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• It is evident (to sb) that… He has a large collection of CDs. It is evident to everyone that he loves music. ≈It is obvious/clear/apparent (to sb) that…
in reality = in fact become a reality = come true The reality is that… • realism n. (u) / realist n. (c)
realistic 现实主义的 abstract 抽象的
• Art is very __a_b_s_tr_a_c_t__ while life is very__r_e_a_li_s_ti_c__.
• The sculpture in this art gallery is very abstract, and consequently I can’t make sense of it.
• aim n. (c)目的,目标 Her aim is to be a doctor. achieve/fulfill one’s aim with the aim of doing sth =with the purpose of doing sth (u)瞄准,对准 take aim at…
• The rain was heavy and ____ the land was flooded.
A. constantly B. continuously
C. consequently D. consistently
• 这家美术馆的雕塑非常抽象,所以我不 能理解。 (sculpture, art gallery, abstract, consequently)
• be loyal/friendly/kind/good/generous/grateful/ cruel/mean to…
• be strict/honest/patient/angry/satisfied with…
• faithfully adv. 忠实地;如实地 Our Party’s aim is to faithfully serve the people. Yours faithfully, =Yours sincerely, =Yours truly,
• be typical of… 是…特有的/典型的 This painting is typical of his early work.
• It is typical of sb to do sth. =It is characteristic of sb to do sth.
→typically adv.
Talking about bringing up children in the abstract just isn’t enough.
(c)摘要 make an abstract of…
The abstract that he _______the inspiring speech was very clear.
• When setting goals, we’d better be _________ about them, or we’ll not make full use of them.
A. crazy
B. particular
C. curious
D. realistic
• abstract adj. 抽象的; 深奥的 --- concrete adj. 具体的 n. (u)混凝土
• faithful adj. 忠实的;如实的 a faithful friend The article gave a faithful account of what had happened.
• be/remain faithful to… He is faithful to his principles/his wife.
• self-evident adj. 不证自明的 The importance of learning English is selfevident.
• evidently adv. obviously/apparently Evidently, he has decided to leave. The two men evidently knew each other.
• vi. 志在,目的在 aim at (doing) sth aim to do sth
• We aim at quality rather than quantity. • My brother aims to be a novelist. • She aims high. 志存高远,胸怀大志 →aimless adj. lead an aimless life
4)__T_y_p_i_c_a_ll_y_, he would come in late and then said he was sorry.
• evident adj. 明显的;明白的 He began eating his lunch with evident enjoyment/pleasure. His intention was not evident to me.
A. made of
B. made in
C. made from D. made by
vt. [æb’strækt] 作摘要,节录;提取
abstract the important points from the report
abstract one’s speech/book/article
→abstractly adv. in the abstract
an abstract painting/artist/noun abstract thought/reasoning 抽象思维/推理
Modern art is often rather abstract.
Beauty is an abstract concept.
You explain things in a way that is too abstract __fo_r__ me. n. (c) in the abstract 抽象地
• faithfulness n. (u)忠实,忠诚 • faithless adj. • faithlessly adv. • faithlessness n. (u)
• consequently adv. (句子副词) 所以,结果 = as a result / therefore / thus
adopt an idea /a new technique/a plan adopt an approach/strategy/policy adopt a new teaching method adopt one’s suggestion All the governments should adopt a hard attitude toward/to terrorists.
• adopted adj. 被收养的 an adopted child his adopted son/daughter
• adoptive adj. 收养孩子的 an adoptive mother/father adoptive parents
• evidence n. (u)证据 a piece of evidence There is no/some evidence that…
• adopt vt. ①收养,领养某人 adopt a child / an orphan Paul’s mother had him _a_d_o_p_t_ed_ because she couldn’t look after him well.
typical / typically 1)It was _ty_p__ic_a_l_of him to be so rude.
2) That is a __t_y_p_i_ca_l__ 18th church.
3)My partner is __ty_p_i_c_a_ll_y_ enthusiastic about pop music.
Can we talk about success abstractly?
sculpture n. (c, u) 雕像,塑像 study sculpture make a sculpture sculpt v. 雕刻 sculptor n. (c) 雕刻家
statue n. (c) the Statue of Liberty
aimlessly adv. wander around aimlessly aimlessness n. (u)
• conventional adj. 常规的;传统的;因循守旧的 conventional manners/methods/opinions conventional weapons/wars a conventional artist be conventional in… 在…上因循守旧的 He is rather conventional in his tastes/views.
• consequent adj. (formal)随之发生的 The warming of the Earth and the consequent climatic changes affect us all.
• consequence n. (c)后果 as a consequence of sth = as a result of…
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
• faith n. (u)信任,信心,信念;对上帝的信仰 have faith in… / have blind faith in… lose faith in… keep/break (one’s) faith with… 忠/不忠于(信仰或原则);对(某人)信守/违背诺言 religious faith = religious beliefs Faith can move mountains. 精诚所至,金石为开。 (c)宗教信仰 people from all faiths
Unit 1 Art
Words & Expressions
• realistic adj. 现实的,现实主义的,逼真的 a realistic plan/goal/target/writer be realistic about… / Be realistic.
• realistically adv. • real adj. / really adv. • realize vt. realize one’s hope/goal/ambition • reality n. (u) --- fantasy
• convention n. (c, u)惯例;常规;习俗 The handshake is a social convention. by convention / by tradition / by custom
• unconventional adj.
• typical adj. 典型的,有代表性的;一向如此的 a typical example ---The train is late again! ---Typical!
• vi. vt. 瞄准,对准 aim (sth) at… He aimed (the gun) at the enemy officer. aim sth at … → be aimed at… 针对;旨在 The program is aimed at teenagers. The measures are aimed at preventing violent crime.