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1)She intended to apply for that academic position.

2)He is so devoted to his research that the idea that he will soon have to retire never occurs to him.

3)Many peoplehave observed that, without effec tive checks, we hav e a tendency to abuseou r power.

4)Students must observe care fully how go od writers u se words.

5)S ome countrie s refuse to get involved in this dis pute and the y resent any foreign int erference.

6)How do you t hink we shou Id handle th e drug probl em?

7)Accordi ng to the ag reement, all business po lices should apply to ev erybody without any prej udice.

8)The co nt rol of t he sand storms will invo lve t remendo us amount of work and mo ney>

9)You ha ve to take i nto consider ation the lo cal conditio ns when you apply these technologies •

10)All appl icants will have to f订1 out this fo rm and mail in an applic ation fee of 50 dollars.

11)Based on his careful observation of children^ s behavior h e came to th

e conclusion tha t learning is a natu ral pleasure .

12)In a cou ntry of many nationaliti es, ethnic h armony requi res very car eful handlin g.

13)The gov ernment is d etermined to punish all the corrupt officials in volved.

14)Ch eating at ex am does not occur very o ften. But wh en it does, the school t akes a ver y to ugh posi ti on.


1.In th e negotiatio ns, the two sides found they had lit tie in commo


2.More and m ore old peop le are learn ing how to s urf / use th e


3.Don,t forge t to write you r name on the exam paper •

4.We must bea r in mind th at there is no shortcut in learning.

5.He never reg retted havin g shifted fr om business to politics.

6.I'd like to have a cha t with you abo ut your term paper somet

ime this wee k.

7.Like sport s, learning a foreign la nguage requi res a lot of


8.Th ey allremem ber where th ey were when they heard the shocking


9.People learn lit tie fromvicto ry, but much more from d efea t・

10.Whenev er you face a decision y ou have thre e choices: d o what you

p lease; do what others do ; or do what is right.

1.She is always b orrowing mon ey and forge tting to pay back.

2.Deeply touched by those words, he decided to turn over a new leaf.

3.This semeste r, V m assis ting aprofe ssorspecial izing in int

ernational 1 aw.

4.When the talk was ove r, the audie nee stayed o n for a few minutes,

wai ting for the speaker to leave first.

5.The couple w ere continua lly quarreli ng about tri fles.

6.Her fam ily did not want the mat ter known to the public.

7.She was a ro ommate of mi ne at colleg e and we wou Id often pla

ytennisat the weekend.

8.This is the first timel ' ve had turk ey cooked th is way.

9.Who' s left the tap running al 1 night?

10.In t he early day s of the com pany, the bo ss would see k

employees,opinions on big decisions.

Unit 3 p86

1.it' s enco uraging to s ee these chi ldren making progress.

2.It wouldn^ t hu rt you any t o do a bit o f housework.

3.For the Chin ese, July 1 1997 is a da y t remember forever.

4.Is it necessary fro every s taff member to wear the company unif orm

at work.

5.In order to live close t o nature, mo re an more c ity dwellers are

moving to the subur bs.

6.They lift ed a rock on ly to drop i t on their o wn feet, as a

Chinesesa ying goes.

7.Sh e isn' t aski ng much. She simply want s to be take n seriously.

8.Their goal i s to break i nto the over seas market and compete with

giant IT companies.

9.Are you will ing to make some sacrifi ces now in o rder to reac h

some long一term goals?

10.ChinaA s everyone k nows, is a developing c ountry. Ther efore it is

unjustifiabl e to require her to meet the obligat ions of deve loped countr ies.

IL I'm shoe ked that the idea that w omen' s place is the home has found f avor with bo th men and w omen in some parts of ou rcountry.

12.Th e suspect co uldn' t produ ce any proo f that he wa sn,t at t he

place of mur der when it was comm it ted.

Unit 4p 117

1.Wherever there are ai r and water, life is pos sible.

2.Joggin g every day, he has lost five pounds this month.

3.Two of them talked in a whisper so a s not to dis turb the oth er
