北师大版高中英语必修一第3讲:Unit1 Lifestyles-语法篇(学生版)

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Unit 1 Lifestyles 语法篇







1.表示现在的经常性||,习惯性的动作||,客观真理||,普遍公理||,科学事实||,格言||,目前的特征||,状态||,能力等||。常搭配时间状语:often||,always||,usually||,sometimes||,every day等||。

①I also do some exercise every day. 我每天也做一些锻炼||。

①Light travels much faster than sound. 光比声音的传播速度快多了||。


①I’ll go there after I finish my work. 完成工作后我将去那||。

①If it rains tomorrow||,I’ll stay at home. 如果明天下雨||,我将待在家里||。

3.表示按照时刻表上规定好将要发生的动作(常见于具体时间状语搭配)||,如come||,go||,leave||,arrive||,begin||,start||,take off等||。常用于车||,船||,飞机等的出发或到达||。

①The train leaves at 4:30pm.



1.表示此时此刻正在发生的动作||。常与now||,at the moment||,at present连用||。

①I’m watching TV now. 我现在正在看电视||。

①What are you doing||,Alice? 爱丽丝||,你现在正在做什么?


①He is writing a novel nowadays. 近来他在写一部小说||。


①A foreigner is coming to visit our school. 一位外宾将要来参观我们学校||。

①They’re having an evening party next week. 下星期他们讲举办一个晚会||。


He is always helping others. 他总是帮助别人||。

She is always forgetting something. 她老是忘事||。




①Tom will come next week. 汤姆下周要来||。

①—The telephone is ringing. 电话铃在响||。

—I will answer it. 我去接吧||。

2.Be going to表示按计划||,安排将要发生的事||,根据某种迹象预示着要发生(某事)||。

①I’m going to Wuhan this weekend. 这几个周末我要去武汉||。

①Look at the clouds. It is going to rain. 看那些乌云||,天就快下雨||。

3.Be to do表示按照计划安排将要发生的事||,征求意见或说话人的吩咐||,命令||,要求||。

①The highway is to be opened in May. 这条高速公路五月就要开放了||。

①You are to go to the office after class. 你下课后到办公室去一趟||。

4.Be about to do课表示即将发生的动作||,不与具体时间状语搭配||,但可和when连用||。

①The meeting is about to end. 会议即将结束||。

①I was about to go to bed when the phone rang. 我正要上床睡觉||,就在那时电话响了||。

例1. If we _____ now to protect the environment||,we’ll live to regret it.

A. hadn’t acted

B. haven’t acted

C. hadn’t act

D. won’t act

例2.I’d hold on to that house for the time being; house prices _____ sharply at the moment.

A. rise

B. have risen

C. will rise

D. are rising

例3.We are confident that the environment ____ by our further efforts to reduce pollution.

A.had been improved

B.will be improved

C.is improved

D.was improved

例4. (2019北京朝阳高三第一学期期末)—Jack||,let’s go swimming.

—Sorry||,I’m busy right now. I _____ for the exam tomorrow.

A.prepare B am preparing C. have prepared D. will prepare

例5. (2019北京朝阳高三第一学期期末)—I’d like to borrow this book||,but I couldn’t finf it on the shelf.

—The book has been checked out. I’ll let you know as soon as it _____.

A. returned

B. will be returned

C. is returning

D. is returned



1.—So what is the procedure?

—All the applicants __________ (interview) before a final decision is made by the authority.

2.Hurry up||,Mark and Carol __________ (expect) us.

3.—Do you think Mom and Dad __________ (be) late?

—No||,Swiss Air is usually on time.

4.On Monday mornings it usually _____ (take) me an hour to drive to work although the actual distance is only 20 miles.

5.The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the works __________ (repair) one of the main
