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Abbreviation Detail

+VE Positive

A/D Analog/Digital

AACE American Association of Cost Engineers AAR After Action Review

ABC Antecedents, Behavior, Consequences ABHD Abu Hadriya Aramco

ABJF Abu Jifan Aramco

ABL Alternate Borehole Liner

ABQQ Abqaiq Aramco

ABR Additional Budget Request

ABSF Abu Sa'fah Aramco

AC Alternating Current

AC Alternating Current or Air Conditioning Aramco ACC Acceptable Ceiling Concentration Aramco ACD Above chart datum

ACGIH American Conference Of Governmental Industrial Hygienists Aramco

ACI American Concrete Institute Aramco

ACS Anti-Collision System Aramco

ACT Accident Control Technique

ACV Approved Contract Value

AD Assistant Driller

ADM Arrow Diagram Method Aramco

ADS Applications Software Development System AEA Asia Emergency Assistance

AED Automated External Defibrillation

AEDC Award Engineering/Design Contract

AEIC Association of Edison Illuminating companies AELB Atomic Energy Licensing Act

AEOS All Employees Opinion Survey

AFBMA Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association Aramco

AFC Approved for Construction; Automatic Frequency Control Aramco

AFE Authorisation for expenditure

AFE Approval for Expenditure

AFIS Automated Fingerprint Identification System AFNOR Association Francaise de Normalization AGA American Gas Association

AGC Automatic Generation Control; Associated General Contractors

AGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association AH Arabian Heavy Crude Oil

AH Along hole

AHBDF Along hole below derrick floor

AHBRT Along Hole Below Rotary Table Datum line from which measurements are taken

AHBTHF Along hole below tubing head flange AHD Along hole depth

AHORT Along hole original rotary table

AI Artificial Intelligence

AIMS Aramco IMS System

AIO Area ID Office

AISC American Institute of Steel Contruction

AISOD Area Industrial Security Operations


AITD Air Information Technology Department

AKO Adjustable kick-off sub (directional drilling


AL Arabian Light Crude Oil

ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable

AM Arabian Medium Crude Oil; Amplitude Modulation AMC Area Maintenance Center

AMRS Advanced Mobile Radio System

ANDR ' Ain Dar (Ghawar) Aramco

ANSI American National Standards Institute

ANSI American National Standards Institute API American Petroleum Institute Aramco

ANSI American National Standards Institute


ANSI American National Standards Institute

(previous ASA)

AOA Asian and Other Arab Employees Aramco AOB Any Other Business

AOC Aramco Overseas Company Aramco

AOSM Arab Organization of Standardization &

Materials Aramco

AOV Air Operated Valve Aramco

APD Automated Piping Design Aramco

API American Petroleum Institute

APL Annulus Pressure Loss

APNE Apprenticeship Program for Non-Employee APP As per programme

APP Arabian Project Proposal or Associated

Professional Program Aramco

APS Applications Software Aramco

AR Automated Roughneck

ARP Asset Reference Plan

ARPR Annual Review of Petroleum Resources

ASA American Standards Association (now ANSI) ASA Anchor Seal Assembly

