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语 法 结 构-- 综合练习四

301) You never told us why you were late for the last meeting, ?

[A] weren’t you
[B] didn’t you
[C] had you
[D] did you

302) Only in recent years begun to realize that wild dogs,kept within bounds, often do more good than harm.

[A] people have
[B] since people
[C] have people
[D] people who have

303) Had she been given some information, she the questions.

[A] answered
[B] could have answered
[C] answers
[D] was answering

304) We strongly [A] suggest that [B] Smith is told [C] about his [D] physical condition as soon as possible.

305) If the policeman would have [A] arrived [B] earlier, he would have [C] seen [D] the accident.

306) This book is an attempt English and recognize how it is used.

[A] helping you to use
[B] helping you use
[C] to help you use
[D] help you to use

307) I remember the door before I went to bed.

[A] lock
[B] to lock
[C] to have locked
[D] being locking

308) Mr. Green ran all the way up that the train had left fifteen minutes before.

[A] to only find the station
[B] only to the station find
[C] to the station only to find
[D] the station to only find

309) Having missed that last bus, Peter had no alternative a taxi home though he did not like the idea.

[A] to but take
[B] to take but
[C] take to but
[D] but to take

310) We appreciate [A] your efforts bringing about [B] a comprehensive solution [C] of the existing [D] problems.

311) Helen borrowed my dictionary the other day that she would return it soon.

[A] to say
[B] having said
[C] being said
[D] saying

312) These students are quick at learning. We’ll have them in new methods.

[A] train
[B] training
[C] trained
[D] to train

313) The author gave a detailed description on his personal observation of nature.

[A] based
[B] to base
[C] to be based
[D] basing

314) with John, George is a much superior engineer.

[A] Compared
[B] Comparing
[C] Having compared
[D] To compare

315) it is you’ve found, you must give it back to the person it belongs to.

[A] That
[B] Because
[C] Whatever
[D] However
316) Although happened in that developed country sounds like science fiction,it could occur elsewhere in the world.
[A] which
[B] what
[C] how
[D] it
317) He studied hard at school when he was young contributes to his success in later life.
[A] which[B] therefore[C] where[D] so that
318) Our [A] department was monitored by [B] two supervisors [C] , Bill and I [D] .
319) You are just the same you were the day when I first met

[A] that
[B] like
[C] to
[D] as
320) The responsibility of [A] the manageress [B] is greater than [C] her typist [D] .
321) Despite [A] the temporary difficulties, the manager prefers increasing [B] the output to [C] decrease [D] it.
322) The tasks [A] of the director [B] are greater than [C] his assistant [D] .
323) The visibility became so bad [A] that [B] I could not hardly [C] see the man who was walking on foot [D] in front of me.
324) She can hardly avoid making mistakes in her homework, hard she tries.
[A] for
[B] as
[C] how
[D] however
325) Humble it may be, there is no place like home, wherever he may go.
[A] although
[B] as
[C] how
[D] that
326) My name is William, and [A] most [B] of my friends call [C] me Bill for short [D] .
327) The lecturer is a person with [A] great promise [B] and who [C] should be [D] encouraged.
328) The engine in [A] itself [B] is very good and [C] its mounting [D] is unsatisfactory.
329) Whether or not the new plan will yield any positive results to be seen.
[A] remain
[B] remains
[C] is remained
[D] have remained
330) An outstanding characteristic of [A] each student was their [B] ability to complete [C] the examination on [D] time.
331) Only when you have acquired a good knowledge of grammar write correctly.
[A] you will [B] you can [C] can you [D] can’t you
332) Humble it may be, there is no place like home.
[A] although
[B] as
[C] how
[D] that
333) There are two spare rooms in the building, neither of has been provided with modern facilities.
[A] it
[B] which
[C] them
[D] this
334) All is reasonable is not necessarily practicable.
[A] what
[B] which
[C] that
[D] who
335) You are just the same as you were the day I first met you.
[A] that[B] which[C] when[D] how
336) The electric shaver before it can be used.
[A] needs repairing [B] should be in repair [C] has to be repairable [D] must repair
337) No decision has been made about that matter yet. We it.
[A] still consider [B] are still considered [C] still considered [D] are still considering
338) If the doctor had been available, the child
[A] would not die [B] would have not died [C] could not die [D] could have not died
339) Had he worked harder, he .
[A] would get through the exams
[B] could get through the exams
[C] must have got through the exams
[D] would have got through the exams
340) I wish I to the movies with you last night.
[A] went [B] could go [C] go [D] had gone
341) I wish you like that.
[A] don’t talk
[B] won’t talk
[C] wouldn’t talk
[D] not to talk

) In the darkness, I could hear windows [CD#2]. This followed by screams, shouting, and laughter.
[A] to be opened[B] being opened
[C] having opened[D] opening
343) Crime in the cities has had more publicity than[A] crime in the suburbs, but in recent years, many of the suburbs have found their[B] rates increasing faster[C] than the cities.[D]
344) Since she is angry, we .
[A] had better leaving her alone
[B] should leave her alone
[C] might as well leave her alone
[D] had rather leave her alone
345) I need that book badly. If you go to the bookshop this afternoon, please remember a copy for me.
[A] buying
[B] to buy
[C] to have bought
[D] being bought
346) We can’t understand why he avoided to us.

[A] to speak
[B] speech
[C] having spoken
[D] speaking

347) The story was so funny that she couldn’t help .

[A] laughing
[B] but to laugh
[C] to laugh
[D] not to laugh

348) The electric shaver before it can be used.

[A] needs repairing
[B] should be in repair
[C] has to be repairable
[D] must repair

349) by his work, he lay down on the bed to take a rest.

[A] Exhausted
[B] Exhausting
[C] Having Exhausted
[D] To be exhausted

350) With the guide the way, we set out on foot into the dark night.

[A] leading
[B] leads
[C] to lead
[D] led

351) Ten years had passed. I found she had .

[A] a little white hair
[B] some white hair
[C] much white hair
[D] a few white hairs

352) His method of doing [A] research work is hardly [B] appreciated; he feels [C] inferior than [D] others.

353) He was the least [A] prepared [B] of [C] the two who took [D] the examination yesterday.

354) I have no doubt he will overcome all his difficulties.

[A] whether
[B] when
[C] that
[D] if

355) Write clearly your teacher can understand you correctly.

[A] since
[B] for
[C] because
[D] so that

356) The child was immediately after supper.

[A] so tired that he went to bed
[B] enough tired to go to bed
[C] too tired to go to bed
[D] very tired, he went to bed

357) The president of the college, together with [A] the deans, are [B] planning a conference for the purpose of [C] laying down [D] certain regulations.

358) He is one of [A] those [B] persons who is [C] never satisfied [D] .

359) Now that [A] the stress of examinations are [B] over, we can all [C] relax a while [D] .

360) The industrial trend [A] is in [B] the direction of more [C] machines and less [D] people.

361) In [A] cold weather, the individual [B] rails of a railroad track can separate by [C] as many as [D] half an inch.

362) If you don’t

agree to our plan, .

[A] neither they will
[B] so won’t they
[C] neither will they
[D] so they won’t neither

363) I am interested in you have told me.

[A] which
[B] all that
[C] all what
[D] that

364) is inconceivable that the boy might have stolen the money and fled.

[A] He
[B] This
[C] There
[D] It

365) It is because she is too inexperienced she does not know how to deal with the situation.

[A] so
[B] that
[C] so that
[D] therefore

366) Those who’d like to visit the exhibition your names here.

[A] are signing
[B] to sign
[C] sign
[D] are signed

367) Comrade Li be in Beijing because I saw him in town only a few minutes ago.

[A] mustn’t
[B] can’t
[C] may not
[D] isn’t able to

368) He fell asleep immediataly last night; he very tired.

[A] has been
[B] must have been
[C] was able to
[D] was being

369) You go now.It’s getting late.

[A] had better
[B] would rather
[C] had rather
[D] would better

370) To succeed in a scientific research project, .

[A] one needs to be persistent
[B] persistence is needed
[C] one needs be a persistent person
[D] persistence is what one needs

371) l know it isn’t important but l can’t help about it.

[A] but to think
[B] thinking
[C] think
[D] to think

372) I shall never forget the late Premier Zhou during his inspection of our factory.

[A] to meet
[B] to have met
[C] meeting
[D] having been met by

373) several times, they need some encouragement.

[A] Being failed
[B] Having failed
[C] To fail
[D] To be failed

374 I wonder if he could get it before tomorrow.

[A] do
[B] doing
[C] done
[D] to do

375) The more we looked at the picture, .

[A] the less we liked it
[B] we liked it less
[C] better we liked it
[D] it looked better

376) Most American newspapers also publish an enlarged[A] Sunday edition containing[B] articles about the news of the day and of[C] the week plus the[D] number of entertainment and advertising supplements.

377) So involved with their computers that leaders at summer computer camps often have to force them to break for sports and games.

[A] the children become
[B] become the children
[C] the children do become
[D] do the children become

378) I prefer this diagram that one.

[A] than
[B] more than
[C] rather than
[D] to

379) She writes as as her sister.

[A] clear
[B] more clear
[C] clearly
[D] most clearly

380) Never before has [A] so many [B] people in our country been interested [C] in athletic [D] sports.

381) Those [A] of us who [B] work [C] in that chemical plant should have t

heir [D] lungs Xrayed.

382) The high school graduate, if he [A] is eighteen or nineteen, has [B] these alternatives: [C] attending college, finding a job, or the army [D] .

383) The principal [A] reason for the great number [B] of smoke is that there are [C] too many [D] factories in the city.

384) Wood doesn’t conduct electricity, .

[A] so doesn’t rubber
[B] also doesn’t rubber
[C] nor does rubber
[D] nor rubber does

385) Only when you have obtained sufficient data come to a sound conclusion.

[A] can you
[B] would you
[C] you will
[D] you can

386) Hardly had he finished his speech the audience started cheering.

[A] and
[B] when
[C] than
[D] as

387) “Do you have any clothes today?” Mother asked her child.

[A] be washed
[B] washed
[C] to be washed
[D] wash

388) The benefit of [A] goat’s milk lies [B] in the fact that [C] it is more easily to digest [D] by infants and invalids than is cow’s milk.

389) One of the [A] oldest stories about the hidden [B] message is said to have been happened [C] in the fifth [D] century.

390) these two pieces of metal, a special kind of glue is needed.

[A] Joining
[B] Joined
[C] Having joined
[D] To join

391) For overcoming [A] the stiffness of his legs,Jones regularly [B] took long [C] hikes on Mount Adams,the great [D] peak of the Cascades.

392) Certain jets have duplicate sets of engine [A] instruments in order for the pilot [B] and the flight engineer sees that [C] the engines are running [D] .

393) Space exploration is so costly [A] that no single [B] nation can [C] hope sustaining [D] a major program indefinitely.

394) Not only the movements of the earth are [A] of [B] great importance to you, but what the earth is made of [C] also governs [D] what you do.

395) Scarcely [A] the injured man has arrived [B] at the hospital when [C] he was rushed into [D] the operating room.

396) was the Erie Canal an engineering triumph, it quickly proved a financial success as well.

[A] Not only
[B] Only
[C] It
[D] Neither

397) received law degrees as today.

[A] Never so many women have
[B] Never have so many women
[C] The women aren’t ever
[D] Women who have never

398) Not until the late 1870’s an outlet for her talents and sympathies in charitable work.

[A] that Anna Hallowell found
[B] did Anna Hallowell find
[C] when did Anna Hallowell find
[D] when Anna Hallowell found

399) Only after a baby seal is pushed into the sea by its mother to swim.

[A] how will it learn
[B] it will learn how
[C] will it learn how
[D] and it learns how

400) that they made it into a film.

[A] So great was the success of the book
[B] So the success of the book was great
[C] Was the success of the book so great
[D] So great the success of the book was

301) D为正确答案。

302) C为正确答案。

303) B为正确答案。

304) C错,改为be told。

305) A错,改为had。

306) C为正确答案。

307) C为正确答案。

308) C为正确答案。

309) D为正确答案。

310) B错,改为to bring about。

311) D为正确答案。

312) C为正确答案。[have(has) sth(sb.) done 让别人干……]

313) A为正确答案。

314) A为正确答案。

315) C为正确答案。

316) B为正确答案。

317) A为正确答案。

318) D错,改为me。[ Bill and me同时作by的宾语]
319) D为正确答案。

320) D错,改为typist’s。

321) D错,改为decreasing。

322) D错,改为assistant’s。

323) C错,改为could hardly。[not和hardly重复。]

324) D为正确答案。

325) B为正确答案。

326) A错,改为but。

327) C错,改为he。

328) C错,改为but。

329) B为正确答案 。

330) B错,改为his。

331) C为正确答案。

332) B为正确答案。

333) B为正确答案。

334) C为正确答案。

335) C为正确答案。

336) A为正确答案。

337) D为正确答案。

338) B为正确答案。

339) D为正确答案。

340) D为正确答案。

341) C为正确答案。

342) B为正确答案。

343) D错,改为in the cities。

344) C为正确答案。

345) B为正确答案。

346) D为正确答案。

347) A为正确答案。

348) A为正确答案。动词“need”加“动词ing”可以表示被动,相当于“needs to be repaired”。这类动词 还有want, desire, deserve, bear, 以及“be worth”等。如:“The film is not worth seeing twice.”;“Your composition reads well.”有少数动词的进行时也可表示被动,这类动词有print, bind, cook 等,如:“The book is printing.”

349) A为正确答案。[ed分词与其逻辑主语一致]

350) A为正确答案。

351) D为正确答案。

352) D错,改为to。

353) A错,改为less。

354) C为正确答案。

355) D为正确答案。

356) A为正确答案。

357) B错,改为is。

358) C错,改为who are。

359) B错,改为is。

360) D错,改为fewer。

361) D错,改为as much as。

362) C为正确答案。

363) B为正确答案。

364) D为正确答案。

365) B为正确答案。

366) C为正确答案。

367) B为正确答案。

368) B为正确答案。

369) A为正确答案。

370) A为正确答案。

371) B为正确答案。

372) C为正确答案。

373) B为正确答案。

374) C为正确答案。[ have(has,get) sth done 让别人干……事]

375) A为正确答案。

376) D错,改为a。

377) D为正确答案。


) D为正确答案。

379) C为正确答案。

380) A错,改为have。

381) D错,改为our。

382) D错,改为or joining the army。

383) B错,改为amount。

384) C为正确答案。

385) A为正确答案。

386) B为正确答案。

387) C为正确答案。

388) D错,改为“to be digested”。

389) C错,改为to have happened。

390) D为正确答案。

391) A错,改为To overcome。

392) C错,改为to see that。

393) D错,改为不定式to sustain。

394) A错,改为are the movements of the earth。

395) B错,改为has the injured man arrived。

396) A为正确答案。

397) B为正确答案。

398) B为正确答案。

399) C为正确答案。 形成主从结构,要么用并列连词或分号形成并列分句关系。但逗号不能起到连词来连接并列句的作用。用逗号连接的两个分句叫溶合句,这在英语中是不符合语法的。在挑错题中我们应当注意这种不符合语法的句子。

400) A为正确答案。
