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1. convey vt, 向…表达、传递(感情,思想,意见等)

convey sb. to some place 用车送某人去某地

vt convey sb/ sth from ……to…..传送,运送

eg.1. The train conveys both passengers from the airport to your hotel.

2.These results will enable us at least to convey(表明)a sense of progress. 这些结果至少能表明一种进步的感觉。

3.His songs convey a sense of optimism.

【练习】I was so nervous that I couldn’t______my true feelings in front of so many people.

A. expose

B. deliver

C. instruct

D. convey

解析:. D 此题考查动词辨析。



2. concrete adj/n/v混凝土的,确凿的(证据),具体的(建议)

The garden had been concreted over. 铺设了混凝土

Concrete evidence

Concrete proposals

It’s easier to think in concrete terms rather than abstract.

3. contradictory adj引起矛盾的,好反驳的

contradict v反驳,相矛盾contradiction n不一致,矛盾

contradict oneself 自相矛盾

例句 :

There were contradictory versions of what happened.


4. flexible adj灵活的,可弯曲的

flexibility n. 灵活

flexibly adv. 灵活地,柔顺地

例句 :

1.Wire is flexible.

2.Our plan needs to be flexible enough to cater for the needs of everyone


3.You need to be more flexible and imaginative in your approach. 你需要在方法上更灵活点,更有点想象力。


The lesson time is __________. You can come whenever you want to.

A. contradictory

B. concrete

C. unchangeable

D. flexible

解析:D 根据第二句可知,第一句句意应该是:上课时间是灵活的,因此D项符合句意。contradictory“引起矛盾的”;concrete“具体的”;unchangeable“不可改变的”,均与句意不符。

5. tease :v. 取笑;招惹;戏弄

Don’t get upset . I was only teasing.

She used to tease me about my hair.

Don’t tease the cat by pulling its tail.


laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人

make fun of sb. 愚弄某人

play jokes on sb. 开某人的玩笑

play tricks on sb. 捉弄某人

6. pattern n 模式,图案

Does the poem have a rhythmic pattern? 遵守了押韵的规律吗?

The cloth was patterned with all kinds of birds. 给。。。配图案

Set a pattern for/ set an example to 为…树立典范

7. branch (cn) 树枝,分支机构,(河流,公路等)的分支

The bank has branches all over the country.

The river is a branch of the Thames.

8. transform v 转换,转化

transformation n 强调完全改变某事或人的外观或特征

transform sth. into…把某物/转变为

transform sb./ sth from...into 把某人或某物从……改造/转变为

The water has been transformed into electricity.

You’ve painted the room blue all over.

What a transformation!


Using a computer, a photograph can easily be____ into a greeting card.

A. reformed

B. transformed

C. modified

D. transplanted

解析:B transform sth. into sth.使某物变成某物。reform改革;modify对…稍作修改;transplant移植,使移民。句意:利用电脑很容易把一张照片变成贺卡。

辨析:transform,change, shift,

transform 强调完全改变某事或人的外观或特征

change 着重强调与以前不一样,是最一般的用法。

shift 含有轻易变动之意,一般用于改变位置或方向,或出于不正当动机嫁祸于人。You have changed a lot since I last saw you.

The wind shifted from east to west.

9. appropriate adj. (in place) 合适的,恰当的

be appropriate to/for... 对…适合;适宜

It is appropriate/proper that... (should) do... …是合适的

be suitable for/to... 适合的;适宜的

be fit for... 适合;胜任……

注意: appropriate指适合于特殊的人及场合、地位等;强调自然具备适宜的性质。

appropriate 等于very proper

