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A bite of China


Have you heard of “A bite of China”? There are 8 major cuisines in china. They are Shandong Cuisine, Cantonese Cuisine, Sichuan Cuisine, Anhui Cuisine, Zhejiang Cuisine, Jiangsu Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine, Hunan Cuisine, and so on.

The formation of the cuisines can’t depart with its long history and unique cooking method. It also influenced by the local natural conditions and cultural environment. And every cuisine has its own style. Some people described the eight cuisines in a personate way. He said that the Jiangsu Cuisine and Zhejiang Cuisine are like delicate and pretty Jiangnan belle. Shandong Cuisine and Anhui Cuisine are like north and earthy valiant fighter. Cantonese Cuisine and Fujian Cuisine are like romantic and elegant gentleman. Sichuan Cuisine and Hunan Cuisine are like versatile celebrity. For instance, Sichuan Cuisine is known as the most irritant dishes. A famous proverb is that food in China and taste in Sichuan. It has a very spicy taste. Shandong Cuisine is known as the most influential dishes because it is the represent of north dishes. The ingredients of Cantonese Cuisine is extensive and rare, so people said there is nothing can’t be eaten in this cuisine. Anhui Cuisine has a good name is that find the lost delicacy. Because the main ingredients of this cuisine are less polluted products in mountainous area. In this book , six of the famous cuisines will be shown, and some specialties and famous restaurants will be recommended. It can help you to understand the cooking culture of China. And if you travel to China, it can help you to choose your favorite food. So you can have a cate enjoyment. Now, let’s open the gate of Chinese Cuisines.

Shandong Cuisine (July)

Shandong Cuisine, which is originated from Shandong flavor, always clean, pure, and not greasy. Shallot and garlic are two main seasonings of the dishes, so Shandong Cuisine usually tastes pungent. It emphasizes on tenderness, crispness and freshness. Jinan cuisine and jiaonan cuisine are the two main parts of Shandong Cuisine. Jinan cuisine characterizes by deep-frying and stir-frying, grilling, and stir-frying while jiaonan cuisine focuses on cooking food with light taste. Soups are very famous in Shandong Cuisine. If you have a try, you will find that thin soup tastes fresh and creamy soup tastes strong.

Shandong is the birthplace of cooking culture, and there ever existed many famous ancient scholars, such as Confucius and Mencius. As old as the ancient scholars, Shandong Cuisine also has a long history. It originated in the Spring and Autumn period , and formed during Qin and Han Dynasty. After Song Dynasty, it became the represent of “the North dishes”. Shandong cuisine is one of the major eight Chinese cuisine and it is the local cuisine that covered most extensive area in China, include Beijing, Tianjin and Dongbei Province.

Shandong Province is known as the origination of ancient culture in China. The formation of Shandong Cuisine has a tight connection with the local history, geographical conditions, economic conditions and customs. This province is also known as one of world’s three gardens. For example, jiaozhou Chinese cabbage, Zhangqiu garlic, Cangshan shallot are famous in abroad. There are too many Shandong Cuisine restaurants in china. The most famous restaurants include Qilu renjia, Beijing Qilu Restaurant and Tongheju.
