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In school, students have to stay in a classroom. They have to spend the day 1 from textbooks. Now, Sweden is trying to change that by building schools with no classrooms, no planned lessons and best of all, no 2 .

In Sweden’s Free School Organization called Vitro, children 3 to be creative and that their learning and ideas are 4 those of the CEO of Google or any other famous person, so why not 5 them a similar environment --- one in which they can be successful?

The schools are built with special learning spaces instead of traditional classrooms. Not only that, even the subject is taught in a 6 way --- using mobile phones, computers and e-readers.

Also, there is no "right" or "wrong" kind of education. The school believes that everything is a learning experience --- 7 having a serious science project or making a movie inside the school’s recording studio(录音棚).

Vitro’s latest school, which opened 8 August of 2011, has some learning spaces -- The Lab, where students can do all kinds of experiments(实验); The Show Place, where students can show their skills, inventions or 9 else they want to show off to other kids. Also, if kids need a 10 from all this hard studying, they can visit The Watering Hole. There they can do all kinds of fun activities.

1. A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learns

2. A. friends B. students C. desks D. grades

3. A. think B. are thought C. teach D. are teaching

4. A. most important B. as important as C. more important D. important

5. A. gives B. giving C. to give D. give

6. A. special B. boring C. usual D. necessary

7. A. whether B. both C. neither D. though

8. A. on B. at C. in D. from

9. A. however B. whenever C. whoever D. whatever

10. A. sleep B. meal C. rest D. talk


Parents who have teenage children sometimes find 1 difficult to communicate with them. Learning to read teen body language is one way to get an idea of what they are trying to tell you. Communication skills, just 2 any other skills, must be learned. If you study and watch your teens’ carious body language, you will

3 communicate with them in a more effective way.

★Read teen body language by looking at the 4 . When a person crosses(交叉) his arms, this is usually an action that he wants to be left 5 . Your teenager may not be in the mood to talk at that moment. If his arm and hands are relaxed at his side, he is more open to talk to you.

★ 6 for nervous gestures. Touching hair or scratching(抓) the head again and again may mean that the teen is nervous about something or trying to 7 something from you.

★Notice the eye movements. You can tell if the teen is 8 in what you are saying. If the teen keeps looking away often while you are talking, that normally means that there is no interest in 9 you are saying.

★ 10 all these above, you can also tell by noticing the speaking-distance. It is not usually
