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Passage 1

Have you ever seen a moon that looks unbelievably big?

1.To what do—harvest moon(All of these)

2.The main purpose—is to(inform)

3.The author knew—the moon(mysterious)

4.The moon looks bigger if(it is--horizon)

5.The autumm moon(help farmers--crops)

Passage 2

Strange thing happens to time when you travel.

1.The best title—is(how time--world)

2.The difference in—is(one hour)

3.From this –ocean(is divided--zones)

4.The international—name for(the point--begins)

5.If you cross—clock(ahead one--zone)

Passage 3

Holidays in the United States usually occur at least once a month

1.The government—have a(3-day)

2.Workers in the—from(Tuesday to Friday)

3.Which statement—passage?(All the--vacation)

4.The reason—that(no one--place)

5.Which of the—passage?(Something—U.S)

Passage 4

Sarah Winchester was a very rich woman.

1.What did—house(Making it bigger)

2.The story—had(7 floors)

3.Who did—house(Carpenters--workers)

4.How long—continue(For 38 years)

5.Sarah’s—finished(when she died)

Passage 5

The diner is only a humble restaurant,

1.What’s the—2(The attraction--people)

2.The purpose—to(gove a--passage)

3.Why do—diner?(It’s--loneliness)

4.Diners attract(many--people)

5.Diners are(fascinating)

Passage 6

In the past two years,millions-

1.The word—to(make use of)

2.It can—fitness,(bicyle--rise)

3.The bicycle is(enjoying--revival)

4.The reader—are(concerned--lives)

5.in the—means(a rapid--sale)

Passage 7

Doctors have known for a long time that— Or loss

1.Doctors have—that(one many--noise)

2.This passage—hearing(will be--second)

3.According to—aspirin(makes hearing--worse)

lions of—they(take--aspirin)

5.The purpose—find(whether aspirin--noises)

Passage 8

Just two month ago,Ana,a teenager,was—

1.Ana realizes that(she must--exam)

2.Ana has—for(seven years)

3.Ana experiences—with(the--lectures)

4.Ana tells—about(her family)

5.The best—is(Ana comes--colors)

Passage 9

Any mistake made in the printing of a – Collectors.

1. 1.A postage—if(a mistake--printing)

2.In 1847—were(not--stamps)

3.In 1847—in the(wording)

4. 4.$16800—of(the--blue)

5.The valuable—by(British printers)

Passage 10

In the English educational system,

1.The purpose—to(describe--on)

2.The exam—age of(fifteen)

3.We may—that(the exam--exams)

4.The passage—that(schooling--England)

5.As used—means(to take--of)

Passage 11

For centuries,in the countries of south and—the

1.What can—passage?(It is hard--them)

2.Thailand was—because(white—1920s)

3.Why is—author?(Because--owners)

4.Which of—times?(Today--5150)

5.The passage—from(a research report)

Passage 12

The communications explosion is on the scale of the rail,

1.By saying—to(display--life)

2.The author—is(amazing)

3.Which of—true?(The--functionally)

4.According—us to(talk and--are)

5.The phrase—by(each car)

Passage 13

Many private institutions of higher education around the—danger.

1.According to—of(their characteristics)

2.The author—mean(get into difficulties)

3.We can—support(private schools)

4.Which of-NOT-schools?(Private--schools)

5.Which of—school


Passage 14
