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1. cabbage( )

2.pork( )

3.we( )

4.eggplant( )

5. fish( )


()1.A、Monday B、Wednesday C、Sunday D、kind

()2.A、read books B、do homework C、do housework D、active ()3.A、funny B、active C、smart D、day

()4.A、school B、father C、mother D、 brother


( )1. Tomorrow ___ Friday.

A. is

B. are C .am

( )2. What ____ is it today?

A. today

B. day

C. Today

( ) 3. What ______ you have on Wednesdays?

A. are

B. do

C. have

()4、who is that woman(妇女) ?

A She is young . B. Yes , she is. C .She is my mother.

( ) 5. What do you do ______Tuesday

A. on

B. to

C. from,

( )6.Is she strict ? _________________

A. Yes she is

B. No she is C . No he isn’t

()7----Who is your math teacher ? ----

A. Mr Hu. B Mr Li is very tall and thin .C He is my brother

()8--- smart ? ---- Yes, he is very smart.

A Does her

B Is he

C is she

( )9 We often _____ TV in the evening,

A. look

B. watch

C. read

( )10 --- ? ---He is thin and short .

A. What he like ?

B. What’s she like ?

C. What’s he like ?


1. ____________ (是谁)your new Chinese teacher? Miss Ye.

2. ____________(是什么)he like? He’s young and strong.

3. ____________(助动词) you have new teachers?

4. Who’s that young lady? ____________(她) is my P.E. teacher.

5. Is your Chinese teacher strict? No, ____________.(他不是)


1.( ) Who’s this man? A、 He’s from China.

2.( ) What’s she like? B、He’s my father

3.( ) Where’s he from? C、No, she isn’t

4.( ) Is shestrict? D、She’s tall and thin.

5.( ) Is he young? E、 Yes he is


1.she is tall and thin.


2. he is very kind.


3. What do you do on Mondays?


4. He is quiet .


5.Is she quiet ?


1()What’s your English teacher? {你的英语老师是谁?}

2()What’s he like?{她长什么样子?}

3()he is very kind. {他非常的和蔼}

4()I have a new teachers. {我有一个新老师}

5 ( ) She is my new math teacher. {她是我的新英语老师}

八、单词泡泡满天飞,请你给他们排排队,使他们成为句子大军。(15分)1.have I teachers three new(.)


2.like he What’s(?)


3. tall He’s and strong(.)


4.she Is young(?)


5. about, you, what(?)

