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英语写作基础 试卷 (课程代码 00597 )

I.重写句子 (15 points, 1.5points each)Rewrite each of the following sentences according to the requirement in brackets.

1. Electric cars are becoming more popular. They cause less pollution and save more energy. (compound sentence)

2. The young man was very excited when he got the job offer from that famous company. (simple sentence)

3. Phelps has won the most Olympic gold medals. He is believed to be the greatest swimmer in the world. (complex sentence)

4.There’s no time for you to change the topic. There’s no time for you to rewrite it from the beginning. (parallel structure)

5.Dolly made her first public appearance at age 1

6. She was warmly welcomed and became a local star.

(complex sentence)

6.To be a lawyer is still my dream though I’m satisfied with my current job. (periodic sentence)

7.Jack moved to Paris. He lost contact with most of his former friends. (complex sentence)

8.David made a beautiful musical album. He gave it to his girlfriend as a birthday gift. (simple sentence) puters can perform many tasks nowadays. Computers cannot replace people or behave in the way

a human mind works. (complex sentence)

10. Virtual reality, unlike real reality, enables us to experience things through the computer. Those things don’t really exist. Virtual reality will probably change our thinking patterns. (compound-complex sentence)

II. 修改句子 (15 points, 3points each) Correct the errors in the following sentences.

11. Mothers want to keep working usually find that they are facing strong pressure to balance between work and family.

12. A recent study shows that reading in print is better for understanding than to read on a Kindle or other electronic devices.

13. Humans, like other animals, have a biological clock that tells us when to sleep and when to eat, our bodies are controlled by the clock in many ways.

14. While watching the movie, sweet memories of the days in the forest with her father were brought to mind. 15. Thousands of people register for continuing education classes each year. To learn new skills or to improve their lives.

III. 辨认主题句 (15 points, 5points each)

16. Choose the best topic sentence from the four options below. Write the corresponding letter of your choice on the answer sheet.

A. We trust a company which writes its name in blue more than one that uses pink.

B. A study shows that depression can relieved by the use of certain colored lights.

C. Different colors can influence the choices we make and even change our emotions.

D. Some fast-food restaurants tend to use red-colored package to attract customers.

17. Read the following paragraph and underline the topic sentence.

The very act of stepping outside of your comfort zone is critical to your success. Our brains are wired so that it’s difficult to take action until we f eel at least some stress and discomfort. In fact, performance peaks when we’re well out of our comfort zone. If you’re too comfortable, your performance suffers from inaction; if you move too far outside of your comfort zone, you melt down from stress. Stepping outside of your comfort zone makes you better, and it doesn’t have to be something as extreme as climbing Mount Everest. It’s everyday’s challenges that push your boundaries the most, none of which require a flight to Nepal. Just embrace these challenges since no one has ever accomplished anything remarkable when comfortable.

18. Read the following paragraph and choose the best topic sentence from the four options that follow. Write the corresponding letter of your choice on the answer sheet.

L eeds’ Hyde Park Picture House, the U.K.’S only surviving gas -lit cinema, has secured a 2.4 million pounds investment to ensure the lights stay on. First launched in 1914, the small picture house was once used to broadcast news bulletins and announcements during wartime. To this day, the cinema continues to use gas lighting, giving modern patrons a sense of the buildings’ century -long history. The funding of the cinema is part of a 55 million pounds Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) scheme ensuring the future of Britain ’s most prestigious historical buildings. The lottery funding will be used not only to keep the cinema lit by gas lamps, but also to restore its special floors and decorations. Britain’s Heritage Minister Tracey Crouch said:” our heritage provides us with a sense of identity and helps boost tourism and local economies. These grants will help preserve important parts of our heritage for the public to enjoy.

A. The only surviving gas-lit cinema has special floors and decorations.

B. The lottery funding only aims at rebuilding the century-long cinema.

C. The heritage in Britain helps to promote tourism and local economies. D . The HLF scheme helps preserve U.K.’S heritage like the gas -lit cinema.

IV . 重新组合段落 (5points, 1 points each) 19. Rearrange the following sentences.

A. Keysar said that all this has to do with how foreign languages affect our emotions.

B . That is, people’s reactions are stronger when they use emotion -related words in their native tongue.

C . In other words, they’re more likely to kill one person to save five--at least supposedly.

D. This we learned from Boaz Keysar, whose research has shown that using a foreign language affects how people make decisions when faced with moral dilemmas.

E. Thinking and speaking in a foreign language affects our decision-making.

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