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Part III Text Analysis
That's the sound of the Impact starting. There's no standard auto ignition. You simply turn the key and push a button to turn on the electricity.. As the Impact accelerates, there are no pumping pistons, just a surge of electric power. It's a sleek, aerodynamic, two-seat sports car. It's both smooth and quiet. All you hear is wind whistling past and the sound of tires on the pavement.
Part III Text Analysis
The American auto industry has been looking for ways to rescue its sagging bottom line. Better design and better quality are contributing to the beginning of a turnaround, but long-term success is going to mean major changes for the entire industry. Ensuring that success involves planning for an entirely new type of automobile, one powered by electricity. The electric car is still some distance down the road. (topic presenting)
Discussion: the trends of the development of transportation
Text analysis
Words and Expressions
Key words electric car zero tailpipe emissions 零排放 battery
Part III Text Analysis
It's rush hour in Detroit, and the interstate freeway, 1-94, is jammed with cars heading for home after another workday in the city. Looking down on the freeway from an overpass, one sees cars and trucks of every size, shape, and color. (description)
You see, electric cars have absolutely zero tailpipe emissions. In Detroit, the big three U.S. car companies have spent millions researching electric vehicles. Chrysler has an electric version of its popular minivan; and Ford, a small electric wagon; but none has attracted as much attention as General Motors' experimental electric car called the Impact. (the introduction to Impact)
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Part III Text Analysis
But as automobile-related pollution grows worse in major urban areas, governmental officials and environmentalists are pushing automobile manufacturers to design vehicles powered by electricity.
Unit 12 Transportation II
Part III The new trends of automobiles
Class Plan
Warming up News Broadcast: practice the ability of catching key points in the new
But for all of their differences, these vehicles do have something in common: they're all powered by an internal combustion engine running on gasoline or diesel fuel.
Piston: 活塞
Surge: to increase suddenly, used of electric current or voltage
Hurdle: to overcome or deal with successfully; surmount
Impact:通用汽车公司的一款实验 型电力汽车的名称
Combustion: the process of burning
Ignition: the raising of a substance to its ignition point, as by electric current, friction, or mechanical shock