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上海市2016届高三英语核心词汇复习:General Revision (1)

1. I _____ $5 to have my radio repaired.

A. took

B. cost

C. paid

D. spent

2. Now in big cities of China, parents often let their children have their own

___of living.

A. way

B. method

C. manner

D. fashion

3. Can you tell us the local conditions and _____ of that country?

A. customs

B. habits

C. practices

D. usages

4. Please _____ the milk until it boils and then turn off the gas.

A. observe

B. watch

C. notice

D. look

5. The greater _____ of what you heard is only rumor.

A. part

B. one

C. field

D. piece

6. Are you brave _____ to tell him what you think?

A. sufficient

B. adequate

C. plentiful

D. enough

7. She tried to explain _____ simple language.

A. by means of

B. in honor of

C. instead of

D. in favor of

8. She _____ the hard words when she read.

A. scanned

B. skimmed

C. skipped

D. observed

9. When do the new driving laws come into _____?

A. effect

B. use

C. service

D. existence

10. The new salary increases will take _____ from January onwards.

A. begin

B. start

C. effect

D. effort

11. His _____ is to spend a month in Moscow.

A. impression

B. direction

C. mention

D. intention

12. _____ driving to work, Paul usually goes to his office by train.A. WithoutB. Rather thanC. Instead ofD. In spite of

13. I’ll certainly be _____ to go to the dance if Carrol is there.

A. tempted

B. tended

C. longed

D. enjoyed

14. The room was so quiet that she could hear the _____ of her heart.A. hitting

B. beating

C. rushing

D. striking

15.Don’t_____thepoorchild.Itisn’tallhisfault.Anyway,heisonlyeight.A. spoil

B. squeeze

C. stimulate

D. scold

16. When you get to the highway, follow the _____ for Notting Hill.

A. marks

B. spots

C. signals

D. signs

17. My wife is going with me to help me _____ a new suit.

A. pick out

B. pick up

C. work out

D. work at

18. It was a great ______ for him to be pleasant to people he didn’t like.A. troubleB. sorrowC. effort D. horror

19. I wonder how _____ the letter will reach him. In a week, I hope.

A. long

B. soon

C. fast

D. quick

20. You’ll _____ getting burnt if you don’t keep away from the fire.A. make upB. take upC. end up D. come up

21. John insisted on going on with the program _____ the setback.

A. although

B. in spite of

C. despite of

D. though

22. In order to save young men’s jobs, some of the older workers were

_____early.A. withdrawnB. retreated C. retiredD. returned
