参加国际会议,英语发言时语言如何表达,开场,结尾以及过渡international conference presentation剖析

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I owe a great debt to gratitude to the Organizing Committee of the conference for asking me to speak here today. I wish also to thank my American hosts for their generosity and hospitality. I would like to thank Dr. Huang for permitting me the privilege to speak to this audience.

Choose suitable language expressions for opening your speech
Thank you Mr. Chairman Thanks for the chairman’s introduction. Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to address this distinguished audience today. 我非常荣幸地能有此机会发言.
Language expressions for beginning your presentation

* I would like to start by briefly reviewing … *Let us start with the theoretical basis of this new technique. *To begin with, I have to review the previous work in …. * I think it would be best to start out by looking at/into….
*Gesture (assisting your speech )
*Posture (position, proper)
2. Oral presentation

Well Begun Is Half Done.

Your presentation should - catch attention - arouse interest Catch attention Eye contact- audience Salutation – language expressions

Use visual aid to start. (map, figure, table, diagram etc.) Make a startling statement.

Good morning, everyone, I appreciate the opportunity to be with you today. I am here to talk to you about a disease.

Thank you and good morning. It’s a pleasure to be here and an honor to present my …
Good afternoon. I am pleased to participate the symposium and I am also honored to speak here. I am privileged to be here with you this afternoon.

Ladies and gentlemen. It is a great pleasure for me to share my work with this distinguished group of scholars. I am honored to have been invited to speak at this symposium.
Some of you may already be infected; most of you will in some way be touched by this disease. If this disease can’t be eradicated, it will have a direct and serious impact on every person in this room.
Presentation in International Conferences
Part 1. Conference Presentation

Prepare by reading your script and handle the time accurately. Practice your presentation with the visual aids for the best match.

Arouse interest Don’t start your speech with a tedious introduction Go directly to your topic. Topic: ★not too long ★using noun phrase ★repeating your topic in proper time once
3. Presenting your speech
pronunciation Clear, full vowel sound rhythm making every meaning block coherently presented; avoid repeating unnecessarily, too quickly; proper pause

1. Visual aids to help your speech *PPT: large enough, color, layout (pink, purple are not suitable) *Overhead projector (distinguishing)
*Slides (operation)