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Can two people be good friends if one person has more money than the other?


1. 物以类聚,人以群分,穷人的朋友都是穷人,富人的朋友都是富人,为什么比尔盖茨认识


2. 有钱人关心的是如何享受生活,而穷人关心的是如何节约用钱和如何赚钱。思想观念都不


3. 就算穷人和富人成为朋友,哪一天穷人问富人借钱,是借好还是不借好?借了不能指望还,


Different people in the society have different fortune, different prosperity and different level of knowledge. Can two people be good friends if they are not equally in fortune? My answer is negative. As far as I’m concerned, the basis of the friendship is the similar sense of value, which comes from the similar amount of fortune they owe.

Initially, as an old saying goes: birds of feather flock together, people of a class fall into the same group. It is easy to note that the majority of the friends of poor people are major, and vice ve rsa. Why doesn’t Bill Gates know you, nor me, but Buffett, the richest person in the world now? The reason is simple: we do not have as much money as Bill Gates. Another example is that usually, there are some places called wealthier suburb, where live many rich people. Comparatively, poor people also concentrate on some limited regions called slum. Why is that? Because rich people only make friends with those who are rich and poor people only can associate with poor.

Why is that? Why poor people cannot make friends with rich people?As I mentioned above: they have the different value. As we know, if two people want to be close friends, they should have similar views about the world. However it cannot be achieved between the rich and poor. The example is that the rich cares more about enjoying their lives.In their spare time they would play gulf, or go to the concert. Many of them are well educated: they graduated from famous universities, like Harvard, Stanford. They prefer to talk about Shakespeare, Mozart, stocks, and so on, which are far away from the poor. In contrast, the poor usually are not well educated. According to a survey by Harvard, two thirds of the 20% poorest people in the US didn’t have the chance to go the university. When it comes to the entertainment, they care more about watching TV, surf on Internet, or play basketball. You see, there is no intersection between them. Therefore, different education background leads to the difference between conceptions, which in turn lead to the hardship in communication. So there’s no doubt that they cannot be close friends.

To say the least, even if the two people, one rich and one poor, become good friends. What if the poor is in short of cash, and would like to borrow some money from the rich. Should the rich one give the money to the poor? Now here comes a dilemma: if the rich person lend some money to poor, it is less likely to get the money back because the poor earns the money slowly compared with rich. However if the rich person refuses to lend the money, they may not be as close as before. Thus money is most likely to ax the friendship between two friends.
