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Text 1

W: My mother sits in front of the TV for hours every evening.

M: Well, TV has that effect on a lot of people. It takes people away from reading, talking and walking.

Text 1. What does the man think of watching TV? B

A. It helps people kill time.

B. It makes people less active.

C. It keeps people well-informed.

Text 2

M: Amy, could I use your bike?

W: I’m afraid you can’t use it now. I am using it in 10 minutes.

Text 2. What does the woman mean? A

A. She’ll use her bike soon.

B. She lent her bike out.

C. She’ll borrow a bike.

Text 3

W: I want to buy a new dress for Betty’s party.

M: But you’ve got at least 50 dresses.

W: 50? Don’t be silly. I haven’t got anything to w ear. Come on.

Text 3. What does the man think of the woman? B

A. She is poorly dressed.

B. She’s got too many dresses

C. She should buy a dress for Betty.

Text 4

M: I plan to give Mum a surprise by making a coffee table for her birthday. I’m trying to do it without making a noise. W: That’s going to be difficult when you start working.

Text 4. What’s going to be difficult for the man? B

A. Making good coffee.

B. Working at home quietly.

C. Choosing a birthday gift.

Text 5

W: Bob, can we really afford a holiday now? W e’re paying for this house and the…

M: Listen, Peggy. You work hard and I work hard. There’s nothing to worry about.

Text 5. What are the speakers discussing? A

A. Whether to go on a holiday.

B. How to pay for the house.

C. Whether to find a better job.

Text 6

M: Have you seen Mr. Li?

W: No, I haven’t. Is he looking for me?

M: Yes, he is. He wants to talk to you.

W: To me? About what?

M: There’s an opening in the sales department. He wants to talk to you about it.

W: Oh, that’s great! What kind of job is it?

M: He hasn’t told me exactly. But it w ill be a better job than this.

W: Thank you for your help.

M: Don’t thank me yet! He hasn’t talked to you and he hasn’t chosen you for the job yet.

W: I know.

Text 6 —6. Who is Mr. Li? C

A. The woman’s co-worker.

B. The woman’s secretary.

C. The woman’s boss.

Text 6 —7. What does Mr. Li want to talk to the woman about? A

A. A job offer.

B. A big sale.

C. A new department.

Text 7

W: Where are you from?

M: Australia, from Sidney. I was at university, you know, I just finished and, er… I thought I’d go off around the wor ld for a bit.

W: What a long way to come! You have a long holiday, I suppose.

M: Well, I finished my studies, you know, and have found a job in a shipping firm. But I have three month s’ holiday before I start work. So I thought I’d just take some time to go around the world. If I need money, I just work where I am, you know, mainly teach English to young children. I used to work in a school and I like children. But at the moment, I’m just having a holiday, wonderful here. I first arrived in Europe a couple of weeks ago. I went to France and, er, I came around… er… through Britain and I went right across to Japan, and then Korea. Now, here I am, in China.

W: Wonderful! You must tell us all about your travels, because we’re all very interested. I’ll be working in a foreign trading firm soon. That’ll help me learn something about other countries.

M: Well. There’s not much to tell, really. But I can show you photos and postcards.

W: But… um... listen. Maybe, if you’d like, you can come to my home and have supper with us and, er…

M: Oh. That would be lovely.

W: Well, you can tell us all about your stories and we can make you a very nice meal. How about that?

M: That would be wonderful. A wonderful Chinese meal! A real Chinese meal! How lovely that’d be! Wonderful!

W: Good!

Text 7 —8. What is the man doing now? B

A. Trying to find a job.

B. Traveling around the world.
