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Once a man and his wife worked for an old man. There was a big box in the old m 1 living room. The old man pointed(指) to the box and said," There's only one thing you mustn’t do. Don't open the box. " After s 2 this, he left his home.

The woman said to her husband, "There must be something e 3 in the box. Let's open it, shall we?" Her husband said no to her. But the woman didn't give up her idea. One day, she decided to find out w 4 was in it. Her husband didn't stop her. She opened the box and looked inside. To her s 5 , she found nothing in the box. She tried hard to close it, but she c 6 .

That evening the old man came home and found the box was o 7 . He got very angry and a__8___ the woman and her husband to leave his home.

"But there was n 9 in the box," the woman said. "We haven't taken anything at all. " The old man shouted at them," The box is not important, b 10 I cannot believe you. That's important!”









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Do you know Sweden(瑞典)?It l 1 in the north of Europe.It is the fourth largest country in Europe with an

a 2 of 450, 000 square kilometers and the population of about 8.5 million. Over one third of them live in the three largest cities, namely Stockholm, Goteborg and Malmo. More than half of Sweden is c 3 with trees. It is one of the

r 4 countries in the world. About 100 years ago Sweden became industrialized(工业化). Today less than one third of the people are f 5 .

Sweden is the country where the famous Nobel Prizes are awarded. Many people who have been to Stockholm, the c

6 of Sweden, must have visited the places where Nobel Prizes are awarded.

The first language of Sweden is Swedish. English is the first f 7 language in schools. Many middle-school students can s 8 two to three languages. Most of the Swedish people,men and women, o 9 and young, can speak English. So there is no p 10 to speak with them in English.









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Just like People have neighbors, c 1 also have neighbors. For us, India is one of China’s neighbors. From May 14-16, Indian Prime Minister (总理) Narendra Modi v 2 China. This gives us a chance to learn more about the a 3 country. India is o 4 of the four oldest countries in the world. About 5,000 years ago, Indian civilization(文明) was b __5____ and makes the country exciting. The highest mountain in the w 6 , the Himalayas, rises in the north. The mountain is home to some of India’s few animals. Also, India is f7 for making software. IT products from India are useful in our l 8 . The city, Bangalore, is called the Silicon Valley (硅谷) of India and is the country’s c9 for software production. If you are not interested in software, there are many delicious foods in India. If you t ___10____ to India, try not to miss any of them.









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Butterflies are common all over the world. Male(雄性) butterflies are m 1 beautiful. The bright colours of the male butterflies can h 2 them attract female(雌性) butterflies. Female butterflies are bigger b 3 they carry the eggs inside their bodies.

Many butterflies are very beautiful. They have bright colours on their upper side w 4 . They show their beautiful wings when they f 5 and they close their wings when they have a rest in a tree or a leaf. At that time it is d 6 for us to find them with our eyes because their underside wings (翅膀) are green and brown and look like tree leaves. When a bird is t 7 to catch it, a butterfly will stop and stay on a tree leaf and c 8 its wings quickly.

The bird can’t find it e 9 .

Other butterflies have round marks on their wings. These round marks look like big eyes.

Sometimes when a bird see the big eyes, it will be frightened and fly a 10 .









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