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It’s all fleeting cloud. 神马都是浮云。

ambivalent 纠结

The reverse of one’s expectation 坑爹

Brother is only a legend. 哥只是传说

It goes without saying that…… 你懂的

Leftover ladies 剩女

Human flesh search engine/e-stalk 人肉搜索

Happiness is the way. 做人呢,最重要的是开心。

I believe it, whether you belie it or not. 至于你信不信,反正我是信了。Yuanfang, how would you make of it? 元芳,你怎么看?

We insist that international trade should not be one-way street.


His success in this field has pushed his forerunners’ point into bac kground. 他在这方面的成就使前辈们黯然失色。

Lightning rod 避雷针

Launch window 发射时间

Ringxiety: ring + anxiety 幻听

Simishing: SMS + phishing 短信诈骗

Couch potato

Mouse potato 天天上网的人;网虫

Pen pal 笔友

Net pal 网友

I have no head for mathematics. 我对数学没有天赋。

Revamp 重新考虑

Fluid 流动的;流畅的;不固定的

Shipyard/dockyard 造船厂

Reproduce 仿效

The wheat is sure to contain a certain amount of chaff. 龙蛇混杂

Jack of all trades 万事通

Feed on fancies 画饼充饥

Make a little contribution 添砖加瓦

On the verge of destruction 危在旦夕

Await with great anxiety 望穿秋水

Lack of perseverance 三天打鱼,两天晒网。

Half-pipe U型池

Soft money 纸币

Soft hat 呢帽

Soft answer 委婉的回答

Soft fire 文火

Submachine gun 冲锋枪

Do not fancy any longer. To you, he is absolutely a man of loyalty.


But there had been too much publicity about my case.


Follow the river and you will get to the sea. 顺藤摸瓜

Smoking is prohibited in public places. 公共场所禁止吸烟。

Now complaints are heard in all parts of that country. 该国各地目前怨声载道。Rumors had already spread along the streets and lanes. 大街小巷早就传遍了各种流言蜚语。

There were no snow, the leaves were gone from the trees, the grass was dead.


Packed like sardines 挤得像罐头沙丁鱼

The most-favored-nation clause 最惠国条款

The open-door policy 门户开放政策

A cat has nine lives 猫有九命

Blood is thicker than water.血浓于水

Barking dogs do not bite.犬吠不咬人

A rolling stone gathers no moss. 滚石不生苔;转业不生财;见异思迁,终无所获To praise to the skies 捧上天去

To fish in troubled waters 浑水摸鱼

To add fuel to the fire 火上浇油

To be on thin ice 如履薄冰

Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳

Strike while iron is hot. 趁热打铁

A drop in the ocean. 沧海一粟

To laugh off one’s head 笑掉大牙

To shed crocodile tears 猫哭老鼠

To be out at elbows 捉襟见肘

To spend money like water 挥金如土

At sixes and sevens 七颠八倒;乱七八糟

Six of one and half a dozen of the other 半斤八两

One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.


Hypotaxis 形合

Parataxis 意合

High tea下午茶

Naked marriage 裸婚


Young cynic愤青

Soul mate灵魂伴侣

Toy boy 小白脸


long-distance relationship异地恋

fashion icon时尚达人


leetspeak 脑残体

jinx 扫把星

partner assistance对口支援
