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我方愿以你方每小桶成本加运费含5%佣金拉各斯每桶150美元价七八月份装运订购1000桶铁钉。We are willing to place an order with you for 1000 cost(桶) iron nails(铁钉)at USD 150 CFRC5% Lagos for shipment in July, August.

就此订单而言,我方想要求更为宽松的支付条件—30天期信用证。For this particular(特别是) order, we ask for easier payment by 30 days L/C. 该笔订单涉及金额有15万美元,比较而言是一笔大交易。This order involved(卷入)in the amount of 150,000 dollars is comparatively(比较)a bigger one.由于我方目前财力有限,从我方开立信用证到客户付款,长达三到四个月的资金占压真的给我方带来麻烦。Owing to our moderate(适中)means(财务)at hand(在手边)the tie up of (占压的)fund as long as three or four months from the date we open the L/C to the date our customers pay to us.由于目前银根紧缩和空前的银行高利率,这个问题更加感到难于负担。Indeed present the trouble to us to the money conditions (条件)and unprecedentedly (空前的) high bank rates, the problem is more taxing(繁重的)to us.

不言而喻我方非常感激过去你方给予我方的帮助。It goes without saying, we very much appreciate your favor granted in the past.如果这次能够给予我方特别通融的话,请寄合同,收到后我方会立即开出相关信用证。Should you extended(延长)the special accommodation(通融) this time, please send your contract, on receipted(签收) which we shall open the covering L/C.



谢谢你方五月五日寄来的铁钉订单。Thank you for your order for Nails on the May 5.

我方认真研究了你方提出的30天期信用证付款的建议。We have carefully considered your proposed(建议) of payment by 30 days L/C.我方通常不接受延期信用证,但是鉴于我们长期令人愉快的合作关系,以及我方支持非洲朋友的愿望,这次我方同意你方的建议。Usually time L/C is not acceptable to us, but in view of(鉴于) our long and pleasant cooperation, and our willingness(意愿)to support Africa friends, this time we agree to your propose.但是我方要讲清楚,这一通融仅限此次交易,决不开先例。But we should make it cleaner this accommodation(通融) is only for this transaction which will in no set(没有)a precedent(先例).

随附上述定货的第105号销售合同,请按通常手续办理。Enclose covering the above mention(提到的)goods, follow the usual procedures(程序)


从你方8月2日函中得知你方希望放宽我方的支付条件。We learn from your letter of August 8, you ask for an easy payment.

然而,我方抱歉30天期信用证我方不能接受,我方坚持即期信用证支付。However, we regret that we keep 实际上,我们原先的安排是司空见惯的。Actually, our original arrangement(安排)have nothing unusual(司空见惯). 从你方开出信用证到货物抵达你港,这个间隔仅为三个月左右,实属相当正常。The interval(间隔) from you open the L/C to the date the goods arrival your port , which is only for three months is indeed(事实上) quiet normal.

因我方必须坚持习惯做法,我方衷心希望你方不要认为我方是不肯通融的。As we must adhere(坚持)to this customary(习惯)practice(惯例,做法), we hope you don’t consider us unaccommodating(不肯通融).


至今还未收到相关的信用证。With reference(参考)to 500 sets sewing machine under the contract No.100, we would like to draw(拉)your attention to the fact that the date of the shipment is approaching(接近)but we haven’t received the L/C till now.

2)请你方竭尽全力加速开证以使我方能够在规定的时间履行订单。Please try your best to

speed up(加速) its issue so that we are able to fill the order。

3)为了避免之后的修改,请务必使得信用证规定与合同条款严格一致。To avoid(避免)

amendment(修正)subsequent(随后的), please see to it that stipulates(规定)L/C are in full agreement with terms of the contract.

4)我方期待着早日收到你方的答复。We look forward to your reply.


Dear Sirs,

We refer to our L/C No.AC-3 covering 2,000 metric tons of steels shipped on 3rd October. The shipping documents were presented to us yesterday.

Upon checking the above-mentioned documents we found the following discrepancies(不符点):

1.The invoice value includes 5% commission which is not mentioned in the L/C.

2.The documents are for the shipment of 1,000 tons of steels(钢), but partial shipment is

not allowed as stipulated in the L/C.

In view of these discrepancies we had to refuse to accept the draft. Now we hold the documents at your disposal(处理)and await(等待)your instructions(指导).

Yours faithfully
