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1. The Imperial Palace

The Imperial Palace, also known as the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing City, 1 km north from the Tiananmen Square, right opposite the south gate of Jingshan Mountain. Outside the Imperial Palace lies a moat, on the inner side of which there’s the city wall whose perimeter is 3 km with a height of nearly 10 meters. The wall has one gate on each side: the Meridian Gate to the south, the Shenwu Gate to the north, the Donghua Gate to the east and the Xihua Gate to the west; besides, there’re four exquisitely carved unique turrets standing at each corner of the wall.

The Forbidden City can be roughly divided into two parts: the southern part, the working area, is called “the outer court” and the northern part, the living area, is regarded as “the imperial palace”. All the constructions of the Imperial Palace are arranged orderly on the central axis with east-west symmetry. To the north of the living area is the small but unique Imperial Garden where the royal family amuse themselves.

Nowadays, some palaces in the Forbidden City have been equipped with comprehensive exhibitions where abundant ancient art treasures are collected. The National Palace Museum is the museum that collects the most cultural relics in China.



2. The Temple of Heaven

Located in southern Beijing City, the Temple of Heaven is the place where the emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasties worshiped Heaven and prayed for bumper crops. The Temple of Heaven is comprised of the Circular Mound Altar and the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, and there’re two walls, the inner one and the outer one, surrounding the Temple of Heaven. With north wall being circular and the south one square as it intersects with the east and west walls at right angles, they’re given the name “the Heaven and Earth Walls”, representing Hea ven and Earth, for in ancient China, people believed that Heaven was round and Earth was square. There is no gate at the east, south and north side of the outer wall and the only two gates are at the

west side, which are the Circular Mound Altar Gate and the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests Gate, also known as the Tiantan Gate. While, the inner wall is surrounded by four gates, each one at each side. Inside the temple are the altar and the Hall of Abstinence, and they are separated by a cross wall trending east-west, to the south of which is the Circular Mound Altar and to the north is the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests.



3. The Summer Palace

Located in the western suburbs of Beijing, the Summer Palace which is regarded as the most typical Chinese classical garden is composed by the Longevity Hill and the Kunming Lake, covering a total area of about 290 hectares. The whole palace is mainly divided into 3 areas: the political activities area with the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity as the center; the royal living area, the Hall of Jade Ripples and the Hall of Happiness and Longevity; the scenic area which consists of the Longevity Hill and the Kunming Lake.



4. The Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden

Situated in the western suburbs of Beijing and adjoining the Summer Palace, the Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden, comprised by Yuanming, Changchun and Yichun Gardens, is a large royal garden constructed and operated by the emperors of Qing Dynasty within more than 150 years since emperor Kangxi came to power. Not only is the Yuanmingyuan Imperial Garden famous for its gardens, it’s also a royal museum that has a rich collection of rare cultural relics of home and abroad. As one of the four royal libraries across the nation, the Wenyuan Chamber, also known as the Imperial Library, collects many precious books, e.g. The Si Ku Quan Shu, Collection of Ancient and Modern Books, the Si Ku Quan Shu Abstract. However, unfortunately, after the Anglo-French Allied Force plundered and burned down the garden in late 20th century and numerous destructions by other invaders, this world-famous garden was reduced to nothing but ruins.


