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Unit Five

1) In conclusion, I hope the_______ arguments have convinced you of the need for action.

A) proceeding B) preceding C) prevalent D) prevailing

2) They claimed that the plastics would not _______ if they were buried.

A) flavor B) delay C) decay D) drying

3) The gate won't stay open, so we'll have to _____ it to the post.

A)fasten B) tie C) bind D) secure

4) His broken arm hung _______ from his shoulder.

A) lose B) loosely C) loosen D) loose

5) I never imagine why he always has a burning ______ for wealth.

A) hunger B) tiredness C) thirst D) sleepiness

6) Although they had several golden chances, they ________to escape .

A) made every attempt B) attempted

C) hardly made little attempt D) made no attempt

7) The teacher often gives a brief ______ of the work planned for a new term.

A) argument B) summary C) conclusion D) outline

8) Have you got a________ sense? This is a no-parking sign.

A) a large amount of B) plenty of C) a great deal of D) an ounce of

9) The children of the rich and powerful experience ________ from birth.

A) pension B) privilege C) premium D)prestige

10) The authors give a _______ as to what the end of the story might be in their careful wording.

A) hint B) suggestion C) signal D) indication

11) I never know what Jane's thinking - she has such a ______ expression.

A)uninteresting B) knowing C) blank D) disappointed

12) “If something happens on campus that could affect the way students _______ their life, they need to know,”says Captain Stegmeier.

A) go over B) go on C) go through D) go about

13) If you don't throw up a lot of ______ideas you are unlikely to come up with some new, better and more sensible ones either.

A) worthwhile B) worthless C) valuable D) priceless

14) It is wrong of her to ______ her children the educational opportunities they need.

A) deprive B) refuse C) reject D) deny

15) The old man had a stroke, which _______ him to bed in the hospital for about half a year.

A) condemned B) contributed C) confirmed D) converted

16) Before blaming children, parents should think about whether they were ______ in doing that.

A)logical B) understandable C) justified D) arbitrary

17) There might be some return of pain after 24 hours, but repeating the dose would _______ the problem.

A) release B) relieve C) lesser D) reduce

18) The player has been shown the yellow card twice and is ______ from playing on.

A) dissuaded B) forbidden C) barred D)excused

19) All these _______ one question: Are common people able to afford cars?

A) come down to B) come by C) come up with D) come to

20) But all the time they were so alert, ready to ________ instantly at the first hint of danger.

A) deposit B) withdraw C) invest D) worship

Unit Six

1) Some of these diseases are becoming more and more_________ to medicines; they are difficult to cure.

A) active B) resistant C) tough D) gradual

2) The equipment was strong and designed to________ heavy use under harsh working conditions with minimum


A) adapt B) withdraw C) withstand D) shade

3) If a man is easily taken in by emotional traps, he will not be able to make ____ judgments.

A) sensitive B) sentimental C) sensible D) sensational

4) I _______some money, which you may need for your expenses.

A) enclose B) contain C) reserve D) invest

5) There are certain _______women should take during pregnancy, for instance, avoiding certain foods and being careful about contact with animals.

A) sanction B) precautions C) shield D) shelter

6) The ships generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated _____instead of mechanically.

A) manually B) artificially C) automatically D) synthetically

7). According to the weather ____, it’s going to be fine today.
