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越来越多的小学生想学好英语,那必须要勤做英语试题,这样才能我们的英语才会进步。下面是本人为大家整理的pep 四年级下册英语试考试试题,希望对大家有用!




( )1. A. man B. bag C. woman D. cat

( )2. A. here B. there C. their D. where

( )3. A. three B. brother C. think D. mother

( )4. A. but B. mother C. rubber D. ruler

( )5. A. like B. little C. miss D. give



2. oranges (单数)

3. I(宾格)

e (反义词)

5. eye (同音词)复数)

7. you (复数) 8.who’s(同音词)

9.let us (缩写形式) 10.wrong(反义词)


( )1. Who’s that woman over there? _______ Mrs Green.

A. He’s

B. She’s

C. It’s

( )2. This is my brother. _______ is a doctor.

A. He

B. She

C. It

( 3. What ____you like?--I’d like some juice.

A can

B would

C do

( )4. Are ______waiters? No ,they’re nurses.

A. these B .they C. those

( )5. What’s ___ job? She’s a teacher.


B. her

C. she’s

( )6. _____ write on the desk.

A. Do

B. Not

C. Don’t

( )7. What’s the ___ ? I’m tired.

A. time

B. matter

C. wrong

( )8._______ the boy ______ a big nose?

A.Whose, with

B. Who’s, in

C. Who’s, with

( )9.The girl _______ is my sister.

A. in the red

B. in red

C. in red coat

( )10. –What do you want to be?


A No, I don’t want to .

B I want to be a policeman.

C Sorry, I don’t know.

D I want to be policeman.


1. that, Who’s, girl, there, over(?)

2. some, pineapples, I’d, like, too(.)

3. your, boy, brother, is, that (?)


1. (B是新来的学生)

A: Excuse _______ ,_________ you a student?

B: Yes, _________ __________ .I’m _______ here.

2. (B是一个老师)

A: _________ __________ a nurse?

B: No, ________ _________ . I’m a teacher.

3. (Mr Brown是一个邮递员)

A: ___________ that man?

B: ___________ Mr Brown.

A: Is he a __________ ?

B: Yes, _________ ________ .


A: ________ six ___________ . We’re _________ for the party.

B: Yes. Let’s ___________

A: _____________ your brother?

B: He’s in the car.

A: OK. _________ go.


Miss Lin is a new teacher. She is thin. She likes lemons very much. She has some good friends: Nancy, Mike, Lily and Wang Dong. They’re her students.

Nancy has blue eyes and yellow hair. Mike is tall and thin. Lily likes oranges, Miss Lin likes oranges, too. And Wang Dong is a Chinese boy, he likes watermelons.

( )1.Miss Lin likes lemons.

( )2.Wang Dong is an English student.

( )3.Miss Lin is a new student. She is thin.
