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第 1 次课教案

I. 组织教学

II. 导入新课

Unit 4 Animals ( I )

Text A Do Animals Have Feelings?

III. 朗读生词



IV. 讲解生词


1.argue 争论,辩论


argue with sb

argue about sth


eg. I’m not going to argue with you , but I think you’re wrong.


They were arguing about how to spend the money.


2. marry



eg. She married a doctor.

2)假如没有直接宾语,常用get married.

Eg. John and Lisa got married last week.

3. save




modern energy-saving devices



eg. He saved his friend from drowing.

4.. bet 打赌v


bet (sb) that

Sean bet that I wouldn’t pass my exam


bet (sth) on

She bet all her money on a horse that came last.


5. goal 目的,目标


eg. long-term goal 长期目标

short-term goal 短期目标

6. Joint 共同的


joint first prize 并列第一

joint effort 共同努力

joint venture 合资企业

7. statement 结单,报告书,称述


issue/make a statement 发表声明

eg. The Congressman issued/made a statement to the press.


8. coin 硬币


1)every coin have 2 sides. 每件事都有正反两面

2)pay sb back in their own coin 以其人之道还制其人之身,以牙还牙

3)toss/ flip a coin 抛硬币选择(决定)

eg. Let’s toss a coin to see who goes first.

9.priority 优先,优先权



have/take/get priority

be given priority 享有优先权

eg. If medical supplied are short, children will be given roiority.


V. 课文分析

1.【热身练习,导入课文】Lead-in Question:


1>I usually spend less than 400 yuan every month. I am very thrifty. I spend less than 15

yuan each day on food because food in the canteen here is really cheap. I don’t spend

money on other things except food. I am now having a part-time job. I am a tutor of a middle school student. I can earn 20 yuan for each hour.

2>I spend about 800 yuan every month. I like to eat delicious food, so I spend about 25

yuan each day on food. Besides, I will buy snacks now and then. I also like to eat in a restaurant once a month. As a result, most of my money is spent on food. I don’t have any part-time job because my parents ask me to study hard and not to care about money.


3. 【找主题句,了解文章大致内容】

4. 【列举并讲解文中语言点】

1>.Money mattered a great deal to Patsy and Sam, but it meant something different to each of them. (Para. 1)


Eg. Will it matter if I’m a little late?


All that matters is that you’re safe.


2>.That was why they argued. (Para. 1)

疑问副词why引导的句子经常用于“That’s why…”句型,


eg. Simon loves you —that’s why he wants t o be with you.


He is a selfish man. That’s why we can’t become friends.


3>.They worked out how much each of them would have to save every month so that in two years’ time they’d have the deposit on a ho use. (Para. 2)

so that 引导的是目的状语从句。如果主句中的谓语动词是一般现在时或现在完成时,那么从句中一般用can, may, will和shall等这些情态动词。如果主句中的谓语动词是过去时,那么从句中的情态动词一般用could, might, would 和should等。例如:

◆She’s studying English at night school so that she can go to university.


◆He lowered his voice so that Doris couldn’t hear.


in two years’ time表示从现在算起两年。类似的例子还有:

◆He has an appointment with the doctor in two days’ time.


◆In two hours’ time, we’ll be in Paris.

