变压器容量、台数、型号选择 (2)

4.1.1变压器容量 (2)

4.1.2主变压器台数和型号 (2)

4.1.3主变压器确定 (3)

4.2干式变压器的结构 (3)

4.3干式变压器的特点 (4)

4.4干式变压器的使用注意事项 (4)

第5章变电所电气主接线 (5)

5.1对电气主接线的基本要求和原则 (5)

5.1.1电气主接线的基本要求 (5)

5.1.2电气主接线的原则 (5)

5.2电气主接线设计程序 (6)

5.3主接线设计 (7)

第6章短路计算 (11)

6.1短路概述 (11)

6.2造成短路原因 (11)

6.3短路危害 (11)

6.4短路计算 (12)
