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Grammar focus 语法撮要


1. We had to wait half an hour ____________ ' A. since B. although

2. Tim is in good shape physically _ A. if

B. even

though [解析]

1. 答案为B 。一般来说“已经预订桌位了” 就不需要等了,但是“我们不得不等半个小时”

由两句之前的逻辑关系可以看出这里应该包括一个让步状语从句。 经预订了桌位,但还是等了半个小时。

since 表示原因,until 意为“虽然;尽管”,引导让步状语从句。

2. 答案为B 。“不经常锻炼”的话,一般不会“有很好的身材” 所以此处应该使用让步状语从句,表示转折。 if, uni ess 和as long

as 三个选项可用来引导

条件状语从句,只有 even though (尽管)引导让步状语从句。



although 和though ,也用even if, even though 加强语气。 表示“无论”的成对出现的引导词

whether …or …也可用来引导让步状语从句。 一、although 和though 引导的让步状语从句


Though money is not the only key to the door of happin ess, it is still important in a happy life.


Although they can afford to live in a richer p lace, they choose to stay in the p eaceful tow n.


Bravely though they fought, they had no cha nee of winning.

=Although / Though they fought bravely, they had no cha nee of winning.



(1) We have to run in the rain to get there in time, though _____________________________________ .

(2) Although he earned a lot of mon ey, yet ___________________________________ .

Keys: (One p ossible version) (1) I hate to get wet (2) he was unhappy


(1) ________ most of the earth 解读让步状语从句

本期主要介绍让步状语从句并提供一些写演唱会观后感的句 we had already booked a table. (2007 辽宁)

C. un til

D. before _________ he doesn ‘ t get much exercss01.0 湖南)

C. uni ess

D. as long as 理解句意:虽然我们已

和before 表示时间。although ,而Tim 的情况却正相反, 's surface is covered by water, fresh water is very rare and precious.

(2006 上海春招)

A. As

B. Once

C. If

D. Although

(2) Play ing on a froze n sp orts field sounds like a lot of fun. Isn 江)

A. though

B. also

C. either (3) — How is everyth ing going on with you in Europe?

—Quite well. Not so smoothly as I hop ed, __________________ . A. though B. i nstead C. either [解析] (1) ⑵

⑶ D. too D. too '(201Qthe 浙isky, ________ ? 答案为D 。理解句意:虽然地球表面大部分被水覆盖着, 答案为A 。理解句意:在结冰的运动场上玩耍听起来很有趣。然而,那不是很危险吗? 答案为A 。理解句意: ——你在欧洲进展如何? ――很好,虽然没有我所希望的那样顺利。

二、 even if 和even though 引导的让步状语从句 even if 与even though 一般可以互换使用。但是 even if 侧重于引导把握不大或假设的 事情,可译为“即使;纵然”, even though 更倾向于引导既定事实,意为“尽管;虽然”。

[例句] Mary and her sister differ in app eara nee even if their differe nces in age are not sig ni fica nt. 尽管玛丽和她的姐姐在年龄上相差不大,但她们的外表却不同。

It was clear eno ugh what she meant, even though she cut it short. 虽然她说得简短,她要表达的意思却很清楚。

[考例]The engin eers are so busy that they have zero time for outdoor sports activities, __________________ have the interest. (2010 安徽) A. wherever B. whe never C. even if D. as if

[解析]答案为C 。理解句意:尽管对户外活动有兴趣,但是工程师们太忙了,没有时间进行 户外活动。 三、 whether …or …引导的让步状语从句 whether … or … 意为 “不管 .......... 还是…

[例句] Whether he drives or flies, he ‘llbe on time. 不管他开车来还是坐飞机来,他都将准时到达。

Whether you can see the moon or no t, it is always round. 不管你能不能看到,月亮总是圆的。 [考例]All peop le, ___________ t hey are old or young, rich or poor, have bee n trying their best to

help those inn eed since the disaster. (2008 重庆) A. even if [解析]答案为

要帮助的人。 【牛刀小试】

但是淡水十分稀缺和珍贵。 they

B. whether

C. no matter

D. however

B 。理解句意:自从灾难发生后,所有的人,不管老幼贫富都尽力帮助那些需 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. We hold that all countries, _________________________________ (无论是大国还是小国),should be equal. 2. _______________________________ (虽然她不再年轻了 ), she is still en ergetic. 3. You are never alone,

__________________________________ (虽然你可能认为你是 ). 4. ___________________________________ (虽然他有时会生气 ),he is friendly to us.

5. In Japan, most stude nts take trains to school, ______________________________________ ( 尽管有些步行或骑自
