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This chapter looks at a number of factors that influence employee behavior and what the implications are for managers.


Behavior is defined as the actions of people. Organizational behavior is the study of the actions of people at work. One of the challenges in OB is understanding issues that aren’t obvious because the organization is like an iceberg with its hidden aspects. (See Exhibit 14.1 on p. 370.)

A. Focus of Organizational Behavior.

Organizational behavior focuses on two major areas.

1. Individual behavior

2. Group behavior

B. The goals of OB are to explain, predict, and influence behavior.


Attitudes are defined as evaluative statements concerning objects, people, or events.

A. There are three components of attitudes.

1. The cognitive component of an attitude is the beliefs, opinions, knowledge, or

information held by a person.

2. The affective component of an attitude is the emotional or feeling segment of

an attitude.

3. The behavioral component of an attitude is an intention to behave in a certain

way toward someone or something.

B. Managers are particularly interested in job-related attitudes that employees have.

Job-related attitudes include the following.

1. Job satisfaction is a person’s general attitude toward his or her job.

2. Job involvement is the degree to which an employee identifies with his or her

job, actively participates in it, and considers his or her job performance important

to his or her self-worth.

3. Organizational commitment is an employee’s o rientation toward the

organization in terms of his or her loyalty to, identification with, and involvement

in the organization.

4. A fourth job-related concept is organizational citizenship behavior,which is

the discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s formal job

requirements, but promotes the effective functioning of the organization.

C. Attitudes and Consistency.

Research has generally shown that people seek consistency among their attitudes and between their attitudes and their behavior.

D. Does the consistency principle mean that we can predict an individual’s behavior if we

know his or her attitude on a subject? The answer depends.

1. The theory of cognitive dissonance—any incompatibility between two or more

attitudes or between behavior and attitudes—was developed by Leon Festinger.

2. Cognitive dissonance refers to any inconsistency that an individual might

perceive between attitudes or between behavior and attitudes.

3. This dissonance or inconsistency leads to an uncomfortable state for the

individual who will try to reduce the inconsistency.

4. The desire to reduce dissonance is determined by (a) the importance of the

factors creating the dissonance, (b) the degree of influence the individual believes

he or she has over those factors, and (c) the rewards that may be involved in


5. Individuals reduce dissonance by changing behavior, concluding that the

dissonant behavior isn’t so impo rtant after all, or change the attitude.

E. Attitude surveys elicit responses from employees through questionnaires about how they

feel about their jobs, work groups, supervisors, or the organization. Exhibit 14.2 on p.

375 shows a sample attitude survey.

F. The Satisfaction-Productivity Controversy.

There’s a controversy about the relationship between satisfaction and productivity. Are

happy workers productive workers?

1. After the Hawthorne studies, many managers believed that if you kept people

happy, they should be productive.

2. A review of the research on worker productivity shows that if satisfaction does

have a positive effect on productivity, that effect is fairly small.

3. Looking at contingency variables improves the relationship.

a. The relationship appears strongest when the employee’s behavior isn’t

constrained by outside factors.

b. Also, the relationship is strongest for higher-level employees.

4. Studies that controlled for causal variations indicated that a more valid

conclusion might be that productivity leads to satisfaction rather than the other

way around.

G. The implication for managers from understanding attitudes is that there is relatively

strong evidence that committed and satisfied employees have lower rates of turnover and

absenteeism. Also, the belief that making employees happy will make them productive

needs to be reexamined.


Personality is defined as a combination of psychological traits that describes a person.

A. There are dozens of personality traits. Two models for classifying personality traits are

widely used.

1. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a commonly used personality trait


a. The MBTI measures four dimensions.

1) Social interaction: extrovert (E) or introvert (I)

2) Preference for gathering data: sensing (S) or intuitive (N)

3) Preference for decision making: feeling (F) or thinking (T)

4) Style of making decisions: perceptive (P) or judgmental (J)

b. Combining these preferences provides descriptions of 16 different

personality types.

c. Some examples of MBTI personality types are shown in Exhibit 14.3 on

p. 378.

2. The other model is the big-five model, which is a five-factor model of

personality that includes extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness,

emotional stability, and openness to experience.

a. Research has shown that important relationships exist between these

personality dimensions and job performance.

b. The big five personality traits are:

1) Extraversion

2) Agreeableness

3) Conscientiousness

4) Emotional Stability

5) Openness to Experience

B. Emotional Intelligence.

1. Emotional intelligence (EI) is an assortment of noncognitive skills, capabilities,

and competencies that influence a person’s ability to succeed in coping with

environmental demands and pressures.

2. EI is composed of five dimensions:

a. Self-awareness

b. Self-management

c. Self-motivation

d. Empathy

e. Social skills

3. EI has been shown to be positively related to job performance at all

organizational levels.

C. Five specific personality traits have proved to be the most powerful in explaining

individual behavior in organizations.

1. Locus of control is the degree to which people believe they are the masters of

their own fate. It can be either external or internal.

2. Machiavellianism is a measure of the degree to which people are pragmatic,

maintain emotional distance, and believe that ends justify means.

3. Self-esteem is an individual’s degree of like or dislike for himself or herself.

4. Self-monitoring is a personality trait that measures an individual’s ability to

adjust his or her behavior to external situational factors.

5. Risk taking refers to an individual’s willingness to take risks.

D. Do these personality types hold for other cultures? We know that there are certainly no

common personality types for a given national culture. However, a country’s culture can influence dominant personality characteristics of its people. This is particularly true for the personality trait, locus of control.

E. The major value of a manager understanding personality differences probably lies in

employee selection.

Just as individual personalities differ, so too, do jobs. Efforts have been made to match the proper personalities with the proper jobs.

1. John Holland has developed the best-documented personality-job fit theory. (See

Exhibit 14.4 on p. 382.)

2. The key points of his model are that there do appear to be intrinsic differences in

personality among individuals, there are different types of jobs, and that people

in job environments congruent with their personality types should be more



Perception is defined as the process of organizing and interpreting sensory impressions in order to give meaning to the environment.

A. What factors influence perception? A number of factors operate to shape and sometimes

distort perception. These factors are found in the following:

1. The perceiver

2. The target or object being perceived (See Exhibit 14.5 on p. 384.)

3. The situation context

B. Attribution theory is a theory used to develop explanations of how we judge people

differently depending on the meaning we attribute to a given behavior. The determination

of the cause of the behavior (to what do we attribute this behavior) depends on three


1. Distinctiveness refers to whether an individual displays a behavior in many

situations or whether it is particular to one situation.

2. Consensus refers to whether or not everyone who is faced with a similar situation

responds in the same way with the same behavior.

3. Consistency refers to the congruency in a person’s actions.

4. Exhibit 14.6 on p. 385 summarizes the key elements of attribution theory.

5. One of the most interesting findings of attribution theory is that there are errors

or biases that distort attributions.

a. The fundamental attribution error refers to the tendency to

underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the

influence of internal factors when making judgments about the behavior

of others.

b. Self-serving bias is the tendency for individuals to attribute their own

successes to internal factors while putting the blame for failures on

external factors.

C. There are four frequently used shortcuts we use in judging others.

1. Selectivity refers to the process by which people assimilate certain bits and

pieces of what they observe, depending on their interests, background, and


2. Assumed similarity is the belief that others are like oneself.

3. Stereotyping refers to judging a person on the basis of one’s perception of a

group to which he or she belongs.

4. Halo effect refers to a general impression of an individual based on a single


D. The implication for managers regarding perception and its impact on employee behavior

is that they need to recognize that their employees react to perceptions, not reality.


Learning is defined as any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience.

A. Operant conditioning is a type of conditioning in which desired voluntary behavior

leads to a reward or prevents a punishment.

1. B. F. Skinner is the person most often associated with operant conditioning


2. This theory proposes that behavior is determined from without—that is,

learned—rather than from within—reflexive or unlearned.

3. Skinner argued that creating pleasing and desirable consequences to follow some

specific behavior would increase the frequency of that behavior.

4. People will most likely engaged in desired behaviors if they’re posi tively

reinforced for doing so.

B. Social learning theory says that people can learn through observation and direct

experience. Four processes have been found to determine the influence that a model will have on an individual.

1. Attentional processes, which mean that people learn from a model only when

they recognize and pay attention to its critical features.

2. Retention processes, which mean that a model’s influence will depend on how

well the individual remembers the model’s action.

3. Motor reproduction processes, which describe how an individual can perform the

modeled activities.

4. Reinforcement processes, which mean that individuals will be motivated to

exhibit modeled behavior if positive rewards are provided.

C. Shaping behavior is systematically reinforcing each successive step that moves an

individual closer to a desired response. It can be a useful managerial tool. Behavior can be shaped in four ways.

1. Positive reinforcement is reinforcing a desired behavior by providing something

pleasant after that behavior.

2. Negative reinforcement is reinforcing a desired behavior with the termination or

withdrawal of something unpleasant.

3. Punishment penalizes undesirable behavior.

4. Extinction involves eliminating any reinforcement that is maintaining a behavior.

D. From learning theory, managers should recognize that employees are going to learn on

the job. Are managers going to manage their learning through the rewards they allocate and the examples they set, or allow it to occur haphazardly?

1. Define organizational behavior.

Organizational behavior is concerned with the behavior—the actions of people—at work.

2. Why is the concept of the organization as an iceberg important to understanding

organizational behavior?

Organizational behavior provides managers with insights into the important but hidden aspect

of the organization.

3. What are the goals of organizational behavior?

The goals of OB are to explain, predict, and influence behavior.

4. What are the three components of an attitude?

Attitudes are made up of three components: cognitive, affective, and behavioral.

5. Describe the three job-related attitudes.

Three job-related attitudes are job satisfaction (an employee’s general attitude toward his or

her job), job involvement (the degree to which an employee identifies with his or her job), and

organizational commitment (an employee’s loyalty to, identifica tion with, or involvement in the


6. What is organizational citizenship behavior?

Organizational citizenship behavior is discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s

formal job requirements, but promotes the effective functioning of the organization. Examples

of good OCB include helping others on one’s work team, volunteering for extended job

activities, avoiding unnecessary conflicts, and making constructive statements about one’s

work group and organization.

7. Explain how individuals reconcile inconsistencies between attitudes and behaviors.

When there is inconsistency between attitudes and behaviors, individuals will take steps to correct it by altering either the attitudes or the behavior, or by developing a rationalization for the inconsistency.

8. What are attitude surveys, and how might they help managers?

Attitude surveys present employees with a set of statements or questions that measure the degree to which they agree or disagree with them. They can be designed to obtain the specific information that management desires about employee attitudes.

9. Describe the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity.

If job satisfaction does have a positive effect on productivity, it is quite small. The relationship is stronger when the employee’s behavior isn’t constrained or controlled by outside factors and for employees in higher-level jobs.

10. Contrast the MBTI and the big-five models in terms of understanding personality.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) consists of 100-plus questions that ask people how they usually act or feel in different situations and places them in one category in each of four dimensions (extrovert or introvert in social interaction, sensing or intuitive in data gathering, feeling or thinking in decision making, and perceptive or judgmental in decision making). The MBTI is very popular but lacks evidence to support its validity. The big-five model is supported by research showing that important relationships exist between job performance and five personality dimensions (extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience).

11. What are the five dimensions of emotional intelligence?

The five dimensions of emotional intelligence are self-awareness, self-management, self-motivation, empathy, and social skills.

12. Describe the five personality traits that have proved to be the most powerful in

explaining individual behavior in organizations.

Five specific personality traits that are the most powerful in explaining behavior are locus of control (the belief that we control our own destiny), Machiavellianism (pragmatism, emotional distance, and the belief that ends justify means), self-esteem (the degree to which we like or dislike ourselves), self-monitoring (an individual’s ability to adjust his or her behavior to situational factors), and risk taking (our willingness to take chances).

13. How can an understanding of perception help managers better understand

individual behavior?

Perception is a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment. Research relevant to managers suggests that individuals may look at the same thing, yet perceive it differently.

14. What role does attribution theory play in perception?

Attribution theory has been developed to explain how we judge or perceive people differently depending on what meaning we attribute to a given behavior we observe.

15. Name four shortcuts used in judging others. What effect does each have on


Shortcuts in judging others include selectivity (which allows us to “speed read” others but ri sks

drawing an inaccurate picture), assumed similarity (in which we are incorrectly influenced by

our own characteristics rather than by those of the person observed), stereotyping (in which

we judge someone on the basis of our perception of a group he or she is part of), and the

halo effect (in which we form a general impression about a person based on a single


16. How could operant conditioning help a manager understand, predict, and influence


Operant conditioning argues that behavior is a function of its consequences and that people

will most likely engage in desired behaviors if they are positively reinforced for doing so.

17. What is social learning theory, and what are its implications for managing people

at work?

Social learning theory is the view that we can learn through both observation and direct

experience. Its management implications as an extension of operant conditioning is that

people respond to the way they perceive and define consequences, not the specific

consequences themselves.

18. How can managers “shape” employees’ behavior?

Managers can “shape” an employee’s behavior by guiding learning in graduated steps and

systematically reinforcing each successive step that moves the individual closer to the desired

response. The four ways to shape behavior are positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement,

punishment, and extinction.

1. How, if at all, does the importance of knowledge of OB differ based on a manager’s level in the

organization? Be specific.

Knowledge of OB is going to be important for managers at all levels of the organization because they’re dealing with people. Low-level managers are likely to be directly supervising employees, so they would need knowledge of attitudes, perception, and learning. Depending on whether they have selection responsibilities, they may need a knowledge of personality. Middle-level managers are more likely to need knowledge of attitudes and personality as they may not be directly supervising employees. Finally, upper-level managers are likely to need knowledge of attitudes as they deal with structural design decisions and human resource management issues.

2. “A growing number of companies are now convinced that people’s abil ity to understand and to

manage their emotions improves their performance, their collaboration with peers, and their interaction with customers.” What are the implications of this statement for managers?

If the manager’s company agrees with this statement, the manager must consider Emotional Intelligence (EI) as a necessary factor in employee selection, as well as employee training and development issues.

3. What behavioral predictions might you make if you knew that an employee had (a) an external

locus of control? (b) a low Mach score? (c) low self-esteem? (d) high self-monitoring tendencies?

Employees with an external locus of control might be less satisfied with their jobs, more alienated from the work setting, and less involved in their jobs. Employees with a low Mach score would be overly idealistic, emotional, and concerned about fair and equitable treatment. Employees with low self-esteem would be more susceptible to external influence. Employees with high self-monitoring tendencies would tend to be more adaptable in adjusting their behavior to the demands of different situations.

4. “Managers should never use discipline with a problem employee.” Do you agree or disagree?


Disagree. Discipline that is rooted in behavior theories can be quite positive and can be used as a means to promote acceptable and desired behavior. When disciplining, however, managers should keep in mind the implications of attitudes, perceptions, learning, and personality.

5. In winter of 2001, unemployment was at a 30-year low. Managers realized that they have to do

more than pay employees competitive salaries and give them attractive benefits if they want to keep them. They also have to be nice. A Gallup Organization survey shows that most workers rate having a caring boss even higher than they value money or fringe benefits. How should managers interpret this information? What are the implications?

First, asking your students if they agree or disagree with this survey finding would be quite interesting. If they do agree with the statement—which they probably will—the implications for managers would include training managers basically to be nicer, yet motivating, to employees.

The discussion could include a historical revisiting of the Hawthorne studies.

This exercise asks students to find information concerning the job satisfaction level reported in various countries. The following Web sites should provide valuable information for helping students.

Job Satisfaction for Teachers (1997)










Job Satisfaction Paper, tables at the end of the pdf file give statistics for U.S., UK, and other European Countries


Australia vs. Britain



U.S. –IT Workers


Job Satisfaction Links


my PHLIP Companion Web site

We invite you to visit the Robbins homepage on the Prentice Hall Web site for the best online

business support available. This site provides professors with a customized course Web site,

including new communication tools, one-click navigation of chapter content, and great PHLIP

resources such as Current Events, Internet Exercises and more. For more information, contact

your local sales representative.

WORKING TOGETHER—Team-Based Exercise

Student groups of three to four are asked to debate the statement: “When we use shortcuts to judge others, are the consequences always negative?”

The debate between student groups could be enhanced by first assigning different groups to support or negate the statement concerning specific shortcuts such as: stereotyping, halo effect, selectivity, assumed similarity (“like me”). The four mentioned shortcuts would require eight student groups to adequately debate.

Also, encourage students to provide any incidents or examples they are comfortable sharing. Answers to Case Application Questions

Risky Business

1. How does Liemandt’s managerial approach to training new recruits reflect an understanding of

individual behavior? What would you tell Liemandt about individual behavior?

An understanding of individual behavior is reflected in Trilogy’s new recruit training because it focuses on broadening skills recruits come with (learning), informs the new recruits of what is expected of them (perceptions), motivates the new recruits to do their best, but also informs that their best, may not be good enough (motivation), and assigns people to where they best fit into the company (personality).

I would tell Liemandt that individual behavior is very important in recruiting and

retaining the staff that will make his company profitable

2. What type of personality characteristics would best fit into Trilogy’s culture?

The following personality characteristics would best into Trilogy’s culture:






⏹Open to new experiences



⏹High self-esteem


3. Design an employee attitude survey that Trilogy’s managers might use. If you want, check out

information on the company’s Web site [https://www.360docs.net/doc/7c19336537.html,]

Student responses to this question will vary.

⏹https://www.360docs.net/doc/7c19336537.html, → Click on Careers https://www.360docs.net/doc/7c19336537.html,/sections/careers/

⏹https://www.360docs.net/doc/7c19336537.html, → Click on About Us → Click on Values


4. How might perception and learning affect employee behavior at Trilogy? What would be the

implications for managers?


After going through the rigorous training, employees who make it through believe that they are the best and a good match to the Trilogy career that they have earned. Also, employees would be motivated to continue to give their best effort in all of their projects.


Because there is a standard training process that everyone goes through, all Trilogy employees come out with clear understanding of Trilogy’s expectations.

Implications for Managers:

Manag ers must keep employees’ motivation levels high by continuing to challenge each person.

Also, employees want to work for Trilogy, so discipline problems should be minimal.

You might want to have students research the age-old question of the role of nature versus environment (nurture) in determining personality. Some of this research is looking at whether aspects of personality may have a genetic component by asking: Does DNA shape behavior? Some aspects of personality that may have a genetic component include risk taking, impulsiveness, openness, conservatism, and hostility. See, for example, J. M. Nash, “The Personality Genes,” Time, April 27, 1998, pp. 60–61.


第十四章:行为的基础 学习目的: 1.定义组织行为学的焦点和目的 2.确定态度中的角色一致性 3.解释满意度与生产率的关系 4.描述霍兰德的个性—工作适应性理论 5.描述归因理论 6.解释管理人员如何能塑造员工的行为 第一节解释和预测行为 1.行为【behavior】人们的行动 2.组织行为学【organizational behavior】对人们在工作中的行为 的研究 3.组织涉及的问题: 1)可见的部分:战略,目标,政策与程序,结构,技术,正式权威,命令链 2)不可见的部分:态度,知觉,群体规范,非正式交往,人际和全体间的冲突 一.组织行为学的焦点 组织行为学主要关注两个领域:

1.个体行为。这个领域主要是心理学家的贡献,包括态度、人 格、知觉、学习和动机等课题。 2.群体行为。包括规范、角色、团队建设和冲突。这个领域主 要来自于社会学家和社会心理学家的工作 二.组织行为学的目的 组织行为学的目的在于解释和预测行为。管理者需要这种技能是因为要管理员工的行为。员工的行为中重点是生产率、缺勤率和流动率。 第二节态度 1.态度(attitudes)对目标、人或事物的评价 2.态度的三种成分: 1)态度的认知成分【cognitive component of an attitude】个人特有的信念、观点、知识和信息。“歧视是错误的” 就是一种认知。 2)态度的情感成分( affective component of an attitude )某种态度的情绪或感觉部分。“我不喜欢乔恩,因为他歧 视少数民族” 3)态度的行为成分【behavioral component of an attitude】一种以特定方式对待某人和某事的意图。回避乔恩。 为了简洁,态度这个词通常只指情感成分


第一章 口选择题 1·管理者是( )。 a.不需要补偿的雇员b·为实现组织目标协调工作活动的人 c.组织的首脑 d.一线工人2·地区经理、项目主管和事业部经理都可以被称为( )。 a.基层管理者 b.非管理雇员 c.中层管理者 d.高层管理者 3·玛丽向营销副总裁上报工作内容,同时她又是监督者,一些小时工雇员直接向她汇报,那么玛丽是( )。 a.基层管理者 b.中层管理者 c.高层管理者 d.执行者 4·那些负责作出组织层面的决策,并为整个组织制定计划和目标的管理者被定义为( )。 a·高层管理者 b.中层管理者 c.基层管理者 d.非管理雇员 5·下列能区别管理职位和非管理职位的是( )。 a·工资金额的多少 b.是否协调他人的工作c·是否组织新的项目 d.是否拥有技术技能6·如果比安卡的工作专注在减少浪费上,那么她更应该是( )管理者。 a·有效率的 b.有效果的 c.目标导向的 d.拥有技术技能的 7.效果通常被描述为( )。 a.工作活动有助于帮助组织实现其目标 b.委任尽可能多的责任 c.通过自己来管理过程 d.通过资金情况来定义一个项目的结果 8·( )可被理解为正确地做事,( )可被理解为一种结果,或者达到组织目标。 a.效果;经济 b.效果;效率 c.效率;效果 d.经济;效率 9.计划包括( )。 a.指导和激励他人 b.适时监控以确保完成任务 c.决定某事需要由谁来做 d.确定目标、制定策略 10.当一个管理者决定需要做什么以及怎样完成时,他是在( )。 a.计划 b.组织 c.领导 d.控制 11.将实际业绩和预先设定的目标进行对比可视为( )。 a.计划 b.组织 c.领导 d.控制 12·珍妮弗的上司要求她解释其所属部门的实际开支与公司预算数额不符 之处。在这里,上司执行的是( )管理职能。 a.计划 b.组织 c.领导 c1.控制 13·在组织成员之间选择最有效的沟通渠道应属于( )管理职能。 a.计划 b.组织 c.领导 d.控制 14.下列哪一个是管理者的决策制定角色的例子?( ) a.发起和管理新的项目 b.监督信息的共享 c.新员工的招聘和培训 d.作为各工作团队联络的桥梁 15.接收、收集和传播信息是管理者的( )部分职能。 a.决策制定角色 b.组织角色 c.人际关系角色 d.信息传播角色 16·根据明茨伯格理论,管理者的人际关系角色的职能包括( )的职能。 a.领导者 b.监听者 c.发言人 d.资源分配者 17.技术技能对于( )最为重要。 a.中层管理者 b.执行者 c.基层管理者 d.高层管理者 18.( )包括在工作中与其他个人与团队良好相处。 a.人际技能 b.决策制定技能 c.概念技能 d.技术技能 19·当管理者将要扮演他们的人际关系角色时,( )是至关重要的。


管理学知识要点 第一篇绪论 第一章管理与组织导论 1、管理者的定义和分类 2、管理的定义 3、管理的4大职能 4、明茨伯格的管理角色理论(3个方面) 5、卡茨的3种管理技能 6、权变理论(权变变量) 7、组织的定义 第二章管理的昨天和今天 1、管理的历史背景 2、泰罗的科学管理(4条原则) 3、亨利·法约尔的14条管理原则 4、马克思韦伯的官僚制组织 5、组织行为的4个早期倡导者(各自的理论简述) 6、霍桑实验(梅奥的结论) 7、当今管理面临的9个趋势(质量管理、学习型组织是重点) 第二篇定义管理者的领地 第三章组织文化与环境:约束力量

1、组织文化的定义 2、组织文化的7个评价维度 3、文化如何影响管理决策 4、具体环境和一般环境的构成 5、利益相关者的定义 6、利益相关者与管理者关系重要的原因 7、如何管理与利益相关者关系(4个步骤) 第四章全球环境中的管理 1、3种不同的全球观念 2、多国公司与跨国公司 3、组织走向全球化的3个阶段 4、民族文化的4个维度 第五章社会责任与管理道德 1、社会责任的定义 2、共享价值观的4个作用 3、组织走向绿色的4个方式 4、调节管理道德的4个因素 5、改善道德行为的方法 第三篇计划 第六章制定决策:管理者工作的本质

1、决策制定过程的8个基本步骤(识别决策问题→确认决策标准→为决策标准分配权重→开发备选方案→分析备选方案→选择备选方案→实施备选方案→评估决策结果) 2、决策具有普遍性(分布在管理的4种职能中) 3、问题和决策的类型(结构良好问题和程序化决策,结构不良问题和非程序化决策) 4、4种决策风格(命令型,分析型,概念型,行为型) 第七章计划的基础 1、计划的定义(182) 2、良好目标的特征(189) 3、目标设立的步骤(190) 4、计划工作的权变因素(191) 第八章战略管理 1、战略管理的定义 2、战略管理过程的8个步骤 3、组织战略的3种类型 4、公司大战略 5、竞争优势和5种竞争力量 6、3种竞争战略 第九章:计划工作的工具和技术 1、评估环境的3种技术(环境扫描,预测和标杆) 2、分配资源的4种技术(预算,排程,盈亏平衡分析和线性规划)


●组织行为学 行为:人们的活动 组织行为学:研究人们在工作中的活动 ●组织行为学的目标 组织行为学的目标是解释、预测和影响行为。 在解释、预测和影响行为时,我们尤其关注六种重要行为: ·员工生产率:效率和效果的一种绩效测量工具。 ·缺勤:没有在工作岗位上工作。 ·离职:自愿或非自愿地永远退出某个组织。 ·组织公民行为:一种并不属于员工正式工作要求但可以促进组织有效运行的自愿行为。 ·工作满意度:员工对自己工作所持的总体态度。 ·工作场所不当行为:员工实施的可能会对组织或组织成员产生产生伤害的故意行为。 ●态度和工作绩效 态度:对物体、人物或事件的评价性陈述。 ·态度由三种成分构成:认知成分、感情成分、行为成分。 认识成分:个体所持有的信念、观点、知识或信息。 情感成分:态度中的情绪或感受部分。 行为成分:个体以某种特定方式对某人或某事采取行动的意向。 ●工作投入和组织承诺 工作投入:员工认同自己的工作、积极参与工作以及重视工作绩效的程度。 组织承诺:员工认同所在组织及其目标并愿意留在该组织中的程度。 组织支持感:员工对组织多么重视他们的贡献并关心他们切身利益的总体看法。 ●员工敬业度 员工敬业度:员工关心和热情对待自己的工作,并且对工作感到满意的程度。 敬业度高的员工对自己的工作满怀激情,而且工作具有非常密切的联系。 ●认知失调理论 认知失调:态度之间或者态度与行为之间的不协调或不一致。 该理论指出,我们为减少失调而付出的努力程度取决于三件事情:

(1)造成这次失调的那些因素的重要性 (2)个体认为自己对这些因素的影响程度 (3)这次失调所包含的奖赏 ●态度调查 态度调查:向员工提出一系列陈述或问题来了解员工如何看待自己的工作、工作群体、上司或组织。 ●人格 人格:个体情感模式、思维模式和行为模式的独特组合。这些模式会影响该个体如何应对各种情况以及其他人互动。 两种最著名的方法: (1)迈尔斯—布瑞格斯类型指标 ·外向型(E)vs内向型(I) ·领悟型(S)vs直觉型(F) ·思维型(T)vs情感型(F) ·判断型(J)vs感知型(P) (2)五大人格模型 ①外倾性:个体喜爱交际、健谈、果断以及善于和他人相处的程度。 ②随和性:个体性情随和、乐于合作和值得信任的程度。 ③尽责性:个体值得信赖、承担责任、言行一致和以成就为导向的程度。 ④情绪稳定性:个体平静、热情、有安全感(积极的)或者紧张、焦虑、沮丧和缺乏安全感(消极的)的程度。 ⑤开放性:个体聪明、兴趣广泛、富有想象力和好奇心以及具有艺术敏感性的程度。 ●其他有关人格的见解 控制点:内控型—这些人认为自己掌控自己的命运;外控型—这些人认为自己的生活是由外部因素控制的 马基雅维利主义:在马基雅维利主义维度上得分高的个体注重实效,于他人保持情感距离,而且认为结果可以证明手段的正当性。 自尊:人们喜爱或不喜爱自己的程度各有不同。 自我监控:根据外部情境因素调整自己行为的能力。 冒险:在承担会规避风险方面,人们有着不同的倾向性,而这种差异会影响到管理者花多长时间来制定一项决策以及在做出选择之前需要获得多少信息。 ●其他一些人格特质 主动型人格:他们能够发现机会、表现出主动性以及采取行动,直到发生有意义的变化。 心理弹性:个体克服挑战并将之转化为机遇的能力。 ●情绪和情绪智力 情绪:是对某人或某事的强烈感受。


罗宾斯《组织行为学》(第14版)笔记和课后习题(含考研真 题)详解 第Ⅰ篇导论 第一章什么是组织行为学 1.1 复习笔记 【知识框架】 【重点难点归纳】 一、人际技能的重要性

人际技能的重要性表现在以下几个方面: (1)在决定管理者的职业生涯能否真正飞黄腾达上,领导和沟通技能很重要; (2)管理者人际技能的开发有助于组织吸引和留住高绩效的员工; (3)在当今竞争日益激烈、要求日趋提高的工作环境中,管理者需要具备良好的人际技能。 二、管理者做什么 管理者通过他人来完成工作。在工作中做出决策、分配资源和指导他人的活动,从而实现工作目标。管理者在组织当中完成他们的工作。组织是一种人们有目的地组合起来的社会单元,它由两个或多个个体组成,在一个相对连续的基础上运作,以实现一个或一系列共同目标。1.管理者的职能 亨利·法约尔提出,所有的管理者都发挥五种职能:计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制。把这些职能可简化为四种:计划、组织、领导和控制。 (1)计划 计划职能包括:①确定组织的目标;②制定达成这些目标的总体战略;③把计划划分出各种层级,以便对不同的活动进行整合和协调。 (2)组织 组织职能包括:①决定要完成什么样的任务;②谁来承担这些任务;③如何把任务进行分类; ④谁向谁报告工作以及在什么地方做出决策。 (3)领导 领导是指导和协调他人工作。当管理者激励下属,指导别人的活动,选择最有效的沟通渠道以及解决成员之间的冲突时,他们就是在进行领导。 (4)控制 为了保证各项事情按部就班地发展,管理者必须对组织的绩效进行监控。他们要对实际的绩

效与预定的目标进行比较,如果出现重大偏离,管理者的工作就是要使组织回到正确的轨道上来。这种监控、比较以及对可能的错误进行纠正的活动,就是控制职能。 2.管理者的角色 明茨伯格指出,管理者扮演着10种不同但高度相关的角色,或者说表现出10种不同的工作相关行为。如表1-1所示,这10种角色可以归纳为:人际角色、信息传递者角色以及决策角色。 3.管理者的技能 (1)技术技能 技术技能包括应用专业知识或技术的能力。专业技术人员并不在技术技能上具有垄断性,这些技能也并非只有通过学校教育或正规培训才能获得。所有的工作都需要一定的专业知识,许多人的技术技能都是在工作中发展出来的。 (2)人际技能 人际技能是指,无论是独自一人还是在群体中,能够理解他人、与他人沟通、激励他人、支持他人的能力。 表1-1 明茨伯格界定的管理者的角色 (3)概念技能


14.2 课后习题详解 一、思考题 1.对于组织中不同层级的管理人员来说,组织行为学领域的知识对他们的重要性是否不同?请具体说明。 答:对于组织中不同层级的管理人员来说,组织行为学领域的知识对他们的重要性是不同的。具体说明如下: (1)管理人员的层级划分为三层:高层管理人员、中层管理人员、基层管理人员。其具体的职责分别为:①高层管理人员是对整个组织的管理负有全面责任的人,他们的主要职责是:制定组织的总目标、总战略,掌握组织的大政方针并评价整个组织的绩效。其在与外界的交往中,往往代表组织以“官方”的身份出现;②中层管理人员是处于高层管理人员和基层管理人员之间的一个或若干个中间层次的管理人员,他们的主要职责是:贯彻执行高层管理人员所制定的重大决策,监督和协调基层管理人员的工作,与高层管理人员相比,中层管理人员更注意日常的管理事务;③基层管理人员是组织中处于最低层次的管理者,他们所管辖的仅仅是作业人员而不涉及其他管理者。其主要职责是:给下属作业人员分派具体工作任务,直接指挥和监督现场作业活动,保证各项任务的有效完成。 (2)组织行为学领域的知识主要包括个体、群体和组织。其具体的内容如下:①个体是构成组织的最基本细胞,是组织行为学研究的基础和出发点。在这个层面上,通常应用心理学的理论和方法研究个体特征对人们在组织中的工作行为和工作表现的影响,要考虑诸如价值观、知觉、归因、态度、个性、意志和情感等因素,并对他们在工作中的个体行为、作风与绩效的影响进行研究。同时要研究个体行为以及他们对不同的组织政策、实践和过程的反应,有关人性、需要、动机和激励等方面的理论可以用来说明单个组织成员的行为和绩效; ②群体的内容包括运用社会心理学的知识和理论分析工作群体的特征、结构、功能、发展过程和内聚力,就构成了组织行为学研究群体的重要部分;③组织作为一个整体的特征如组织结构、组织文化对个体和群体行为,从而对组织效率和气氛有重要的影响。把整个组织作为一个层面来研究的宏观方法是建立在社会学的理论和概念之上的。 (3)通过对比不同管理层级的管理者的职责和组织行为研究领域的层次,可知不同管理层次对组织行为学知识的掌握领域是不同的。①高层管理者负责制定全局性的决策,其所作的决策影响范围更广,影响期限更长。因此,他们需要更多的掌握概念型技能,把握全局意识、系统思想和创新精神,对组织行为学中有关组织的内容应该有更深入的掌握,也应以此为重点研究的领域;②中层管理者负责决策的传递、信息的沟通等,其应该更多的掌握关于组织行为学中群体内的关系与群体间的关系,在了解其他领域知识的同时,应该以群体特征为重点;③基层管理者主要与从事具体作业活动的工作人员打交道。有责任检查工作人员的工作,及时解答并同工作人员一起解决实际工作中出现的各种具体问题。因此,对基层管理者来说掌握组织行为学中有关个体的特征、行为等方面的知识应是其重点问题。 2.“越来越多的公司现在认识到,如果能够对员工的情绪问题进行了解和管理,则会提高他们的工作绩效、与同伴的协作关系、与顾客的交往。”这句话对管理者的意义何在? 答:这句话对管理者的意义是情绪会对组织行为中的个体行为产生一定的影响。管理者对其员工情绪的管理,可以使员工发挥到最佳状态,以提高员工的工作效率和工作满意度等。 (1)在组织活动中,情感理论具有重要的意义,既有积极意义又有消极意义。 ①积极意义:掌握情感的特点和规律,有助于领导者对下属进行情感号召、情感联络和情感感化。a.情感号召就是针对人富有情感这一特点,选择那些最激动人心、最有号召力的宣传内容和手段,激励人们努力完成各项任务。“为了您和他人的幸福,请自觉遵守交通法规”、“为了您和他人的健康,请勿随地吐痰”等,就是情感号召的具体实例;b.情感联


PowerPoint Slides, including both original text art and newly created images, have been developed and are available for you to coordinate with Chapter 14 materials presentation. 1. INTRODUCTION. This chapter looks at a number of factors that influence employee behavior and what the implications are for managers. 2. WHY LOOK AT INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOR? Behavior is defined as the actions of people. Organizational behavior is the study of the actions of people at work. One of the challenges in OB is understanding issues that aren’t obvious because the organization is like an iceberg with its hidden aspects. (See Exhibit 14.1 on p. 370.) A. Focus of Organizational Behavior. Organizational behavior focuses on two major areas. 1. Individual behavior 2. Group behavior B. The goals of OB are to explain, predict, and influence behavior. 3. ATTITUDES. Attitudes are defined as evaluative statements concerning objects, people, or events. A. There are three components of attitudes. 1. The cognitive component of an attitude is the beliefs, opinions, knowledge, or information held by a person. 2. The affective component of an attitude is the emotional or feeling segment of an attitude. 3. The behavioral component of an attitude is an intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something.


第一部分 ?Efficiency效率P8 –“Doing things right” –Getting the most output for the least inputs ?Effectiveness效果 –“Doing the right things” –Attaining organizational goals The Manager: P44 Omnipotent or Symbolic? ?Omnipotent View of Management管理万能论 - the view that managers are directly responsible for an organization’s success or failure.认为经理直接负责组织的成功或失败 ?Symbolic view of Management管理象征论- the view that much of an organization’s success or failure is due to external forces outside managers’ control.认为一个组织的成功或失败大部分是由管理者控制之外的外部力量所造成的观点 ?What’s Your Global Perspective?全球观(全球视角)P71

?Parochialism狭隘主义- viewing the world solely through your own perspectives, leading to an inability to recognize differences between people. ?Ethnocentric Attitude民族中心论- the parochialistic belief that the best work approaches and practices are those of the home country.本国取向 ?Polycentric Attitude多国论- the view that the managers in the host country know the best work approaches and practices for running their business.东道国取向 ?Geocentric Attitude全球中心论–a world-oriented view that focuses on using the best approaches and people from around the globe.全球取向 ?Multinational Corporation (MNC)跨国公司- a broad term that refers to any and all types of international companies that maintain operations in multiple countries. 任一或所有类型的在多国维持经营的国际性公司。 ?The Decision Making Process决策制定过程P179 ?Identifying a problem识别决策问题 ?Identifying decision criteria 确认决策标准 ?Allocating weights to the criteria为决策标准分配权重


管理学 第一篇管理导论 第一章管理与组织导论 1.管理者:通过协调和监管其他人的活动以达到组织目标的人 2.基层管理者:最底层的管理人员,管理着非管理雇员所从事的工作,即生产产品或者向顾客提供服务,通常被称为主管,区域经理,部门经理或办公室主任。 3.中层管理者:包括所有处于基层和高层之间的各个管理层次的管理者,管理基层管理者,可能具有地区经理,项目主管,工厂厂长或者事业部主任的头衔。 4.高层管理者:负责为整个组织作出决策,制定计划和目标,从而影响整个组织,典型头衔通常是执行副总裁,总裁,执行董事,首席运行官,首席执行官。 5.组织:是对人员的精心安排,以实现某个特定目的。 6.组织的特征:明确的目标,精细的结构,人员. 7.管理:指的是协调和监管他人的工作活动,从而使他们有效率,有效果地完成工作。 8.效率:是指以尽可能少的投入获得尽可能多的产出,通常指“正确地做事”。 9.效果:通常是指“做正确的事”,即所从事工作活动有助于组织达到其目标. 10.管理职能:计划,组织,领导,控制。 计划——定义目标,确定战略,制定计划以协调活动 组织——决定需要做什么,怎么做,谁去做 控制——监控活动以确保它们按计划完成 11.明茨伯格的管理角色:人际关系角色,信息传递角色,决策制定角色。 人际关系角色——涉及人与人的关系以及其他礼仪性的和象征性的职责,包括挂名首脑(代表人),领导者和联络者。 信息传递角色-—涉及收集,接受和传播信息,包括监听者,传播者和发言人 决策制定角色—-需要作出决策或选择,包括企业家,混乱驾驭者,资源分配者和谈判者。 12.罗伯特.卡茨的管理技能:技术技能,人际技能,概念技能。


614管理学参考书目 在管理学领域,有许多经典的参考书目可以帮助读者深入理解管理理论、实践和技巧。以下是一些常见的管理学参考书目,涵盖了不同方面的管理知识: 1. 《管理学》(作者,斯蒂芬·罗宾斯)这本书是管理学领域的经典教材,涵盖了管理的基本概念、原理和实践。它提供了广泛的案例研究和实用工具,帮助读者理解和应用管理理论。 2. 《组织行为学》(作者,斯蒂芬·罗宾斯)这本书关注组织内部个体和团队的行为,探讨了领导、决策、沟通、冲突等方面的问题。它提供了理论框架和实践指导,帮助读者了解和管理组织中的人际关系。 3. 《战略管理》(作者,弗雷德·R·戴维斯)这本书介绍了战略管理的基本概念和方法,包括战略规划、竞争分析、资源配置等内容。它提供了许多实例和案例,帮助读者制定和执行有效的战略。 4. 《运营管理》(作者,杰伊·海波尔)这本书涵盖了生产和

运营管理的核心概念和技术,包括供应链管理、质量控制、项目管 理等。它提供了实用的工具和方法,帮助读者提高组织的运营效率 和效果。 5. 《人力资源管理》(作者,加里·迪斯勒)这本书介绍了人 力资源管理的基本原理和实践,包括招聘、培训、绩效评估等方面 的内容。它提供了人力资源管理的策略和技巧,帮助读者有效地管 理和发展组织的人力资源。 6. 《领导力》(作者,约翰·P·科特尔)这本书探讨了领导 力的核心概念和技能,包括影响力、团队建设、决策等方面的内容。它提供了案例和实用工具,帮助读者成为有效的领导者。 7. 《创新与创业管理》(作者,彼得·德鲁克)这本书讨论了 创新和创业的重要性,介绍了创新管理和创业过程的关键要素。它 提供了许多实例和案例,帮助读者理解和应用创新和创业的原理。 以上只是一些管理学参考书目的例子,还有许多其他优秀的书 籍可以进一步探索管理学的不同领域和主题。阅读这些书籍可以帮 助读者扩展知识、提升技能,从多个角度全面地理解和应用管理学 的理论和实践。


罗宾斯《管理学》全书 简介 《管理学》是由美国管理学泰斗彼得·F·罗宾斯所著。该书是管理学领域的经典之作,被广泛用于全球各个高等教育机构的管理学课程中。本书全面系统地介绍了管理学的基本理论、概念和技能,涵盖了管理的不同层面,包括个人、团队和组织等。通过对管理学的综合阐述,该书为读者提供了管理学的全面知识体系,帮助读者在实践中不断提升管理能力。 本书结构 《管理学》全书共分为16章,每一章都涵盖了具体的管理学主题。以下是每一章的简要介绍: 第1章管理和管理学 本章介绍了管理的定义、历史及其重要性,并阐述了管理学作为一门学科的发展。同时,还介绍了管理学的主要元素和研究方法。 第2章管理的环境 本章介绍了管理的内外部环境对组织的影响,并分析了管理者在不同环境中面临的挑战和机遇。

第3章组织文化和环境 本章探讨了组织文化和环境对组织绩效和员工行为的影响,并介绍了如何塑造和管理良好的组织文化。 第4章以果断为基础的管理 本章介绍了果断决策对管理的重要性,以及如何培养果断决策的能力。 第5章个人特质和情商 本章讨论了个人特质和情商对管理者的重要性,并介绍了如何发展和应用这些个人特质。 第6章领导 本章介绍了领导的概念和领导者的职责,并探讨了不同领导风格和领导力发展的方法。 第7章团队和团队工作 本章探讨了团队的重要性和团队工作的优势,并介绍了建设高效团队的关键要素。 第8章沟通和冲突解决 本章介绍了沟通的重要性和有效沟通的技巧,以及冲突解决的方法和策略。

第9章决策和问题解决 本章讲解了决策和问题解决的过程,并介绍了不同的决策方法和问题解决技巧。 第10章组织结构和设计 本章介绍了组织结构和设计的基本原则,并探讨了不同类型的组织结构和其优 劣势。 第11章控制和管理 本章讨论了控制和管理的概念,并介绍了不同的控制方法和管理手段。 第12章组织变革和创新 本章探讨了组织变革和创新的重要性,并介绍了有效实施组织变革和促进创新 的方法。 第13章国际和跨文化管理 本章介绍了国际和跨文化管理的挑战和机遇,并探讨了如何有效管理多元化的 工作团队。 第14章战略管理 本章讨论了战略管理的概念和重要性,并介绍了制定和实施战略的方法和工具。


清华管理学系列英文版教材第14版课后答案 1、When you’ve finished with that book, don’t forget to put it back one the shelf, ____? [单选题] * A. do you B. don’t you C. will you(正确答案) D. won’t you 2、The twins _______ us something about their country. [单选题] * A. told(正确答案) B. said C. talked D. spoke 3、9.There will be a lot of activities at English Festival nest month. Which one would you like to ________? [单选题] * A.take part in (正确答案) B.join C.attend D.go

4、Although the story is written for children, it can be read by adult, _____. [单选题] * A. also B. either C. as well D. too(正确答案) 5、Alice hopes to _______ more friends at her new school. [单选题] * A. visit B. make(正确答案) C. miss D. take 6、5 He wants to answer the ________ because it is an interesting one. [单选题] * A.problem B.question(正确答案) C.door D.plan 7、?I am good at schoolwork. I often help my classmates _______ English. [单选题] *

管理学-罗宾斯版 名词解释及问答题

1 管理者 2 计划/组织/领导/控制 3 管理角色(人际关系/信息传递/决策制定) 4 管理 5 效率/效果 6 管理原则 7 官僚行政组织 8 劳动分工 9 组织行为 10 霍桑研究 11 创业精神 12 学习型组织 13 知识管理 14 质量管理 15 管理的万能论/象征论 16 组织文化/强文化/弱文化 17 外部环境/具体环境 18 环境的不确定性/复杂性 19 利益相关者 20 多国公司/跨国公司/无国界组织 21 许可证贸易/特许经营/战略联盟/合资企业 22 民族文化/个人主义/集体主义/权利差距/不确定性规避 23 社会义务/社会响应/社会责任 24 管理的绿色化 25 价值观 26 道德准则 27 控制点 28 自我强度 29 道德的功利观/公平理论观/权力观/社会契约整合理论 30 理性决策制定 31 有限理性 32 承诺升级 33 直觉决策 34 结构问题/程序化决策 35 程序/规则/政策 36 非结构问题(确定性/不确定性/风险性) 37 命令型/分析型/概念型/行为性 38 计划工作 39 目标 40 计划 41 战略计划/运营计划 42 长期计划/短期计划 43 具体计划/方向性计划 44 一次性计划/持续性计划

45手段目标链 46 目标管理 47 使命 48 承诺概念 49 战略管理 50 战略管理过程 51 SWOT 52 核心能力 53 公司层/事业层/职能层战略 54 相关多元化/非相关多元化 55 稳定型战略/紧缩战略 56 BCG矩阵 57 战略业务单位 58 竞争优势 59 成本领先战略/差异化战略/聚焦战略 60 盈亏平衡分析 61 项目管理 62 组织工作 63 组织结构 64 组织设计 65 工作专门化/部门化/职能化/产品部门化/地区部门化/过程部门化/顾客部门化 66 跨职能团队 67 指挥连 68 职权/职责 69 统一指挥 70 管理跨度 71 集权化/分权化 72 授权 73 正规化 74 机械式组织/有机式组织 75 简单结构/职能型结构/事业部结构/基于团队的结构/矩阵型结构/项目型组织/无边界组织/虚拟组织/网络化组织/标准化组织/学习型组织 76 沟通 77 人际沟通 78 组织沟通 79 非语言沟通 80 正式沟通/非正式沟通 81 人力资源管理过程 82 人力资源规划 83 职务分析 84 职务说明书 85 职务规范 86 甄选过程 87 效度/信度


罗宾斯《管理学》课后习题答案 第Ⅰ篇绪论第一章管理与组织导论 一、谁是管理者 1.管理者在哪些方面不同于非管理人员?答:协调其他人的工作——区分了管理岗位与非管理岗位。 2.说明为什么并不总能很容易地确定谁是组织中的管理员。答:组织以及工作正在变化的性质模糊了管理者与非管理雇员之间的界限,许多传统的职位现在都包括了管理性的活动,特别是在团队中(团队成员通常要制定计划、决策以及监督自己的绩效),非管理雇员也承担着过去是管理者的一部分职责。 补充:⑴管理者:管理者是这样的人,他通过协调其他人的活动达到与别人一起或者通过别人实现组织的目标。 3.对比三种不同的管理层次。答:①基层管理者是最低层的管理人员,他们管理着非管理雇员所从事的工作,这些工作生产和提供组织的产品。②中层管理者包括所有处于基层和高层之间的各个管理层次的管理者,这些管理者管理着基层管理者。③高层管理者处于或接近组织顶层,他们承担着制定广泛的组织决策、为整个组织制定计划和目标的责任。 注:并不是所有的组织都具有金字塔形的组织结构,但都需要某个人来扮演管理者的角色,即需要有人来协调工作和活动,以便能够同别人一起或者通过别人来实现组织的目标。 二、什么是管理 补充:⑴管理:定义为一个协调工作活动的过程,以便能够有效率和有效果地同别人一起或通过别人实现组织的目标。要点:①过程代表了一系列进行中的有管理者参与的职能或活动,这些职能一般划分为计划、组织、领导和控制。②协调其他人的工作——区分了管理岗位与非管理岗位。③有效率和有效果地完成组织的工作活动。 4.如何理解管理是一个过程。答:上面要点①。 5.定义效率和效果。答:①效率是指以尽可能少的投入获得尽可能多的产出。通常指的是“正确地做事”,即不浪费资源。②效果通常是指“做正确的事”,即所从事的工作和活动有助于组织达到其目标。③可见,效率是关于做事的方式;效果是指实现组织目标的程度,涉及事情的结果。 6.解释效率和效果对管理的重要性。答:①因为管理者处理的是稀缺的输入(人员、资金和设备等),所以必须有效地利用这些资源。②管理的根本目的是实现


罗宾斯《管理学》 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

管理学 06 VI篇控制 03 21章作业管理 08 当前作业管理中的问题 新技术资本化!成功地实施TQM!降低库存量! 利用柔性和速度作为竞争优势!这些都是摆在高层管理者面前提高作业生产率的课题。由于管理者认为这些课题对于其产品或服务在世界范围内形成优势是至关重要的,因此我们这里分别讨论这些问题。 ·技术与产品开发 今天的市场竞争给制造业者在生产质量高、成本低且进入市场时间又短的产品方面造成了巨大的压力。即使你拥用俗话说的“好鼠夹子”,顾客也不一定上你的门,如果你的对手开发的质量稍差的鼠夹子比你早一两年摆在商店的货架上。实现成功地加速产品开发周期的两个关键因素是:组织承诺加速开发周期和在技术上进行投资。 迎接进入市场时间挑战的一种有效工具就是计算机一体化制造系统(Computer-integrated manufacturing,CIM)。这将使得组织的战略经营计划和生产计划与当前的计算机应用水平结合起来。计算机辅助设计(CAD)和计算机辅助制造(CAM)是CIM的典型基础。 CAD实际上使手工画图成为历史。通过计算机的可视化作图,CAD使工程师用大约手工画图的一半的时间去开发一件新产品。比如,鹰发动机制造公司(Eagle Engine) 使用CAD设计一种新的赛车发动机仅用9个月的时间,而传统的方法需要2年多。 CAM利用计算机来指导和控制生产过程。大量的控制程序可以指导机器完成切削、成形、装配零件和完成其他许多复杂的工作。 在不久的将来,CIM会使整个生产过程成为一个连续统一体。每一个阶段的工作,从接受用户订单到用户发货,都将表示成数据由计算机来处理这将使得管理层能对市场的变化立即作出反应。使公司具备能够在几个小时内而不是在几个月内改变数百种设计方案的能力,并提供进行多品种小批量(批量可以小到只有一两件)的柔性生产能力。再如,当实现计算机一体化制造时,如果要生产一种新的或非标准的产品,再也用不着停止生产线和花费大量宝贵的时间更换模具和设备。只要花几秒钟改变一下计算机的程序,马上就可以调整生产过程。 ·成功地实施TQM 已经实施TQM 的组织很多而且给人印象深刻,包括摩托罗拉、联邦捷运、施乐和IBM等公司。除此以外,许多公共部门的组织也开始使用TQM。洛杉矶联校区(Unified School District)的高中毕业生从94年开始,每人将获得一个证书使公司确信他或她具备工作所需的基本技能。如果雇主不满意,校区将用自己的钱去对学生进行补救性培训。俄亥俄州州长还创立了一个全州范围的质量委员会,将TQM推广到全州各机关中去使用。甚至在联邦政府中也开始实施TQM。一份美国国会会计总局的研究报告显示,2 800个政府机构中的68%现在已开始使用TQM。 不幸的是,并非所有实施TQM 的努力都会成功。一份关于美国、加拿大、德国和日本的584家公司的研究报告对可能阻碍TQM的有效性的因素提供了重要的见解。与管理中的权变因素相一致,这份调查发现,成功地应用TQM中的一些概念,如小组、设置基准、培训、员工授权等,取决于公司当前的表现。下面就是报告中对表现差、中、好的不同企业所建议的主要内容。 对表现差的企业增加各种形式的培训。重点是部门和跨部门的小组。发现和解决小问题小组有助于表现差的公司开始改进质量的努力。但是当公司的绩效有所改进以后,


罗宾斯的<管理学>笔记 斯蒂芬.p.罗宾斯的《管理学》笔记(1-6章) 第一章绪论 一、管理的涵义 人类的共同劳动资源(人、财、物、信息、时间) 共同目标 定义: 为实现预定目标而进行的计划、组织、人员配备、领导、控制(孔茨) 或合理组织和有效利用有限资源以达到既定目标的过程。 •管理的实质是一种手段、工具,不是目的。 •管理的作用在于它的有效性,追求效率与效果的统一。 效率是以较少的代价完成活动,涉及活动的方式。即正确地做事 效果指目标达成度,涉及活动的结果。即做正确的事 好的管理在于把对的事情做得更好。 低水平的管理表现在:1)无效率(某些政府部门的办事程序) 2)无效果(某些企业的库存积压产品) 3)牺牲效率的效果 [例] 90年代中期,国家进行了金融体制改革,国有银行开始向商业银行转变,在这种形势下,各行纷纷打算拓展自己的业务。某银行也制定了一个长远规划:通过不断增设营业部,在五年之内,把每年的储蓄额提高到20亿元。规划中的另一个目标是,一旦每年的储蓄额达到20亿,那么年利润要达到2亿元。经过几年的努力,该行在各地开设了20个营业部,而且在规定的时间内也达到了储蓄额为20亿元的目标,只有一件事出了差错:它不是赚了2亿元,而是亏了近5000万元,使自身陷入困境,连掉头的机会也微乎其微。 ------答:有效果,无效率 二、管理的基本特征 1、管理是一种社会现象。(只要有人类社会存在,就有管理活动) 管理产生的二个条件:二人以上的集体活动共同的目标 管理是社会化劳动的产物,可追溯到原始社会。 2、管理的载体是组织,管理总是存在于一定的组织之中。 什么是组织? 3、操作者: 管理者:有下属向其汇报工作。 上层 包括中层共同任务:设计和维持一种环境,使人们努力工作以 基层实现既定目标。 4.管理的核心是处理各种人际关系。 5、管理的职能 法约尔:计划、组织、指挥、协调、控制 孔茨:计划、组织、人员配备、领导、控制 6、管理工作的普遍性 管理工作具有普遍性,无论他在何处,所履行的职责有内在共同性。 •组织的类型(如企业、政府部门、学校) •组织的规模(如小公司与大公司) •组织中的层次
