面试 job interview

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1. What do you think is your biggest strength?
Answered Tip: You could say ,“Cool, calm and clear, stand firm, helpful and caring, sense of humor, optimism and friendliness. Plus practice, so I fit the job. I believe I can succeed !”
f. Smoke g. Being late and make up excuses. h. Over making-up i. Nervous and hesitate to answer the questions j. Improper body languages
Playing with your tie or decorations
Job interview
•Before you go to a job interview • what should you prepare? • what aspects should you pay attention to? • have a discussion with each other appearance attitude and manners
Reduce the Stress
Go to the location of the interview the day before Note the time it took you to get there Look for the closest bus stop Lay out your clothes the night before the interview
Questions of the interviewer
5.How much do you know about our company? 6.Talk about your views on the quit (跳槽)? 跳槽) 7.Why do you think we should employ you? 8. What are your goals for the future? Where do you see yourself in five years? 9. How do you handle pressure?
Some “Dos”
Do plan to arrive on time or a few minutes early, not too early and NEVER late – 10 minutes early is acceptable Do wait until you are offered a chair before sitting. Sit upright, and interested at all times. Be a good listener as well as a good communicator. Do show enthusiasm. If you are interested in the opportunity, enthusiastic feedback can enhance your chances of being further considered.
You only get one chance to make a first impression, so make it professional. 1/Eye Contact while listening, If you happen to look away, it displays to the interviewer a lack of interest and a short attention span. while speaking, If you do not maintain eye contact, it shows a lack of confidence in what you are saying.
4/Gestures Gestures should be very limited during an interview.
5/Space – Recognize the boundaries of your personal space and that of others.
---- shame --- lost your mind --- anxious --- afraid -- sense of insecurity --- disdain
Questions of the interviewer
1.What do you think what is your biggest strength? 2.Talk about your greatest weakness? 3.Your views on overtime? 4.Talk about the salary (薪水) requirements? 薪水) 薪水
Don’t inquire about salary, vacations, bonuses, retirement, etc., on the initial interview
unless you are sure the employer is interested in hiring you.
Bad behaviors
a. Improper clothing b. Lack of eye contact and speak in low voice c. Bad sitting posture. d. Self-praise or boast e. Speak very fast
3/Posture Posture sends out a signal of your confidence When you are standing, stand up straight. When you are seated, sit at the front edge of the chair, leaning forward slightly.
During the Interview
It is okay to: Ask for a moment to thinkபைடு நூலகம்about your answer Ask for the question to be repeated
During the Interview
Job interview 求职英语面试
The process
After interview
During the Interview
Get ready
Get the telephone call
1 2 3 4 5 6 Get the phone Preparation Some does Some don’ts Questions After the interview
Don’t answer with a simple “yes” or “no”. Don’t lie.
Answer questions truthfully and frankly.
Some “Don’ts”
Don’t over-answer questions.
if the interviewer steers the conversation into politics or controversial issues, try to do more listening than speaking since this could be a sensitive situation.
During the Interview
Use positive statements, “I can, I will, I do” Use eye contact (p11) 2/Facial Expressions (p12) Be aware of your body language (Posture and gesture)(p13-14) Provide interviewer with your references
Questions to ask the Interviewer
Can you tell me more about…..? Do you have any training programs? Can you describe them? What would my schedule be like? How has this position become available?
Get Ready
Research the company Review job posting, advertisement Review your resume Practice interview answers Prepare questions to ask the interviewer
The Call
When you get “the call” for an interview, you should ask the following information:
Time and location of interview. Who will I be meeting with? What is the person’s job title. What type of interview (1 to 1 or panel)
Some “Don’ts”
Don’t forget to bring a copy of your resume!
Keep several copies in your briefcase if you are afraid you will forget.
Don’t smoke,
even if the interviewer does and offers you a cigarette.
Compressing your lips
Folding your arms
Putting your hands in the pocket and shrugging your shoulder
rising your head slightly, looking overheadhanding on the brow scratching your head rubbing hands over and over again looking around biting fingernailcurling one's lip
During the Interview
2/Facial Expressions Facial expressions are very important. such as a smile It can tell the interviewer that you are a happy person and delighted to be interviewed by the company.
You could say,“My greatest strength is my , commitment to work. I strive [straiv] for excellence and always try to do my best.”