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The Boy in White T-shirt
The book named Dragon Raja played a seriously important rolein my high school.This popular Chinese novel has accompanied me for five years and is highly possibleto become my company for the next fifty years.
Theboy in white T-shirt disappears in crowds.What fine weather it is!
The series of novelsbased on fantasy as well asreality make up an amazing world which just is the young’s cup of tea. Therefore, one of its shining spots is “Imagination and the perfect combination of youthfulenthusiasm”. The book has not been finished,andthe writer is writing nowadays.
Loneliness, responsibility,courage, and warmth,these are cherished qualities I feel from Chu.The story of Dragon RajaⅣhas startedand Chu plays an important part in it.The adventure continues, and thegrowing-up neverends up
In my heart, Chu is a just a kid, forcing himself to do everything he thinks he can.If he cannot finish, then that is his fault.Heis someone that hasn’t gained warmth but wants others to feel warm.There is a word in the book, “lonely kid hides in heart”.Chu is that boy, the boy bound to be a king.
To begin with, some criticsregarded it as “the Chinese Harry Porter”.However, theDragonRajaⅢ(The Dark Moon Tide)finished on 3/20/2014and were extremely welcomedby readers, which proved its charm and strength as a classic in fantasy filed. In a simple way, it gives a vivid account of the process of the young’s growing-up; in a deeperlevel, itexpressesthe fight between people and machine in themodern industrial civilization.
My favorite character in the novel is a supportingrole, aChineseboy named Zihang Chu .He is not only atypicaltop student but a “crazy”, a man as precise as a watch. The boy in white T-shirt with a black tennis bag on hisback, just came into my life in a pouring rainy day, and became my idol and friend from the first sight. His parentsFra Baidu bibliotekdivorced in his childhood and his mother married a rich businessman soon. He lookedforward to the warmth of family but he cannot tell it. His father was missingin a mystery in connection with Cassel Collegein a rainy day. In order to get information about his father, after graduating from high school Chu applied to studyat theCassel College, a mysteriousschool in America.Certainly,the adventure started.
There is no doubt that Chu is an excellent person, physically andmentally. However, itis not his good looking orhigh IQ but his will and self-control that attract me and millions of readers. Influenced by hisfather, Chu is strict with himself .Whatever difficulties he is confronted with, he neverbacksaway. Several times death is coming right straight, he just runs out.It is sure that “danger” is exaggerated in a fantasy. His spirits of facing things bravely inspire me a lot in reallife, though. WheneverI get into trickysituation, thinking the boy that firmly handles the sword andnevergives up, I will feel courage and motivation to go ahead.
In fact, Chu is silent and has little facial expressions, what he really caresis action. In human society, he is like an alien. There is something with him, the loneliness.In the author’sword, Chu“islikealonelywolf”, he tries his best to find out about his father’s secrets at any costs. He owns big power at the cost oflifetime,risks hislifeto complete tasks, never backsaway.