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1.Greeting:Good morning(根据具体时间确定), boys and girls.

How’s it going?(how are you?被大家都说烂了,尽

量换一种问候的表达。也可以说It’s sunny today,

are you happy?等。) Great! Wonderful! (此处为重


动) I’m so glad to hear that. First, let’s sing the

song (插入歌名) we learnt last class to relax, ok?

自己唱几句准备好的歌,唱完之后说。Wow! you

are so wonderful.


Now before our class, I will divide you into 2 teams, (下面要对你的加分机制进行陈述,自己准备好一个后,这里就不用换了,无论什么课型都可以这样用。这里举个例子)Team A and team B,在黑板两边写上A和B)Each team i will

give you a fish, (开始画简笔画。我自己画的,不太好看,要画两个,一边一个。)If you answer my question correctly, i will give a bubble, let’s see which team will get more bubbles, girls and boys.please come on!.可以做个加油的手势。



3.Lead in:

Now let’s begin our class, today we will learn ...(板书标题)。First let’s look at the screen, what can you see? Can you find similar among these sentences? This time let’s work in group. 4 people in a group to discuss for 5 minutes. Grammar:

(停2秒后)Who can share with us your opinion, this girl, you said “they have frequency words, such as usually, always, often, hardly, never and so on.” Good, sit please. (说的时候板书上这些频率副词,让学生坐下后加分)

Another one, this boy, please. You said “When people use ‘ how often’ to ask question, we often use frequency word to answer” great, sit down, (伴随板书和加分)

4.练习:Excellent, you did a good a job, now let’s do some exercises to practice. First, let’s finish 3a, two minutes for you, let’s begin. (两秒后) Stop, volunteer, Lily, please. Good, do you agree with her. Yes, she’s right. 1 bubble. Sit down, please.(同样的方式完成3b,这个过程大概也九1分钟完成。)

5.Group work:

ok now it’s group work time.let’s look at 3c, What

can you improve your English?Add more things to the chart. Then ask and find the best English student. I will leave you 5 minutes, the share with us.let’s begin.(稍微走几步,视察学生的练习情况。视察的时候可以有评价语,比如说你可以说please loudly。然后回到讲课的地方)Stop here.(拍手)Volunteers, please. You, please. 点头停顿两秒。Excellent, your pronunciation are good. One bubbles for you.


Wow. Today all of you did a good job, now let’s make a summary, what did we learn today. Jerry,please. Yes, today we learnt ...(把总结的话语加上。)Good, sit down please. One bubble for you.加分机制时刻要记住,不要忘了。


Today’s homework, after class. Please ask your parents 5 questions using “how often” , then share with us next class..

8.最后:At the end of the class,let’s see which team is winner, wow, team A got more bubbles, so team A, congratulation.Team B, please come on next time. Now class is over, see you next class, bye-bye, everyone.

