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1. Talking About Personal Habits

Example question:What do you usually do in the evenings?

I usually……

I often……

While I'm studying I usually……

Sometimes I…….

As a rule,I……

Whenever I can I……

2. Expressing Likes and Dislikes

Example question:What kinds of music do you like?

My favourite ……is……

I like……

I enjoy……

I'm (quite/rather) keen on……

I just love……

I absolutely adore…….

I'm crazy about……

I'm addicted to……

I'm really into……

I don't mind……

As far as……is concerned,I can take it or leave it.

I don't care too much for……= I'm not really into……

My least favourite……is……

I dislike……

I can't stand……

I hate……(extreme language)

I find……

3. Expressing Reasons for Likes and Dislikes



The main reason I like……is that it's……

What I like best about……is……

The thing I like best about……is……

The best/worst thing about……is……

I don't like that very much because it's too……

That's because I find it……

4. Expressing a Preference

Example question:Do you (or,would you) prefer to travel alone or with others? (e.g.a friend)

I prefer……because

My preference is……because……

I prefer A to B because……

If I had the choice,I'd + V……because……(假设的话)

If I had the choice,I'd rather + V……because……(假设的话)

If I have the choice,I'll + V……(a real possibility for the future)

5. Comparing

Example question:What are the differences between modern art in China and traditional Chinese art?

A is bigger than B.

B is not as big as A.

You can also use some of these:

Use “much”as in,“A is much better / worse than B”.

“A is not nearly as good as B.”

“B is nowhere near as big as A”

“A is not quite as important as B.”

“A is almost as important as B,but not quite.”

“In comparison to B,A is quite big.”Or,“A is quite big in comparison to B”.

“Compared to B,A is a lot bigger.”

6. Talking About Recent Changes= Comparing the recent past and the present

Example question:Has your hometown changed much in the past few years? (e.g. 20 years) Yes,it has. For example,……

Today there are many more cars on the roads than there were thirty years ago.

(……there are/is more_____ than there were/was…….)

The air pollution is much worse/much better than it used to be.

( ______ is more ____ than it used to be.)

Compared to thirty years ago,the population of the city has increased by about two million.

(Compared to thirty years ago,_______ has + 过去分词)

The population of the city has increased by about two million people in the last thirty years.

(______ has + 过去分词in the last thirty years)

More people today own a car than was the case thirty years ago.

(More _________ today + present tense than was the case thirty years ago.)

Today,more and more people are living in high-rise apartment buildings whereas thirty years ago,we had very few high-rise apartments buildings in our city.

(Today ______ are + 现在分词whereas thirty years ago + past tense)

More and more large-scale supermarkets are being built nowadays but there were very few of them in my hometown thirty years ago

(More and more ________ are being + 过去分词nowadays but + past tense thirty years ago.)

7. Contrasting

The question is usually 'a compare question'. When you answer one of these questions,you can use a contrasting statement. However,since the grammar of the comparing answers (see above) is more difficult,you will impress the examiner more by mostly using that,rather than by using contrasting statements.

Example:"A is big but B is small."

(____ is _____ but _____ is ____)
