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31." Lily,let's make vegetable salad. How many ________do we need?" “One is


A. oranges

B. potato

C. tomatoes

32. "Whose T-shirt is this?" "It_____ be John's. It's much too small for him.”

A. might

B. can't

C. needn't

33. “________run in the hallways, Mike.” "Sorry, Ms Clark.”

A. Don't

B. Please

C. Let's

34. Sam and Sandy are twin brothers. But Sam is than Sandy.

A. more outgoing

B. very outgoing

C. the most outgoing

35. I like places where the weather is always warm. I hope_____ Hawaii this winter.

A. visiting

B. to visit

C. Visited

36. "We'll have a picnic if it tomorrow.”" Have a nice day

A. won't rain

B. will rain

C. doesn't rain

37. Our teachers are very friendly to us. We _____ friends since three years ago.

A. have been

B. have become

C. would be

38. This math problem is so hard that I can't ______ .Please give me some advice.

A. look out it

B. work it nut

C. give it out

39. The 20th Cup Opening Ceremony was held in Brazil _____ June 12th, 2014.

A. in

B. at

C. on

40. It is reported that a terrible rainstorm hit_____ south of our country last


A. the

B. a

C. an

41. The little kid is just two years old. He's too young to take care of________.

A. his

B. him

C. himself

42. In China and some other countries, it is impolite to speak loudly _______ you

are having a meal.

A. before

B. while

C. after

43.“Have you read today's newspaper" “Yes It's really boring. There ‘is ______in


A. something new

B. nothing new

C. anything new

44. In order to make our city more beautiful more trees and flowers _________ every


A. will plant

B. should plant

C. should be planted

45. "What kind of music do you like, Rosa?" "I love music ______ is quiet and


A. that

B. who

C. where



46. How long does it take you to get to school?

47. Would you Like coffee or tea, Cindy?

48. Could you please clean your room?

49. When is your birthday, Emma?

50. What's this in English, Victor? A. It's a backpack.

B. About half an hour.

C. Thank you all the same.

D. Coffee , please.

E. OK. I'll do it right now.

F. It's December 19th.
