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Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer.(20 points) 1.Her devotion ______ the cause of education is a great encouragement to all of us.

A.to B.for

C.by D.in

2.Susan prides herself ______ her ability to remain calm when trouble suddenly happens. A.of B.with

C.for D.on

3.After his illness, he was advised to ______ gardening as a hobby.

A.turn into B.take up

C.enter D.engage

4.I’m sorry I cannot see you immediately; but if you’d like to take a seat, I’ll be with you ______.

A.for a moment B.in a moment

C.for the moment D.at the moment

5.The shy girl felt ______ and uncomfortable when she couldn’t answer her teacher’s questions. A.amazed B.awkward

C.curious D.amused

6.We had to ______ a lot of noise when the children were at home.

A.go in for B.hold on to

C.put up with D.keep pace

7.I’m terribly sorry to keep you ______ so long.

A.waiting B.wait

C.to wait D.from waiting

8.The tradition has been ______ since the ancient times.

A.passed by B.passed on

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C.passed to D.passed down

9.It was difficult to ______ what was said over the loudspeaker in the square. A.make off B.make up

C.make out D.make away

10.I always have a dictionary within arm’s ______.

A.touch B.reach

C.range D.distance

11.A man should be judged ______his deeds, not his words.

A.according to B.in

C.from D.by

12.The criminal was ______ of committing theft.

A.accused B.prevented

C.kept D.separate

13.Mother and father were invited to the party, but ______ of them came.

A.either B.none

C.both D.neither

14.Her car ______ so she had to come by bus.

A.turn down B.fell in

C.broke down D.broke up

15.Wipe the dust ______ the furniture.

A.off B.with

C.onto D.out of

16.Although he lives quite a distance away from my home, ______ he pays me a visit. A.then and now B.here and there

C.now and then D.when and then

17.Only in the spring ______ .

A.the flowers do bloom B.the flowers bloom

C.the flowers can bloom D.do the flowers bloom

18.The clock ______ three and we could go home now.

A.fight B.struck

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C.ring D.sounded

19.The farmer built fences to ______ the boundaries of his land.

A.mark B.signal

C.have D.make

20.When the class was over, we went back to our ______ dormitories.

A.complacent B.respectable

C.respective D.respectful


Choose the most likely answers to complete the passage from the words given.(15 points)

My wife and I share most of the housework fairly equally. There are only a few jobs that only one of us does, and the rest are thought of as 21 duty. This situation 22 naturally rather than being the result of some 23 design. It is the result of our both having careers and 24 to the income of the household. If 25 of us, for some reason, stopped working outside the home, the 26 of responsibility would certainly change.

Since I began doing housework on an equal 27 what has 28 me is how easy it is. I do not mean that all the housework itself is easy; I mean that to take over tasks 29 regarded as “women’s work”was not as difficult a personal experience as I had expected. I thought, then ,that I would not only 30 curious attention from other people, but that I would have difficulty personally adjusting to 31 housework in a home in which my father never did any, and where I had never been obliged to do any either.

I was quite surprised, then, when not only 32 I not receive so much as a 33 eyebrow when wheeling a baby carriage down the middle of my street, but I found myself enjoying these new tasks very much. 34 that I enjoy every aspect of child care, cooking, and cleaning. A few things about child care are 35 .But the whole experience made me curious about the experience of other men who had taken over housework as I had done . I wondered how they felt about it, whether they found it as much of an adventure as I did, if they learned about themselves as much as I had.

21. A. average B. couple C. common D. double

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