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I really had a difficult time. My parents would wake me up every morning, but during those days I had to get up myself. On the first night I set the alarm at 6 o’clock, but it didn’t wake me up at all the next morning. I was scolded for being late by my teacher. Afterwards, I bought three new clocks and set them all together. What noisy mornings I had!
Learn From Lei Feng
Today is March 5th. To learn from Lei Feng, at 3∶30 p.m., my classmates and I went...
Today is March 5th. To learn from Lei Feng, at 3∶30 p.m., my classmates and I went in groups separately to visit some old teachers who had retired from our school. We chatted with them for a while, and then began to do some cleaning for them. Everyone worked very hard and we really felt glad we were able to do something for the old teachers. We hoped to have more chances to take part in such activities.
First of all, you’d better try to find an adult you can trust to talk to. For example, your parents are a good place to start, but if that doesn’t work, try teachers or someone else, and simply tell this person about yourself and how you feel. It sometimes seems like everyone else in the world is happy and you are the only one who is miserable. You will be surprised to learn that you arecompletely normal. I hope this helps and the next day will be better.
never to mention it again不要再提这件事
a heart-to-heart talk倾心交谈
No Smoking Day
May 31st, No Smoking Day, is drawing near. Now what do you want to say to smokers to help them get rid of the bad habit?
hold a birthday party生日聚会
invite all of my best friends except me
take an English exam英语考试
the answers to the reading comprehension阅读理解题答案
cheat in the exam考试作弊
suffering from depression正处于沮丧/抑郁之中
feel hopeless感觉没有希望
I don’t laugh or smile any more.我不再笑
that doesn’t work那不起作用
you are the only one who is miserable
take an active part in the activity积极参加这项活动
succeed in giving up smoking成功地戒烟
An Incident
It was a summer morning in the classroom on Monday. Amy found a Band-Aid on Billy’s ankle. She asked Billy what was wrong with his ankle. Supposing you are Billy, please tell Amy what happened to your ankle.
Yesterday afternoon I was playing ball games with a few boys from the neighborhood. While kicking the ball, I slipped and fell over. My angle was injured. It bled a bit, so I had a Band-Aid on it. But I don’t think it serious. I hope it will be all right soon.
Today more and more people care for the problem of smoking. On that day, nobody is allowed to smoke, because smoking is polluting the air, also it’s harmful to people’s health and will cause lung cancer.
Tell Him or Her What He or She Should Do
One of your close friends tells you, “I’m suffering from depression. I have trouble sleeping. I’m often tired. When I think about the future I feel hopeless about it. I don’t enjoy anything. I’m never happy. I don’t laugh or smile any more.”You would like to help him / her to find one or more solutions.
I have a dream that I am always young. Then I will have enough energy to do everything whenever I want. Moreover, I don’t have to worry about old age during which I even can’t take care of myself. I know that my dream will not come true. However, I think it is lucky that I am young now. So I will treasure my time, enjoy my life and try my best to do everything well.
visit some old teachers who had retired from our school
chat with sb和某人聊天
do some cleaning打扫卫生
have more chances to take part in such activities
An Interesting Thing
Last month your parents were both on a business trip, and you were left home alone for a few days. Tell your friends what a difficult (or happy) time you had during those days.
I hope you should make a plan to get rid of the bad habit. It’s our hope that we all take an active part in the activity.
I’m sure you’ll succeed in giving up smoking.
One day when we were taking an English exam, Wang Ping, sitting next to me, passed me a piece of paper and asked me to tell her the answers to the reading comprehension. But I thought it was wrong to cheat in the exam, so I refused. After class, I tried to explain it to her, but she angrily told me never to mention it again. I knew she must have misunderstood me. So I decided to have a heart-to-heart talk with her tomorrow.
My best friend Wang Ping held a birthday party. He / She invited all of my best friends except me. I was wondering at it when suddenly I remembered that one day...
May 31st, No Smoking Day, is drawing near.
help them get rid of the bad habit帮助他们摆脱这个坏习惯
care for the problem of smoking关心抽烟问题
cause lung cancer引起肺癌
close friபைடு நூலகம்nd亲密的朋友
have enough energy to do everything有足够的精力做一切事情
worry about old age害怕年老
take care of myself照顾自己
come true变成现实
treasure my time珍惜时间
on a business trip出差
be left home alone被单独留在家中
set the alarm at 6 o’clock把闹钟调到六点钟
be scolded for being late因迟到而被责备
I Have A Dream
Have you ever had a dream about your splendid future or imagined something unreal but interesting or meaningful? Tell your close friend about it now.