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Lesson 75 Uncomfortable shoes 不舒适的鞋子

Part one Vocabulary

1)ago adv. 以前的,以往的。表示过去的时间,一般与一般过去时连用。

例句:It happened ages ago.这件事发生在很久很久以前。

Long long ago, there lived a king. 很久很久以前,那里住着一位国王。

固定搭配:not long ago不久以前It happened not long ago.事情发生在不久以前。

Long long ago很久以前Long long ago, there lived a king. 很久很久以前,那里


2)buy v.买。注意过去式和过去分词是bought.反义词是sell卖。

3)pair n.双,对。后面接复数名词。

例子:a pair of gloves/glasses/shoes/shocks/ear-rings一副眼镜,一双手套/鞋/袜子,一对耳环

4)fashion n.流行,时髦,时尚。

例句:The lady is dressed in the latest fashion.那女子穿着入时。

a fashion show时装表演fashion magazine时装杂志

短语:come into/be in fashion 流行This kind of dress is in fashion now.这种衣服现在很时髦。go/be out of fashion过时The style wet out of fashion.那种款式已经过时了。

链接词汇:fashionable adj.时髦的,流行的。It’s fashionable to have short hair nowadays.


5)uncomfortable adj.不舒服的,不自在的。

例句:This hat is uncomfortable.这顶帽子不舒服。

I fell uncomfortable in that dress.穿那件衣服我觉得不舒服。

His words make me uncomfortable.他的话让我感到不舒服/不安。

链接词汇:uncomfortably adv.不舒服地,不安地。Seated uncomfortably in the hard chair, I could say nothing.不舒服地坐在这么硬的椅子上,我什么也说不出来。

comfortable adj.舒服的,安逸的。The chair is very comfortable. I feel very comfortable. He leads a very comfortable life. 他过着十分安逸的生活。

Comfort n.舒适/v.安慰

The man lives in comfort.那个人生活安逸。

I fell in the exam and she just offered a few words of comfort.

The mother comforted the crying little boy .妈妈安慰正在哭的小男孩。

6)wear v.①穿着,戴着,佩戴着;wear a hat/dress/tie/necklace…

She never wears perfume.她从来不用香水。

②面带,呈现;He is wearing a cheerful smile.

n.衣服,服装。Men’s wear男装 underwear内衣

链接词汇:put on穿上,强调穿的动作,比如说put on a coat.而wear强调穿着的状态。

Part two Sentence patterns

1)Do you have any shoes like these?

Have在这里是实义动词“有”的意思。所以一般疑问句要用助动词do. like these是名词

shoes的后置定语。汉语中名词的定语只有前置定语着一种,比如说美丽的祖国,不能说成祖国美丽的。而英语中名词的定语既有前置定语也有后置定语,比如说a broken pen,

a pen broken.

2)What size?什么尺码的?这句话的全句应该是What size do you want?询问鞋子,衣服等的尺码的时候用What size?这个要会应用。

Size five.5号的。这是对尺码的回答。直接用Size再加上码数。

3)What colour?什么颜色?What colour do you want?对颜色的询问。回答的时候直接说什么颜色就行。这个也要会用。

4)Can you get a pair for me?您能为我找一双么?情态动词can在这里表示请求,please也是请求的意思。get是找到,弄到的意思。比如,I finally get you.我终于找到你了。介词for是为某人的意思。for me为我。

5)I’m afraid that I can’t.恐怕不行。是一种不直接表示否定的表达方式,委婉的拒绝。本句的句子结构为一个宾语从句。that I can’t做afraid 的宾语。其中关系代词that可以省略。

也可以说I’m afraid I can’t. I’m afraid you can’t go with me.恐怕你不能跟我一起去。

6)They were in fashion last year and the year before last.be in fashion流行的,时髦的。

前年用the year before last.

联想回忆:前天---the day before yesterday

7)They look very uncomfortable.它们看上去很不舒服。Look系动词,表示看上去,看起来,后面跟形容词做表语。She looks pretty today.她今天看起来很漂亮。

8)But women always wear uncomfortable shoes.可是女人们总是穿不舒服的鞋子。隐含的意思是女人们经常会为了美而让自己不舒服。以这句话结尾让整个对话变得幽默而风趣。


现在领读,自己朗读,背诵。read after me. read by yourselves. learn by heart.

Part three Grammar

一般过去时(simple past tense):一般过去时表示在过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态,过去习惯性、经常性的动作或状态,过去主语所具备的能力或性格等。


否定形式:①系动词be(am is are)变为was were





Ago(two hours ago(一段时间+ago),yesterday(句子开头或结尾),the day before yesterday,last week,last(year,night,month…),具体时间(如Jan.fourth),just now,at the age of,one day,long ago,once upon a time(很久以前),and so on,this morning.long long ago.



1.直接加ed:work—— worked look——looked play——played,

2.以e结尾的单词,直接加d:live ——lived hope——hoped use——used,
