新编英语教程1Unit 7

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他的这本书通篇夸夸其谈。 His book is full of exaggerations. 2. Some of my American friends feel kind of alienated from the local people… kind of: (informal expression, frequently seen in AE) to some extent, slightly e.g., I’m kind of disappointed that the sports meeting will be put off till Saturday.
Language points:
1. This is no exaggeration. exaggerate (v): make sth seem larger, better, etc. than it really is; describe sth beyond the truth e.g., This coat exaggerates her weight. 你没必要夸大困难吓唬孩子们。 You needn’t exaggerate the difficulties to scare the children.
improve yourself.
10. be opposed to: be against 11. live away from downtown
downtown: the centre/main business are of a city downtown vs. suburbs 12. You bet. (slang) : Of course; Certainly
Dialogue 2 In-class activity
In terms of their likes, dislikes and preferences, what are Teacher A, Teacher B and Teacher C like respectively? Discuss it with your partners. Teacher A hates Shanghai both in the summer and in the winter. He’d prefer to be in Beijing during the winter. He prefers Shanghai style food. Teacher B prefers Beijing in the summer to Beijing in the winter. She loves the parks in Beijing and enjoys the food there. She doesn’t like smoking now though she smoked before.
Multiple-choice questions:
1. The boy could not write his name on the blackboard because _____.
a. he was nervous b. he stiffened c. he was the laughingstock d. he was standing at the blackboard
9. Many people here seem to be envious of this bit of the American way of life. be envious of: envy; be jealous of( slightly derogatory) e.g., 小男孩很羡慕哥哥长那么高。 The little boy is so envious of his brother’s height. 不要嫉妒别人,而要想着如何提高自己。 Don’t be envious of others, but think about how to
e.g., He usually goes to school by bus, but today he rode a bike for a change. 4. Do in China as the Chinese do.→When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 5. my primary means of transportation (most important, main/major) e.g., 我目前最重要的任务就是学到尽可能多的知识。 At present, my primary concern is to learn as much knowledge as possible. 6. to do my bit for the protection of the environment
Teacher C really loves the summer in England. He quite enjoys flying and detests smoky trains.
Reading 1: My First Day at School
Background Information
2. The verb coax means 来自百度文库______”. a. advise b. persuade patiently c. suggest d. say impatiently. 3. The teacher asked him the question “What’s your name?”, because______. a. she was angry b. she wanted to disgrace him c. she intended to calm him d. she did not know his name
Unit 7
Dialogue 1 On the Wheel
Questions to answer:
1. Why is China called a “kingdom of bicycles”? 2. Why does the man prefer to ride a bike? 3. Why are Americans a people on the wheel? 4. Does the man think people should be envious of the American life on the wheel? Why? 5. What is the man’s attitude towards private cars? 6. Is the inconvenient city public transport related to American people’s choice of private cars?
exaggerated (adj) 1) He has an exaggerated sense of his own importance. 2) She’s put on exaggerated make-up. (unnatural) She treated her relatives with exaggerated politeness. 3) an exaggerated description of the just war (distorted) exaggeration (n)
4. The sentence “I spelled my name in a wild rush of letters” means I spelled my name _________. a. in a wild way b. very quickly c. letter by letter d. desperately 5. _____made him forget everything. a. The laughter from the pupils b. The teacher c. The blackboard d. The presence of his classmates
♫ Britain has instituted compulsory schooling for many years. Parents are required by the law to ensure that their children receive efficient fulltime education between the ages of 5 and 16. Going or not going to school has become a matter of the law. It is no longer an individual’s free choice.
♫ Possible pleasant/unpleasant things experienced by a child on his/her first day at school: ☻a new environment, parents especially kind, a kind and friendly teacher, friendly schoolmate, enjoyable games, getting new books, feeling of independence… (pleasant) ☻confusion and uncertainty, scolded by parents for not willing to go to school, scolded by the teacher for being very naughty in the classroom, bullied by schoolmates, difficulty in locating places… (unpleasant)
be alienated from: feel separated from society or the group of people around you, and often unhappy alienate (v) alienate sb from sb/sth e.g., His arrogance alienates people from him. 3. for a change, which is used when you usually do sth, but this time, you do another thing for a change.
6. Which statement is correct? a. He thought highly of himself. b. He was pessimistic about himself. c. He regarded himself dumb. d. He looked down upon his classmates.
do one’s bit (informal): do one’s share of the work that needs to be done 7. They don’t feel like they are in charge of their lives unless they are in charge of the wheel. be in charge of: be responsible for; control 8. drive-in: a place, esp a restaurant, a cinema which allows you to enjoy the service provided without leaving your car免下车餐馆, 免下车电影 院(顾客可坐在自己的车上购物、进餐、看电影等 等)