


()1. He broke his arm playing basketball yesterday and was sent to ________

A. a hospital

B. the hospital

C. hospital

D. hospitals

C ,没有特指哪家医院,只是被送进医院。

()2. We went to the theater to see a _______last week.

A. game

B. show

C. movie

D. play

D ,第一课课文中的词汇。

()3. I ________in the back of the classroom.

A. was sat

B. sitting

C. was seated

D. seated

C ,笔记中的词汇加上第七课学的被动语态。

()4. George went to Beijing on _______ last month.

A. matter

B. business

C. things

D. leave

B ,on business固定搭配,因公,为了公事,为了生意,出公差。

()5. She ran_____ the room when she heard the alarm.

A. off

B. out of

C. outdoor

D. out

B ,ran out of 跑出

()6. I turned to speak to the person standing __________me.

A. behind

B. back

C. in the front of

D. ahead of

A ,同书本第15页,选项A在什么后面,选项C注意区分in front of 和in the front of,前者是在什么前面,后者是在什么前部。选项D在什么之前。补充:turn to求助于。

()7. If you __________ more attention in class, you may actually learn something!

A. get

B. receive

C. take

D. pay

D ,第一课内容,pay attention。注意receive a letter from sb. 收到某人来信,it takes sb. sometime to do sth.花费某人多少时间去做某事,人pay物for多少钱。

()8. It’s impossible to _____ a conversation with all this noise in the background.

A. carry on

B. go on

C. put on

D. move on

A ,固定搭配carry on a conversation with进行对话,选项

B go on doing sth 或者go on with sth。选项C上演;穿上。选项D前进。

()9. He waited ____ she had finished speaking.

A. before

B. after

C. when

D. until

D ,直到。拓展not…until…的用法。He didn’t leave until she had finished speaking.

()10. The bus was ten minutes ____.

A. late

B. later

C. latest

D. lately

A ,选项A晚了,选项B比较级,常用短语later on后来,选项C最新的,选项D最近=recently。

()11. The bad news _____ my vacation.

A. broke

B. spoiled

C. damaged

D. destroyed

B ,第三课知识点。书本20页。

()12. He has a huge collection of DVDs and every time I go to his home, I always ______ some.

A. lend

B. borrow

C. bring

D. get

B ,lend sth. to sb.借出给某人,borrow sth from sb. 从某人处借入。Huge巨大的,庞大的。

()13. You have to ______ a decision here and now.

A. take

B. put

C. make

D. let

C ,第三课知识点。Make a decision to do sth= make up one’s mind to do sth.= decide to do sth.

()14. Some of my friends in my class are from _____ -parent families.

A. single

B. double

C. one

D. two

A ,第三课知识点,single-parent families单亲家庭。

()15. Xi’an is a city in the ________ of China.

A. middle

B. center

C. front

D. back

B ,第四课知识点,in the center of在什么中部。

()16. I have just _________ an invitation to their wedding this morning.

A. taken

B. received

C. accepted

D. brought

B ,receive被动地接受,accept主动而且高兴地接受,take有人赠给的接受。

She received his present, but she will not accept it.她收到了他的礼物,但她是不会接受的。

Did you take his advise?你接受了他的建议了吗?

()17. Have you _________ up your mind?

A. taken

B. set

C. made

D. done

C ,make up one’s mind固定短语,见第13题。

()18. Thanks for the advice. I will think _________ it.

A. of

B. about

C. by

D. at

B ,think about考虑,think of想到

()19______ people called to ask about her health.

A. A great many of

B. A large number

C. A great many

D. Large number of

C ,第五课知识点,书本第28页课文注释第3条。建议以后作文中如果要表达许多人用a great many people。()20. How is this book different _____ that?

A. from

B. about

C. of

D. to

A ,be different from与什么不同,课堂笔记中补充了the same as与什么相同。

()21.”What a hot day! Have you had a drink?”

“Yes, but I’d like to have ____ after class.

A. it

B. another

C. that

D. one

B ,另一个,回答者说道YES,表示已经喝过一杯,BUT转折表示课后还要另一杯。

()22. Jane has two brothers; one is John, and _____ is Henry.

A. another

B. the others

C. the other

D. other

C ,the other 两者,another三者以上,some…the others一些。。。其余。。。,other 其他。

()23. I have done much of the work. Could you please finish ____- in two days?

A. the rest

B. the other

C. another

D. the others

A ,the rest剩余的。

()24. It is almost five years _____ we saw each other last time.

A. before

B. since

C. after

D. when

B ,since自从

()25. Teachers are not happy when they find in class their students sending ___________ to their friends by mobile phone.

A. letters

B. messages

C. notes

D. informations

B ,SMS:short message service。选项D是不可数名词不能加S。


()26. Before building a house, you will have to _______ the government’s permission.

A. get from

B. follow

C. receive

D. ask for

D ,第六课知识点。课文中Ask sb. for sth。向某人索要某物,本句中固定搭配ask for permission。请求许可()27. They started off late and got to the airport with minutes to ____.

A. spare

B. catch

C. leave

D. make

A ,spare匀出时间。

()28. If you buy more than ten, they will knock 20 pence off _____.

A. a price

B. price

C. the price

D. prices

C ,knock off打折,特指情景中的价格加定冠词the。

()29. “May I have a talk with one of your sports reporters?”

“Sorry, but all of them are out to ____ the main e vents of the day.”

A. get

B. find

C. cover

D. search

C ,覆盖

()30. She called _____ John on her way back from work to see if he was getting better.

A. on

B. in

C. to

D. with

A ,call on sb.拜访某人,call at sp.拜访某地。
