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Ⅰ.Vocabulary & Structure

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence.

1、 Polar explorers have to be extremely ______ to endure the climate and other hardships of various kinds.

A. rough

B. dull

C. tough

D. rigid

2、 More have been learned since 1945 about chemical changes in the body than in all human history before ______ time.

A. this

B. the

C. the past

D. that

3、 She was a poor woman with few ______.

A. owner

B. interest

C. possessions

D. wealth

4、 The committee members meet ______ every Saturday and Sunday mornings.

A. repeatedly

B. constantly

C. regularly

D. continually

5、 I've been playing tennis with Mary. But I was ______ by her.

A. beaten

B. hit

C. struck

D. attacked

6、 When his wife didn't believe what he had said, he tried to ______ her of his honesty.

A. prevent

B. prove

C. accuse

D. convince

7、 So badly ______ in the accident that he had to be sent to hospital for treatment.

A. did he injure

B. injured he was

C. he was injured

D. was he injured

8、 She doesn't like her job, but is too ______ to try to find another.

A. terrified

B. timid

C. fearful

D. frightened

9、 None of us has a clear idea about ______ to do.

A. that the others want

B. what the others want

C. which do the others want

D. what do the others want

10、 Nothing can ______ the notice of the policeman.

A. escape

B. flee

C. ignore

D. neglect

11、 ______ to wait for hours, she brought along a book to read.

A. Expected

B. Expecting

C. Expects

D. To expect

12、 Mrs. Smith, together with her friends, ______ to visit the new museum.

A. are going

B. are

C. is going

D. will be

13、 ______ before we leave the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.

A. Had they arrived

B. Were they to arrive

C. Were they arriving

D. Would they arrive

14、 Mr. Wang said such a thing ______ to happen at school again and he forgave me this time.

A. ought not to be allowed

B. ought to be not allowed

C. ought to be allowed not

D. not ought to be allowed

15、 ______ she had a solid background in mathematics, her lab skills were relatively undeveloped.

A. As

B. Since

C. That

D. While

16、 We enjoyed ourselves very much last night at the party. You ______ with us.

A. should have come

B. must come

C. must have come

D. should come

17、 Only under special circumstances ______ to take make-up tests.

A. freshmen are permitted

B. are freshmen permitted

C. permitted are freshmen

D. are permitted freshmen

18、 There is not much news in today's paper, ______?

A. is it

B. isn't it

C. isn't there

D. is there

19、 You've already missed too many classes this term. You ______ four classes just last week.

A. had missed

B. miss

C. missed

D. have missed

20、 Before leaving the village, he visited the old house ______ he spent his childhood.

A. in which

B. which

C. to which

D. at which


Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage.

Anne-Marie Garrard was shocked when it was announced that she had won the Personal Assistant of the Year award. "The other 21 seemed to be very strong, and I have to say I found the selection really 22 ," she says, "I don't think I had 23 of the chance to win. 24 I heard my name, my legs were 25 weak that I could hardly stand up." She laughs.

So how was "the best" personal assistant 26 from a group of extremely good and very different individuals? The 27 decision was reached after a whole day of tests, interviews and exercises. Garrard believe the skills she uses 28 her job helped her to perform well. 29 , although most of her work
